

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Chronology of Iraq

Ancient Iraq is called Mesopotamia (land between 2 rivers).  There were 4 civilizations in Mesopotamia. Then it became a colony of Persia.  Arabs conquered this Persian colony and it became Islamic.  Alexander the Great took over Mesopotamia.  After that, it became part of Ottoman Empire.  Once the Ottoman Empire fell Iraq became a colony of Great Britain. Later on, Saddam Hussein became the dictator of Iraq. In 2003 the evil crusaders attacked Iraq and it has been hell ever since.
The first civilization was Sumer.  Sumerians were known as the black-headed people. This civilization was started over 5,000 years.  The first known king is Etana of Kish. Uruk is the largest and most important city in Sumer.  The Sumerians traded with Kemet, Indus Valley, etc.  Summer was composed of many different city-states. Sumerians had a big influence on astrology, technology, poems, proverbs, the workday, and the bible.  Sumer was destroyed by Amorites.
Each city worshipped a patron deity.  There were religious and new year's feasts in each city.  The main deities of Sumerians were the Anunnaki(those who came from heaven to earth).  Anu was the leader of the Anunnaki.  He is the god of the sky. Ninhursag is the earth goddess and the daughter of Anu.  She was also the sister-wife of Enlil.  Enlil is the god of the air.  Enki is the brother of Enlil and the god of semen and wisdom.  He was the patron of Eridu.  Sumerian mythology became mythology of the later Mesopotamian civilizations, Canaanites, Hittites, etc. There were many other Anunnaki.  Some people believe the Anunnaki were aliens that created humanity. Check out Malachi Z. York and Zecharia Stichen.
Akkadians originated in Arabia and created their own language.  They moved to Mesopotamia and took over.  Akkadians embraced the Sumerian culture.  The Akkadians followed the same religion as the Sumerians.  Sargon the Great created the Akkadian Empire.  This empire had the first postal system in the world.  Sargon but his people in positions of power in all the cities of Mesopotamia.  He made his daughter the high priestess of Inanna.   The climate got bad and there was a famine.  Then there were invasions, which led to the downfall of the Akkadian.
It started 4600 years ago in the city-state of Ashur.  The religion of Assyria was similar to the Sumerians. Some Sumerians worshipped Ishtar.  She is like Aset and the basis of Aphrodite and Mary.  It was a part of Akkadian Empire until that empire fell. At different times in history, Assyria had an empire.  Kemet and Assyria entered a treaty about 3400 years ago.  This may have led to Indo-Europeans conquering Assyria in 1400's BCE.  Assyria destroyed Israel, that's how 10 tribes got lost.  They were going to destroy Judah. But, Kemet went to war with Assyria, which saved Judah.   Because of this, Assyria defeated Kemet in the 7th century BCE.  A king named Necho I became a puppet of Assyria.  Assyria fell after it was defeated by Babylonia, Media, and Persia.
It was started by Amorites.  It was invaded by many people throughout its history.  The longest dynasty was created by Kassites.  It lasted 400 years.  They may have been related to the Elamites.  Babylonia lasted for 1200 years.  Their religion was similar to Sumerians.  They loved Marduk.  This great nation traded a lot. The Code of Hammurabi was a code of law created in Babylonia.  I assume the 10 commandments are based or inspired by this code and 42 Declaration of Innocense. There were 3 classes in society.  They are as followed: rich, poor, and slave. Marriages were arranged by parents.  The groom would give a gift to the bride's father b4 he married her.  Babylonians were good at mathematics, medicine, astronomy, and philosophy.  Pythagoras went there to learn about numbers.  The Pythagorean Theorem was in Babylonia at least a millennium b4 Pythagoras was born.  That theorem isn't Pythagorean.  Babylonia became a colony of Assyria later on, it regained its freedom.  Persia conquered Babylonia and it never recovered.
Persian Colony & Greek Rule
Once Babylonia became a Persian colony, Cambyses II became a governor of it.  The natives rose up against their oppressors multiple times.  Alexander the Great conquered Babylonia and after he died; it became a part of Seleucid Empire.  The Persians took over again and became a part the Parthian Empire.   Then it became a part of the Sassanid Empire.
Islamification of Iraq
The Arabs went to war with the Persians.  The Persians defeated the Arabs in their first battle.   Than Arabs defeated them in the next battle.  During the Abbasid Caliphate Baghdad was created.  It was the capital of the caliphate.  The House of Wisdom was created here.  There were over 100,000 books there!!!  A lot of books from other civilizations was translated there.  Baghdad was destroyed by the Mongols. They threw most of the books from the House of Wisdom in the river.  It was black 4 several months because the books contained so a lot of ink.  Iraq became a part of the Ottoman Empire.  At this time Iraq was broken up into 3 areas.
British Colony
The Ottoman Empire was destroyed after WWI.  Iraq became a colony of Britain.  The British gave Hashimite monarchy control over Iraq.  They didn't take into account that different ethnic groups lived in different regions in Iraq.  The Kurds revolted and tried to get free of the Hashemite rule.  The first king of Iraq was Faisal I.  Someone poisoned him with arsenic.  There were several attempted coups after this.

Iraq Republic
Abdul Salam Arif overthrew the Hashemite monarchy in Iraq.  The Iraqi military fought the Kurdish military. Abdul died in a helicopter crash, then his brother became president.  The Iraqi military attacked the Kurds again and lost.  The Kurds got their weapons from Iran.  Iraq government made a treaty with the Soviet Union in 1970's.
Saddam Hussein Rize to Power
He became the president of Iraq in 1979.  He went to war with Iran for 8 years.  It lasted from 1980-1988. Iraq attacked Iran to stop the Islamic revolution.  Iraq won the war but lost a lot of lives and $.  Iran lost a lot of lives and $ as well.  Saddam did the bidding of the United States.  Kuwait stole Iraq oil by drilling diagonally.  That's why Iraq invaded Kuwait.  The U.S. (federal government) turned on it ally Iraq and invaded it.  It vilified Iraq in the eyes of the world.  U.S. imposed sanctions on Iraq after the war, which led to the death of millions.  The Bush administration came up with the lie that Saddam was in cahoots with Osama.  Right, b4 the first Gulf War Osama want to kill Saddam so the U.S. military wouldn't be in Saudi Arabia.  The Bush administration came up with this lie so people would agree with the second Gulf War. Most countries in the world were against Iraq being attacked.  The weapons inspectors didn't find in WMDs.
Destruction of Iraq
The evil crusaders (Christian{satantic} U.S. military) killed 1 million innocent Iraqis. When Saddam was in power Iraq was stable.  After the crusaders destroyed Iraq, it broke.  Now Iraq is 3 countries.  Northern Iraq is Kurdistan, Central Iraq is ruled by ISIS, Southern Iraq is ruled by Shia militias.
Iraq is a mighty nation and it will Rize again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It has a rich history of ancient civilizations.  It has been colonized several times.  It is Islamic now and will be 4 quite sum time.  Iraq became disorderly and Saddam made it orderly.  Now it's disorderly again, because of evil crusaders.                                      

Sumerian Origin of Mankind

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