

Saturday, January 27, 2018


The Naga tribes live in India and Myanmar.  They are several Naga tribes.  They speak different languages that are a part of the Tibeto-Burman language family.  They have there own territory called Nagaland.  They have a rich culture and history.

This state is located in Northeast India.  Christ-insanity is popular there.  Farming is very important to this state. The crops are rice, corn, millet, tobacco, oilseeds, sugarcane, sugarcane, etc.  The Naga tribes have been in this land for over 700 years. 

The British took over India in the 19th century.  They were unable to conquer the Naga.  Sometimes the Naga would rid the British, so they were terrified.  Then Christian missionaries came and calmed the Naga down.

There are 2 million people in Nagaland.  They live in mostly rural areas.  The literacy rate is 80%!  They love to speak English.  There is an airport and several highways in Nagaland.
Some of the tribes are Angami, Ao, Chang, Konyak, Lotha, Phom, Rengma, Sangtam, and Sumi.
Angami: They have their own language.  They farm rice and herd cattle.  They use to fight all time and they were headhunters.  Inheritance is shared equally.
Ao: They are the first tribe to convert to Christ-insanity.  They were the first to embrace the ways of the white man.
Chang: The Ao tribe might be there ancestors.  They were headhunters.  B4 they became Christian they believed humans were a part of nature.  They have their own language.  They make rice beer.  They enjoy eating meat and fish. They have bamboo flutes and are patrilineal.  They like Christmas.
Konyak: They love tattoos and piercings; they are great blacksmiths.  They were the last tribe to accept Christ-insanity.  They would keep the heads of their enemies as trophies.
Lotha: There are over 1/2 million people in this tribe!  They love to dance and sing; they have a friendship festival.
Phom: They make pottery and craft bamboo.  They believe their ancestors were stones.  They bury the deceased above ground.
Rengma: They are closely related to the Lotha.  Slavery was practiced among them.  They bury people with their weapons.
Sangtam: They speak their own language.  They mixed their old-time religion with Christ-insanity.  
Sumi: There are over a quarter million of them!  A few of them follow the religion of there ancestors.  They make rice beer too.
There are 16 Naga tribes.  They originated in China.  They have been in India about 800 years.  They have great language and culture.  English is the national language and they are mostly Baptist.

Naga Identity

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Fraternitas Saturni

Saturn is one my favorite planets in astrology, but be careful its the most dangerous. A Saturn cult was created in Germany.  That country is very Saturnian or @ least it used to be.  Membership is open to men and women.  It has 33 degrees and its own doctrine and rituals. They practice unique forms of magick and they have a hard on 4 Saturn.
Saturn: Its over time, change, death, disease, restriction,  limitation, bizzness, government, bandwagon mentality,  banishment, maturity, responsibility, and discipline.  He's a stern father figure.  Billions of people worship Saturn.  He is El, Allah, Yahweh, and Cronus in mythology.  His symbol is a black cube and hexagram.  What is the Kaaba and the Star of David?  Saturn symbols are everywhere.  GameCube. 
Founder: It was founded by Eugen Grosche in 1926.  He was a great author and occultist.  He wrote 10 books.   He mixed various magickal systems together to create Fraternitas Saturni.  They are as followed: Luciferianism, yoga, ritual & sex magick, alchemy, astrology, Thelema, OTO, and Scottish Rite Freemasonry.  He ruled the cult 4 almost 40 years!!!   There have been 9 grandmasters after him.
                                             Image result for eugen grosche
Doctrine: The Age of Aquarius will be ruled by Saturn.  Saturn is Lucifer and the demiurge.  Our reincarnation is based on karma.  All the chakras can be awaken by the Kundalini.  Ritual magick from Medieval Europe is popular among the brotherhood.  The Tarot and Kabbalah isn't so important to them like other European magickal cults.  They like mirror magick, demonic magick, and pendulum magick.

