

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


When did they get started?  What do they believe?  Where are they located?  How are they organized? What effect have they had on Western society?  Are they good or evil?  Should I join?  Do they have a museum?  What can I learn from them?  Why do they even exist?
Reason 4 Being
They discover the purpose of the universe by studying the laws of nature.  With this knowledge, they are able to improve their lives and help others do the same.  They uncover their purpose in life and live passionately. They are aware of the physical, mental, and spiritual planes of existence.  This cult is open to men and women.
Structure of Rosicrucian Order: This organization ruled by the Sovereign Council.  It consists of the president, grand secretary, grand treasurer, and Concilor.  The Sovereign Council make sure the members receive proper instruction.  They select officials, which are leaders of certain areas of the organization.  There are other Rosicrucian organizations that may have a different structure.
Beliefs: There concepts come from Hermeticism, Jewish Mysticism, and Christian Gnosticism.  We are all part of a formless sea of oneness.  There are 7 planes of consciousness.  They are as follows: elemental, mineral, plant, animal, human, demi-god, and god.  The higher the plane of consciousness an entity is on the more aware it is.  Mediation and visualization are very important.  There are other beliefs but this will suffice. 
Symbols:  The Rose Cross represents the body and consciousness.  The All Seeing Eye represents God seeing everything.  The 3 Steps represent youth, maturity, and old age. It also represents body, mind, and soul.  The hexagram represents complimentary pair.  The Scythe represents the destructive forces of nature. Life is always changing.  There are other symbols, but you will figure it out.
Rituals: The Zelator: The neophyte must take the middle path between good and evil.  The Theoricus is an initiation ritual that involves the air element.  It transforms the student.  The Practicus is a busy ritual.  You have to stay active while doing it.  Its tied to Mercury.  Philosophus is the final ritual.  You have to remember the syllabus and do all the other rituals.  Once this is complete you get the highest degree.
Building: The Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum has many artifacts.                            
Possible Origins
Legend has it Akhenaten founded the Rosicrucians.  Once Akhenaten died the order left Kemet and went into Asia.  Solomon was taught by them.  Historically it was founded by Christian Rosenkreuz in the 14th century.  B4 he created the order he went to Arabia, Egypt, and Morroco learned a bunch.  The order disappeared 4 centuries and reappeared in the 17th century.  
The Masons believe the disciple Mark converted some gnostics in Alexandria.  Those gnostics created the Rosicrucians.  They fused the Kemetic mysteries with Christianity.  If true the Rosicrucians existed b4 Christian Rosenkreuz.  
Christian may have got his ideas from the Brethren of Purity.  They were located in Iraq.  They followed Greek philosophy, especially Pythagoras.  They were abstinence.
Famous Rosicrucians
Nostradamus: Great diviner.  
Leonardo Di Vinci: Creative multi-gensius.  Made many inventions.  
Francis Bacon: Philosopher, statesman, scientist, author, orator, etc.
Manly P. Hall: He wrote a book about religion and mysteries.  His audios are on Utube.  Have a listen.
Michael Faraday: Made discoveries in chemistry and electromagnetism.
Marie Corelli: Novelist.  She tried to combine mysticism and Christ-insanity.  
Ella Wheeler Wilcox: Autor and poet.
Edith Piaf: Great singer.  
Clarice Lispector: Great author.
Maysa: Feminist


I like this organization.  They got sweet beliefs, symbols, rituals, and a museum.  They had a big impact on Western society.  I could gain great knowledge from them and so could you.  LOOK INTO THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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