

Thursday, December 28, 2017


Sanse has a rich history and it was created in Purto Rico.  It has sweet beliefs, spirits, and rituals.  It is very diverse, this is because it has been influenced by Tainos, Africans, Dominicans, Haitians, French, Chinese, Irish, Gypsies, etc. Ancestors and spirit guides play a big role in Sanse.  Each person has their own special spirit guide. Initiation is paramount!  But it is not required.  Sanse is a religion and a form of magick.
A Papa Bokor from the Dominican Republic moved to Purto Rico.  2 or 3 other practitioners of 21 Divisions came with him as well.  @ this time Puro Ricans were practicing Espiritismo.  Papa Bokor became friends with the spirits of the Island. Sanse is a mixture of Tanio practices, 21 Divisions, Espiritismo, and Brujeria.

There is a supreme being and spirits exist.  Humans are spirits in the flesh.  We can communicate with spirits. Spirits have the power to influence the matrial plane.  There are good spirits and evil spirits.  Good spirits help and evil spirits harm.  The law of causation is universal.  We all have spiritual gifts, so we should make them stronger. We all have a spiritual court (Cuadro).  They are a group of spirits and abilities that help us. We can make this court stronger which will improve our lives.  Karma isn't real.  This religious-magickal system deals with many types of spirits.  Such as Taino, Lwas, Angels, Saints, Ancestors, Spirit Guides, etc. Sanse is open to all people regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual preference, etc.  Everyone is @ a different spiritual level.  People with great spiritual ability should help those with little spiritual ability.
Spiritual Mass: All spirits are welcomed in this ceremony.  People get healed, messages from spirits, and removal of negativity during this mass.
Fiesta Espiritual: Similar to the ritual above, but it includes music.
Velacion: This is a public prayer.  Candles are lit which helps spirits connect with people.  
The focus of these rituals is spiritual empowerment.  They help people improve their lives.  

Animal sacrifice is rare in Sanse.   
7 Divisions (Families)
A division is a group of spirits.  They may have come from the same tribe and/or have similar traits.

1st: It called Baron's Division, Ghede Division, and Black Divison.  It is led by Baron Del Cementerio.  They can assist you getting a husband or wife, obtaining wealth, protection, hexes, etc.  The color of this division is black and white.
2nd: It is called Division of Doors, Open Path Division, and Papa Legba Division. Papa Legba is the leader of this division.  The spirits of this family and connect the spiritual world to the physical world and they give people opportunities.  They can help someone find a job.  They can cause great blessings!!!  The color of this division is brown.
3rd: This is the sun division.   The leader is Gran Soley.  The spirits of this division deal with wealth, wisdom, spiritual abilities, etc.  They help with initiation.  The colors of this division are yellow, orange, and white.

4th: This is the water division.   The leader of this family is Archangel Raphael.  The spirits in this division are Taino and rule over water.  Tainos were the natives of Purto Rico.   They have the power to cleanse, heal, luck, love, etc.  The color of this division is green.

5th: This is the female division.  Metresii is the leader.  They resolve many different problems, reverse hexes, help people obtain wealth, etc.  The color of this division is pink.

6th: This is the fire division.  It is called Candelo Division.  Candelo Cedife is the leader.  The spirits of this division can help improve your bizzness, justice, protection, etc.  The color of this division is red.
7th: This is Air (Justice) Division.  The leader is Archangel Michael.  The spirits of this division deal with justice and war.  Oguns are in this division and/or the 6th.  The color of is Dark Blue.

Ancestors & Spirit Guides
Our ancestors can have a big impact on our lives.  They can help us grow as tall an oak tree!!!!!!!  There are many spirit guides.  They come from all over the world.   Spirit guides evolve by helping humans.  Most of these spirits are human, sum are not. There are groups of spirit guides called commissions.  I will list sum of them.
1. This commission is composed of shamans, healers, witches, and other people that did magick.  They help you heal and with magick.

2. This is the Gypsy commission.  They help with divination.
3. This commission is composed of African slaves that were servants.  They help heal, children, spells, cleansing, etc.
4. This commission is full of pirates.

5. This is the (native) American commission.  They can help in every way.
6. This is the Asian commission.  They help with luck and spiritual development.
7. Arabic commission.  They know Muslim magick and how to work with Jinn.

8. Healing commission.  These spirits were doctors and nurses.

9. Congo commission.  Bakongo spirits that are very magickal.

10. Saints

11. Hindu deities

12. Angels

13. Spirits of people who were enslaved

There are many other commissions.
We all have a principal guide.  They help us evolve spiritually, give messages, and connects us to other spirits.  Our personal spirit guide is closer to us than any other spirits.  It takes more energy to connect with other spirits than our guides.  Our guides can give messages to the other spirits 4 us.  This saves us energy.

Bautizo is what initiation is called in Sanse.  B4 you get initiated you must get a spiritual consultation.  During this consultation, you will learn Cuadro.  The consultant will divine the spirits in your Cuadro.  B4 initiation the person must fast and follow other rules.  The Centinela will be baptized into the initiate head.  They will be spiritually empowered.
Sanse is religio-magickal system open to people from all walks of life.  It has a sweet history, beliefs, deities, angels, saints, spirit guides, rituals, initiation, etc.  It's my favorite religio-magickal system @ the moment because I love its diversity.  It like a big gumbo with everything thrown in.


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