

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Taino Spirituality

The Tainos have complex spiritual system.  They have their own creation story, spirits, rituals and art.  They used a entheogen to communicate with spirits.  They performed ceremonies that gave that gave them great joy.
Creation Story
Atabey created the universe and 2 sons.  They were Yucaju and Guacar.  Yucaju created lifeforms.  He wanted to make a lifeform  that was as low as an animal nor high as a god.  That why he created humans.  The first human created was Locuo.  Guacar was envious of what his brother created.  Guacar changed his name to Juracan.  He became the god of strong winds and other natural disasters.  The winds would blow so hard animals and planets would get killed.   Yucaju created zemis to help Locuo.  The first man and woman sprung from his belly button.  Their children populated the earth.  Juracan created evil spirits to torment humans.
Tainos saw the Caribs as agents of Juracan.  This was because they destroyed villages and kidnapped women.  When they met the Spanish they thought they were agents of Yucaju.  They soon founded out they were wrong. 
Zemi is the Taino word 4 spirit.  Sum Zemis were ancestors, others were deities.

Hupia: Spirit of a deceased person.

Atabey: Creatress.  Goddess of water, beauty, and the fertility cycle.
Yucahu: Creator.  Son of Atabey.  He finished creating the universe after she got started.God of peace and farming. 
Juracan: God of hurricanes.  Creator of evil.

Boinayel: God of rain.  His tears fertilized the earth.

Maquetaurie Guayabe: Lord of the underworld.  He allowed hupias to enter the realm of the blessed or caused them to remain on earth.

Moboyas: God of death, destruction, and darkness.   

There are many more Zemis.
Sacred statues are known as Zemis as well.  Images of Zemis were craved in stones.  Art was used for shamanism, divination, funerals, music, etc.  Dujos (stools) were used by chiefs and shamans in ceremonies.  That reminds me of the Ashanti.  Tainos believed certain Zemis had magick power.
The shamans grinded up a nut called cohoba and snorted it.  They would look @ Zemis and it talk to them after the ingested cohoba.  In Puerto Rico Tainos had ceremony called Areyto.  They would fast b4 the ceremony and use cohoba.  They planted their bodies and wore jewelry.  After that sum people would carry bread and sing about the zemis.  They would play musical instruments as well. 
The Tainos are a great people!!!!!!!  They have a great creation story, art, rituals, and deities.  They are sum of the nicest people in the world.  One day I hope to have the privilege to them.
Important Info

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