

Saturday, September 23, 2017


A dictatorship is when one person controls the government.  There are different types of dictatorships. Sometimes dictatorships grow out of democracies.  There was sum in the past and there is sum today. They have pros and cons.
Composition of Dictatorships
Dictators usually come to power by coup.  They overthrow the previous government and install themselves. They control the military.  If they lose control of it they will be deposed. The dictator creates the law of the land (common law).  There aren't any checks and balances in this form of government.  The dictator is free to do as he wishes without any accountability 4 his actions.  Citizens civil liberties are taken away. If anyone opposes the dictator they are usually murdered.
Types of Dictatorships
Despotic 1 Man Rule: This form of government is when one man seizes power with the help of military and/or aristocratic factions.  The dictator may get deposed by other factions in society.  This is a very shaky form of government.

Elite-Related Rule: The dictator works with different factions of society.  Such as police, military, nobility, etc.  He has to make sure they all get along with each other or he may get knocked off.

Oriental Despotism: The dictator controlled the army and government officials.  The priesthood and landowners made decisions 4 the common people.  People may have had civil liberties with this form of government.

Constitutional Dictatorship: This occurs during national emergencies.  The executive branch of the government takeover to restore order.  My definition of a constitutional dictatorship is a dictator that fellows the constitution.  This is my favorite type of dictatorship because I like being in charge and the constitution.

Fascism: It is an authoritarian government.  This form of government is against liberalism, conservativism, and communism.  It promotes nationalism and it is controlled by one political party.
Past Dictatorships
Rome: It had dictators in times of crisis and their power was limited.  Once the crisis was over they had to step down.  It was like a constitutional dictatorship.

Hunnic Empire: Attila was the leader of this empire.  He took over Eastern Europe.
Mongol Empire: Ghanis Khan started this empire.  He united all of the Mongolian tribes and conquered a large part of Asia.  He respected different religions.  He created a code of law named Yassa.
Transylvania: Vlad the Impaler was the dictator of this country.  He didn't want the Turks to take over the country so, he did a lot of crazy stuff.  He had many people impaled on stakes and he ate food and drunk blood around their dead and dying bodies.  He was murdered by the Turks and beheaded.  He's an ancestor of European royalty and U.S. presidents.
Zulu Empire: This empire was created by Shaka Zulu.  Most of his policies came from his aunt.  He was later killed by his brother.  He invented short spears, so soldiers could fight close up.

Present Dictatorships
Eritrea: Isaias Afewerki is the dictator of this country.  He denies Eritreans civil liberties and there isn't a constitution.
Syria: Bashar al-Assad is the dictator there.  He took over after his father left office.  He is battling ISIS.

Sudan: Omar al-Bashir is the dictator there. He has an arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court for the murder of 400,00 civilians in Darfur.
Ethiopia: This nation was ruled by Meles Zanawi Asres.  He went to war with Eritrea, which caused a lot of people to die.  People who protested his reelection in 2005 were massacred.

Uzbekistan: Islam Karimov is the dictator of this country.  Protestors are killed in this country.
Equatorial Guinea: Teodoro Obianga Nguema Mbasogo is the dictator of this state.  He killed his uncle and took over the country.  Rumor has it he is a cannibal.
Pros & Cons
+: They can modernize quicker because policies are controlled by one person.  They tend to have stable governments.  There is less crime in dictatorships compared to other forms of government.

-: Dictators tend to abuse their power.  A lot of dictators commit mass murder.  Dictatorships can lead to revolutions.
The problem with dictatorships is evil men tend to be dictators.  If good men were dictators, then dictatorships would be wonderful!!!  There several types of dictatorships.  There were many dictatorships in the past.  There are still sum today. Dictatorships have pros and cons.  A dictator is one man ruling the whole country.


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