They have a egregore named GOTOS.  The grandmaster is representative GOTOS.  It helps members of the lodge to spiritually evolve.  This egregore contains orderly and chaotic energies; which the initiate must balance.  GOTOS has great magickal power.  Members tap into this power with the proper ritual.  Certain rituals charge GOTOS.
Degrees: This brotherhood has 33 degrees like the Scottish Rite Freemasonry.  0-11 are the outer degrees.  They are for those just beginning.  No commitment is required.  12-10 are the Rosicrucian degrees.  You must commit to the order and Saturnian current.  The rest are high degrees.  Degrees 29-33 can only be held by 1 person @ a time.     
                                Related image                             
Symbols: Rings are given out when a person reaches a certain degree.  The rings are silver, which is the metal of the moon.  Saturnian energy hits the moon b4 it reaches earth.  Black robes are worn by initiates because Black is Saturn's color.
                                  Image result for rings of Fraternitas Saturni                                                                                             
Rituals: They are very Masonic and have 20 sacraments.  Most sex rituals happen in the 18th degree.  The sex magic is based on Tantra.  A thought form is created by doing the 5-M Rites and other sex rituals.
                               Image result for Fraternitas Saturni degrees               
This cult is amazing!!!!!!!!!  Where can I sign up?  I am very SaturnianBut I like to think I am more Neptunian.  It got sweet degrees, symbols, rituals, and doctrines.  I don't want 2 commit too a order or a certain type of energy.  I like to be free because I'm a Pisces.  I'm so Jupitertarian!!!!!!!!  Lucifer is Venus because he is the morning star.  You can learn a lot from studying this Saturn cult.
Stephen E. Flowers

Thursday, January 18, 2018

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was the greatest European magickal organization in modern history!!!!!  It was founded by 3 people and it focused on ceremonial magick and spiritual development. There were 3 sets of grades within Golden Dawn.  It only lasted for 91 years.  Many other organizations came from Golden Dawn.
It lasted from 1887-1978.

Founders: William Robert WoodmanWilliam Wynn Westcott, and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers created it.  They were Masons and Rosicrucians.  Woodman was an English surgeon.  Westcott was a coroner and a Theosophist.  Samuel was a polyglot.  

Structure: There were 3 orders.  The first order had 6 degrees and the last two had 3 degrees.  As a person progressed in degrees their knowledge grew.  In the first order, the person learned about the 4 elements(earth, water, air, and fire), tarot, geomancy, and astrology.  In the second order, they were taught high magick, alchemy, astral projection, and scrying.  People in the third order was in charge of the other 2. They were in communication with the highly evolved spirits.      

Hermetic Qabbalah:  Its similar to the Jewish Kabbalah and the Christian Cabbalah.  Each of the sephiroths corresponds to a planet and they have certain traits.  Each sephirah/planet can help you in a certain area of life. 
Angels:  They had a strong belief in angels.  There are 10 choirs of angels.  The choirs correspond to 10 sephiroth on the tree of life. 
Rituals: They did ceremonial magick in private.  They did the Kabbalistic Cross, Greater and Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, Greater and Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram, Water Purification, Fire Consecration, Magickal Eucharist, Middle Pillar, etc. 
Splitter Groups
Several other organizations came out of the Golden Dawn.  The Isis-Urania temple became independent of the Golden Dawn because they didn't like its leadership.  They practiced Christian mysticism and was lead by the creator of the modern-day tarot cards.  Alpha et Omega was led by Samuel Mathers.  They practiced sex magick. Stella Matutina was similar to the Golden Dawn.  Aleister Crowley created the AA. They practiced yoga, ceremonial magick, and Buddhism.


This organization had great knowledge.  It had great structure, rituals, and members. The angels are sweet and so is the Hermetic Qabbalah.  There is much to learn from them.  There is a modern version of this order too!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


