

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Dominican Vudu

Dominican Vudu (DV) is called 21 Divisions (nations) because it has 21 groups of spirits in it.  It is several centuries old and has 3 main groups of spirits.  Each spirit has a Veve.  It was influenced by Catholicism.  It is different from Haitian Vodou even though they have a lot in common.  There are various rituals in DV.
3 Main Groups
The 1st group is very sunny.  They are docile, sweet, benevolent, ancient, and calm. The sun is their symbol because they are good-natured.  This group of Loa same as the Rada nation of Haitian Vodou.  These spirits have European imagery.
The 2nd group is lunar.  They are represented by the moon.  They are the Petro and Ghede nation of Haitian Vodou.  Petro Loa are aggressive and hot-tempered.  They are upset with how Americans & Africans were mistreated by Europeans during slavery.

The 3rd group deals with the earth.  These Loa are Taino spirits.  Some of the Loa in this group are in other groups.
21 Nations in DV
The 21 nations in DV come from 21 African tribes.  Some of the tribes are Hausa, Bakongo, Igbo, Yoruba, Bambara, Ewe, and Fon.  Each tribe had their own deities. They shared ideas with each other the Tainos and the Spanish.  DV was heavily influenced by Catholicism because the Spanish promoted it.  Spain ruled the Dominican Republic until the Haitians set it free.
The first nation is full of Legbas.  They connect the spirit world to the physical world. They are great communicators.  Their color is brown, but each Legba has their own color as while.  The Legbas are more omnipresent than other Loa.  They get the first offering and prayer in every ritual.
The 2nd nation is full Oguns.  They love Legba and they clear paths and heal.  The Oguns rule over technology, war, and healing.  Their colors are blue and green.
The 3rd nation Loa are very airy.  Damballah created the earth in service of the Most High.  His reflection on water became a rainbow; which became Aida Wedo, his wife.

The 4th nation has many different American spirits in it.  The Loa Yucaju killed his son because he rebelled against him.  He put his bones in a goard.  The Loa of the Sea wanted to see her son.  She was Yucaju wife. He took her where he thought his bones would be.  They found water and fishes in the gourd instead of their son's bones. They poured the goard out on earth.  This created the rivers and the ocean.  Then they ate some of the fishes.

The 5th nation are the Ghede.  They live inside the stomach of Baron Samedi.  His stomach is the graveyard and his father is Papa Ghede Limbo.  His wife is Madame Brigitte.  The entrance of the graveyard is her birth canal.  The colors of this nation are black and purple.  Each Ghede has their own color as well.  The Ghede are spirits of the deceased, but they are not the ancestors.  They are very vulgar and sexual.  The Rada Loa don't like them because they like purity.
The 6th nation are full of Petro spirits.  It is lead Ti-Jean Petro.  He was a great Papa Bokor.  There are many Taino spirits in this nation.  The color of this nation is Red. These spirits were African and American people that fought 4 freedom.  These Loa are uber powerful.

It seems like the rest of nations same to have only 1 or a few deities, but they properly got more.
DV vs HV
Same: They have the most of same deities.  They have the common origin.  They both influenced by Catholicism.
Differences: Haitian Vodou (HV) has 101 nations.  DV seems more complex and Catholic.  I assume some of the deities are different.
Catholic Influence
The images of the Loa are the images of saints.  This can be seen in the Rada nation. This imagery in other nations as well.  Catholicism is the biggest religion in the Dominican Republic. Some Catholic ideas infected Vudu.  Some of the rituals were influenced by Catholicism.
Sometimes rituals are done @ the altars.  Images of saints are on the altar.  They represent the Loa. Candles of different colors are present.  On some altars, there are beads, herbs, rum, flowers, bible, crucifix, etc.  The altar is a battery of spiritual energy.
There are many different ceremonies.  They involve drumming.  Each Loa have their own rhythm.   Each priest do whatever ritual they see fit in their house.  In each house (temple) you may find different rituals. Baptism is part of initiation and so is a head wash.  People say prayers and sing songs during certain ceremonies.  Sometimes people get mounted.  Veves are drawn during certain rituals.  Veves are portals to the Loa.
DV is amazing!!!!!!!!!!  It has 3 main groups of spirits and 21 smaller groups.  It is an African religion that was influenced by Americans and Europeans.  It incorporates Taino spirits in the nations.  It has a lot similarities and differences to HV.  There are many sweet rituals in DV.              

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