

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Fraternitas Saturni

Saturn is one my favorite planets in astrology, but be careful its the most dangerous. A Saturn cult was created in Germany.  That country is very Saturnian or @ least it used to be.  Membership is open to men and women.  It has 33 degrees and its own doctrine and rituals. They practice unique forms of magick and they have a hard on 4 Saturn.
Saturn: Its over time, change, death, disease, restriction,  limitation, bizzness, government, bandwagon mentality,  banishment, maturity, responsibility, and discipline.  He's a stern father figure.  Billions of people worship Saturn.  He is El, Allah, Yahweh, and Cronus in mythology.  His symbol is a black cube and hexagram.  What is the Kaaba and the Star of David?  Saturn symbols are everywhere.  GameCube. 
Founder: It was founded by Eugen Grosche in 1926.  He was a great author and occultist.  He wrote 10 books.   He mixed various magickal systems together to create Fraternitas Saturni.  They are as followed: Luciferianism, yoga, ritual & sex magick, alchemy, astrology, Thelema, OTO, and Scottish Rite Freemasonry.  He ruled the cult 4 almost 40 years!!!   There have been 9 grandmasters after him.
                                             Image result for eugen grosche
Doctrine: The Age of Aquarius will be ruled by Saturn.  Saturn is Lucifer and the demiurge.  Our reincarnation is based on karma.  All the chakras can be awaken by the Kundalini.  Ritual magick from Medieval Europe is popular among the brotherhood.  The Tarot and Kabbalah isn't so important to them like other European magickal cults.  They like mirror magick, demonic magick, and pendulum magick.

They have a egregore named GOTOS.  The grandmaster is representative GOTOS.  It helps members of the lodge to spiritually evolve.  This egregore contains orderly and chaotic energies; which the initiate must balance.  GOTOS has great magickal power.  Members tap into this power with the proper ritual.  Certain rituals charge GOTOS.
Degrees: This brotherhood has 33 degrees like the Scottish Rite Freemasonry.  0-11 are the outer degrees.  They are for those just beginning.  No commitment is required.  12-10 are the Rosicrucian degrees.  You must commit to the order and Saturnian current.  The rest are high degrees.  Degrees 29-33 can only be held by 1 person @ a time.     
                                Related image                             
Symbols: Rings are given out when a person reaches a certain degree.  The rings are silver, which is the metal of the moon.  Saturnian energy hits the moon b4 it reaches earth.  Black robes are worn by initiates because Black is Saturn's color.
                                  Image result for rings of Fraternitas Saturni                                                                                             
Rituals: They are very Masonic and have 20 sacraments.  Most sex rituals happen in the 18th degree.  The sex magic is based on Tantra.  A thought form is created by doing the 5-M Rites and other sex rituals.
                               Image result for Fraternitas Saturni degrees               
This cult is amazing!!!!!!!!!  Where can I sign up?  I am very SaturnianBut I like to think I am more Neptunian.  It got sweet degrees, symbols, rituals, and doctrines.  I don't want 2 commit too a order or a certain type of energy.  I like to be free because I'm a Pisces.  I'm so Jupitertarian!!!!!!!!  Lucifer is Venus because he is the morning star.  You can learn a lot from studying this Saturn cult.
Stephen E. Flowers

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