When did they get started?  What do they believe?  Where are they located?  How are they organized? What effect have they had on Western society?  Are they good or evil?  Should I join?  Do they have a museum?  What can I learn from them?  Why do they even exist?
Reason 4 Being
They discover the purpose of the universe by studying the laws of nature.  With this knowledge, they are able to improve their lives and help others do the same.  They uncover their purpose in life and live passionately. They are aware of the physical, mental, and spiritual planes of existence.  This cult is open to men and women.
Structure of Rosicrucian Order: This organization ruled by the Sovereign Council.  It consists of the president, grand secretary, grand treasurer, and Concilor.  The Sovereign Council make sure the members receive proper instruction.  They select officials, which are leaders of certain areas of the organization.  There are other Rosicrucian organizations that may have a different structure.
Beliefs: There concepts come from Hermeticism, Jewish Mysticism, and Christian Gnosticism.  We are all part of a formless sea of oneness.  There are 7 planes of consciousness.  They are as follows: elemental, mineral, plant, animal, human, demi-god, and god.  The higher the plane of consciousness an entity is on the more aware it is.  Mediation and visualization are very important.  There are other beliefs but this will suffice. 
Symbols:  The Rose Cross represents the body and consciousness.  The All Seeing Eye represents God seeing everything.  The 3 Steps represent youth, maturity, and old age. It also represents body, mind, and soul.  The hexagram represents complimentary pair.  The Scythe represents the destructive forces of nature. Life is always changing.  There are other symbols, but you will figure it out.
Rituals: The Zelator: The neophyte must take the middle path between good and evil.  The Theoricus is an initiation ritual that involves the air element.  It transforms the student.  The Practicus is a busy ritual.  You have to stay active while doing it.  Its tied to Mercury.  Philosophus is the final ritual.  You have to remember the syllabus and do all the other rituals.  Once this is complete you get the highest degree.
Building: The Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum has many artifacts.                            
Possible Origins
Legend has it Akhenaten founded the Rosicrucians.  Once Akhenaten died the order left Kemet and went into Asia.  Solomon was taught by them.  Historically it was founded by Christian Rosenkreuz in the 14th century.  B4 he created the order he went to Arabia, Egypt, and Morroco learned a bunch.  The order disappeared 4 centuries and reappeared in the 17th century.  
The Masons believe the disciple Mark converted some gnostics in Alexandria.  Those gnostics created the Rosicrucians.  They fused the Kemetic mysteries with Christianity.  If true the Rosicrucians existed b4 Christian Rosenkreuz.  
Christian may have got his ideas from the Brethren of Purity.  They were located in Iraq.  They followed Greek philosophy, especially Pythagoras.  They were abstinence.
Famous Rosicrucians
Nostradamus: Great diviner.  
Leonardo Di Vinci: Creative multi-gensius.  Made many inventions.  
Francis Bacon: Philosopher, statesman, scientist, author, orator, etc.
Manly P. Hall: He wrote a book about religion and mysteries.  His audios are on Utube.  Have a listen.
Michael Faraday: Made discoveries in chemistry and electromagnetism.
Marie Corelli: Novelist.  She tried to combine mysticism and Christ-insanity.  
Ella Wheeler Wilcox: Autor and poet.
Edith Piaf: Great singer.  
Clarice Lispector: Great author.
Maysa: Feminist


I like this organization.  They got sweet beliefs, symbols, rituals, and a museum.  They had a big impact on Western society.  I could gain great knowledge from them and so could you.  LOOK INTO THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Order of 9 Angles

This cult is super satanic, hermetic, and practices Arab magick.  They interact with acasual spirits. They sacrifice someone every 17 years.  It has been around 4 over 30 years.  The leader of this cult most likely supported terrorists.  They have the 7 Fold Way, which is like their philosophy.
The O9A is super satanic.  They look down on The Church of Satan and The Temple of Set.  They see Satanism as a tool to accomplish their goal of self-mastery. They're against Judeo-Christianity; some people become Satanists because they don't like Abrahamic religions.  This is somewhat the case in O9A.  They feel Abrahamic religions crippled Western society by making it weak.

They follow the left-hand path or so it seems.  That's about becoming divine.  That path is more individualistic and esoteric.  People who follow this path live by their own code of ethics.  They will break taboos if it suits their purpose.  Most people follow the right-hand path. That's mainstream religion.  It's about worshipping a deity more or less.  It has morality and it's mostly exoteric.

They believe in aeons; about every 2,000 years a civilization dominates the world. There have been 5 aeons. They believe @ the end of each aeon the military takes over.  They want to create the new Galactic aeon.  In the new aeon the Ayrans will conquer the Milky Way.  To do this they feel they have to decrease the human population.  I guess it was influenced by Theosophy or simply Nazism.

Humans live in a casual realm.  Members of O9A tap into the energy of the acausal realm to make magick happen.  There are 3 forms of magick in the O9A.  They are as follows: external, internal, and aeonic. External: ceremonial and hermetic/sexual magick.  Internal: this form of magick creates an altered state of consciousness in the practitioner.  Aeonic: this form of magick influences a large number of people.  It can only be used by someone who mastered external and internal magick.  This type of magick is used to disrupt Western society to hasten the new aeon.

