

Monday, November 26, 2018


Bon is the traditional religion of Tibet or it was created in 1000's.  There may have been different stages in this religion.  It has similarities and differences to Tibetan Buddhism.  This religion has its own beliefs, scriptures, rituals, and symbols.  There are household deities and other deities.  The priests of this religion are called shen and bonpos. 
The first stage of Bon is called Black Bon, because it was used to protect people from malevolent spirits.  Shenrab Miwoche founded the second stage of Bon.  He became enlightened like Buddha.  He taught people about sky deities.  The last stage of Bon was influenced by Tibetan Buddhism.  Bon my be over 20,000 years old!!!!!!!! 
Some scholars argue that it was created during the time Tibetan Buddhism became popular again.  This was sum time in the 11th century.  A lot of its scriptures are Tibetan Buddhist scriptures.  Both religions have a lot in common.     
Bon vs Tibetan Buddhism
Karma isn't so important in Bon.  Spirits play a bigger role in happenings of our lives.  Goddesses are more powerful in Bon than TB.  Clans are important in Bon not TB.  TB has less marriage rituals than Bon.
There are many spirits in this religion.  Sum or all these spirits became protectors in Tibetan Buddhism.  Mountain spirits are important in Bon.  The leader of clans were chosen by them.   Enlightenment in Bon it is pure awareness.  That is the main goal.     

Sutras: These text dealt with a lot of subject matter.  It deals with deities, Buddhas, and teachers.  It even talks about the goddess of loving-kindness and much more.
Tantras: There are 4 tantras.  There are 2 types: high and low.  The low tantras help people become like the deities.  There is the symbolic being, knowledge being, and action being.  The symbolic being is visualization or mantra of deities.  The knowledge being understand the positive qualities of deities.  Action being is a combination of the first two.  It is very compassionate and free negative emotions.  The higher teaching deals with bliss and emptiness. 
Dzogchen:  This teaches us to be open and present. 
Bonpos say mantras, make yantras, and form mudras.  They turn prayerwheels counterclockwise.  They give offerings of water to spirits.  The rituals are very shamanistic.  They have a death ritual.  They have ceremonies that help spirits of the deceased cross over.     
Namchu Wangden: It represents Kalachakra. 

Swastika: It represents 4 directions and center, Buddha-nature, etc.

8 Auspicious Symbols: They cause good luck.

Glorious Endless Knot: Interdependence of all things. 

Vase: Virtues and wealth.

They are many other symbols, but this will suffice.
Nan: Tree spirits

Sadag: Earth spirits

Tsan: Sky spirits

Klu: Water spirits

Yum Chen Sherab Chamma:  Goddess of love and compassion.
Sidpa Gyalmo:  "Queen of the universe."  Great protector goddess.
Kuntu Zangpo: God of enlightenment.  
Khyung Mar: Great protector god that heals and blesses.  
This is a great religion!!!  I like its wrathful deities and its rituals.  It has sweet symbols and scriptures.  It has a lot in common with Tibetan Buddhism.  It may be over 10,000 years old !!!!!!!


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