They believe in acausal deities.  Some them see as parts of their subconsciousness. These spirits are very dangerous!  There's a goddess named Baphomet.  She is based on Kali.  There is another spirit named Vindex.  Satan is an acausal spirit and there are others.  Michael Aquino founder of Temple of Set interacts with acausal spirits as well.

They oppose sacrificing animals and children.  They feel people with character flaws should be sacrificed, since there are so many people.  They are getting rid of people they see as replaceable.  The person is killed physically or magically.  Then the killer absorbs that person soul becoming more powerful and gains a greater connection to acausal energies.   Members of O9A joined the police and military, so they can sacrifice people and get away with it.  They call the masses mundanes and see them as useless eaters.


In 1960's a witch in the UK united 3 temples, that became O9A.  She initiated Anton Long.  He is the current leader of O9A.  Long made the cult more popular in 70's.  He inspired others to create temples 4 this cult. He increased the teaching and myths of the cult.  It is believed Anton Long is David Myatt.  David Myatt supported Neo-Nazis and Islamic fundamentalists.  David denies he's Anton.  Anton Long may be a name used by multiple people in O9A.

In the 80's O9A wrote some books and published a journal.  The literature dealt with "philosophical tracts, ritual instruction, letters, poetry, and gothic fiction."  They created their own tarot cards and board game. O9A linked up with other Neo-Nazi Satanist groups and now it's in several countries now.

In the 90's it entered its 2nd phase, which was about increasing their knowledge. In 2008 they reached there  3rd phase which was recruiting people via internet.  Now it seems like they will slow that down.

It seems like this is the most diverse satanic cult in the world.  It has more women in it, then the Church of Satan and The Temple of Set.  They have more old people and rich people too.  Members of this cult tend to be on the right of the political spectrum.  

7 Fold Way

" Initiation, Second Degree Initiation, External Adept, Internal Adept, Master/Mistress (or High Priest/Priestess), Magus and Immortal."  Each stage a person gains, the better they're able to handle acausal energy.  Anton learned about  9 planets from studying Arabic texts.  The 7 fold way have similarities to the Kabbalah.


Super-satanic nazis who may be extreme sexual perverts are plotting to take over the world.  Run 4 the hills!!!!!!!!!!!  I wrote about the O9A because it's interesting.  My advice to you is to stay away from this organization.  O9A is just awful because it is racist and ill-informed.  But you can learn a lot by reading their literature without embracing their evil ideas.


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Mystery Schools

Mystery Schools
What is it?  When did it start?  How did get started?   Who started the first one? Where were they located? What did they teach?  How did they influence civilizations? Where they esoteric colleges?  Did they influence religion?  Who shut them down? Why did they shut them down?  Are some still up today?  What is the basis of the Freemasonry?
There were/are occult learning centers around the world.  They weren't/aren't open to the public.  They were/are secret societies.  Only a select few can join.  They taught/teach spiritual, magical, religious, and/or academic knowledge.
In ancient times sum Greek men went to esoteric schools to learn philosophy.  They called these esoteric schools mystery schools(MSs).  Most Greek philosophers went to Kemet to learn or was taught by someone that went to Kemet.  Then they taught want they learned to the profane and wrote it down.  They weren't supposed to do this.
I don't know who started MS, but they been around a long time.  Some people believe they started in Atlantis.  Atlantis was a very advanced technological civilization if it existed.  People there interacted with aliens.  Some MSs may have been infiltrated by reptoids and/or other extraterrestrials and possibly interdimenisonals.
The oldest known MS was in Kemet.  People from surrounding areas would go to the Kemetian MSs.  They were called the House of Life.  Pharaohs, princes, princesses, priests, priestess, and scribes went to them. Circumcision was required 4 a man to become a priest.  I assume it was done in the House of Life.  They also did a lot of bathing.
There were 42 books they studied from.  The belief was it was created by Tehuti.  The Vatican Library may hose these books today.  Legend has it that Plato was initiated in the Great Pyramid and he had out of body experience.  Even Moses and Yeshua Ben Yosef went to the House of Life.  They may have not been real, but that's another story.
Alexandria was created after the Greeks colonized Kemet.  There was a large library there.  Books in the House of Life(s) were taken out and put into the Library of Alexandria.  Those books and others were translated into Greek.  This may have been the first public library.  The library was destroyed by Romans, Christians, and/or Muslims.
Manetho wrote about the history of Kemet.  He wrote a chronology of dynasties.  It took him 3 books to write all that.  He may have really been Ptolemy of Mendes.
Rosicrucians say they have their origin in Kemet.  They say Amenhotep III created them.  That's amazing!!!! The Freemasonry may be a spin-off of the Rosicrucians.

There were MSs in Babylonia.  They taught music and mathematics.  Pythagoras went to Phoenicia, Kemet, and Babylonia to learn the mysteries.  He taught what he learned to the Greeks.  What is known as the Pythagorean Theorem was created, b4 Pythagoras!  It was known in Kemet, Babylonia, and India b4 Classical Greece existed!  Persia had MSs.  These mystery schools dealt with Zoroastrianism and the mysteries of fire.  Persia may have had the first medical school!!!
Priests in India are called Brahmins.  They taught knowledge that non-Brahmins aren't taught.  They are the highest caste in India. They marry people, baptize, give last rites, etc.  Some of them are taught astrology, magick, and/or Averyveda.  They are the overlords of Hinduism
There were several European MSs.  The Greeks and Romans had MSs.  They dealt with Dynosis, Mithra, and other deities.  There was a Pythagorean MS and Epicurean communities(ECs).  ECs became Christan monasteries later on.  Celtic and Germanic tribes had MSs 4 their priests.  Celtic priests were called Druids and Germanic priests were called Gothi.  I guess the Knights Templars were like an MS.  I heard they were given knowledge by the Assassins.  The greatest modern European MS was the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
There were many other MSs too, but this will suffice.

House of Life: The 42 Precepts of Maat, 10 virtues & 7 liberal Arts were taught there. Astrology, alchemy, magick, medicine, music, writing, geography, philosophy, history, 7 Loa of Tehuti, astral projection, esp, chakras, yoga, and other subjects were taught there as well.  Most of the knowledge came from 42 Books of Tehuti.  Similar subjects were taught @ other mystery schools.
This cult is based on the Kemetic MSs.  It is very political and somewhat magickal.  It has been influenced by Judaism and Islam.  There is also a Moorish connection. Freemasons were enemies of the Catholic Church, now they joined forces. Freemasons are foot soldiers for the Illuminati.  Most Freemasons don't know this stuff.  Read books by Albert Churchward.  He proves the rituals Masons do exist since time immoral all around the world.
MSs had a big impact on civilization and religion.  Most of the world's leaders came out of them.  People in the MSs knew more of the truth than the masses.  I assume initiates were monotheistic while most people were polytheistic.  I think they saw different deities as personified characteristics of one diety.  What was once private is now public.  Some of the subjects we learn today were once taught in the MSs.  What was once known by a few, is now known by many.  We're in the Age of Aquarius so all will be revealed. Morden day religion is the bastardized versions of what was taught in the mystery schools.

Yeshua Ben Yosef may have been an Essenes!!!!!!  The Essenes were known as the Physicians of the Soul in Kemet.  They moved to Judah.  They were influenced by Pythagoreans and Buddhists.  They remind me of hippies.  Christian doctrine originated with them or so it seems.
A lot of European scientists were in MSs.  Isaac Newton, Godfrey Higgins, Francis Bacon were all Freemasons.  The U.S. establishment was Masonic.  The French Revolution and Jack the Ripper were Masonic.  Some MSs have a great impact on the world.
When Christianity became popular certain Byzantine emperors had MSs shut down because it was a threat to Christ-insanity.  Later on, Christians went around the world destroying sacred texts.  Muslims did this as well but to a smaller degree.  A lot of knowledge was lost because of this.  The Abrahamic religions(ARs) promote anti-intellectualism and war. ARs are the root cause of all hell on earth.
You can learn a lot from studying the MSs.  They have much to offer.  They are closer to the truth than mainstream religion.  Occult means hidden and esoteric means secret.  Learn as much as can, so you can improve your life and help others do the same.    

42 Negative Confessions
10 Ketemic Vitures
The Secret Teachings of All Ages
The Temples of Light
Stolen Legacy
Temple of the Cosmos
The African Unconscious
Aquarian Gospel
Muata Ashby
Moses and Monotheism