

Sunday, June 4, 2017


Communism is Marxism in action.  Karl Marx created Marxism.  It was created by the Bolsheviks. Communism spread to various countries.  It was popular among my people because they thought it was a solution to racism.  It was also popular in Hollywood and on college campuses.  There are several famous communists.  There are many criticisms against Communism.
Karl Marx
He was born in Prussia in 1818.  His parents were Jewish.  They had 9 children.  They converted to Lutheranism to escape persecution.  Marx went to the University of Bonn. His father later transferred him to the University of Berlin, because he had bad grades. In 1837 he wrote several books; some of which were love poems 4 his girlfriend. Karl married Jenny von Westphalen in 1843.  She was part of the aristocracy. They had 7 kids together.  He was an editor of a German magazine that promoted revolution.  Friedrich Engels became Karl friend in 1844.  That met in Paris.  The ideas of Immanuel Kant, Adam Stuart, John Stuart Mill, and other philosophers had a big impact on Karl.  The rest is history.
It is a mixture Hegelian Dialect, French socialism, and English economics.  The bourgeoisie rules the proletariat. Most people are the proletariat and bourgeoisie are the government and the leaders of industries. Eventually, the proletariat would rise up and kill the bourgeoisie.  Once this happens industries would be owned by the community instead of individuals.  This was seen as utopia.
They were a group of people that killed the royal family of Russia.  After that, they tookover Russia and persecuted many people.  They were mass murders.  They thought Communism was the best form of government.  The Bolsheviks became the Communist Party of Russia in 1924.  Stalin was in this party.
Communist Countries
USSR: It was headquartered in Moscow.  This country consisted of Russia and parts of Central Asia and Eastern Europe.  The USSR dissolved in 1991.  The countries that made up the USSR are now independent.

China: Communists tookover China in 1947.  Mao Zedong was the chairman of Communist Party.  He had his own interpretation of Communism called Maoism.  The Communist Party still rules China, but the economy is more capitalist.

Vietnam: The Communists from Northen Vietnam tookover the country.  The United States tried to stop the Communists from taking over.  The U.S. military caught hell in the Vietnam War and then they lost.

Cuba: This country became Communist are Fidel Castro tookover.

Laos: This country became communist in 1975.  B4 the Communists tookover, Laos was ruled by a monarchy.

North Korea: The people in this country don't have a lot of freedom.  The Communists fought the democratic people in the Korean War in the 1950's.
Communism Among My People
African Americans were attracted to Communism because that thought it would end racism.  African Blood Brotherhood was created in New York in 1919.  It was a Communist organization 4 African Americans. ABB was in cahoots UNIA.  ABB fell out with Marcus Garvey because his ship line fell and he had a meeting with the KKK. The FBI also infiltrated the organizations and sabotaged them.  The Communist Party USA attracted many African Americans and they helped them with legal battles.
The Black Panthers were Communist.  They opposed police brutality and capitalism. They created food programs to feed poor African American children.  The U.S. government was afraid the Black Panthers would overthrow them; so the FBI and other law enforcement agencies attacked and infiltrated them.
Communism in Hollywood
There was were many actors, screenwriters, and directors that were Communist. They promoted communism through their movies.  Most of these communists were members of the Communist Party USA. The U.S. government made a lot of these people testify in court.
Famous Communists
Ronald Reagan: He was a communist when he was an actor.

Dali Lama: He is a leader of a certain sect of Tibetan Buddhism.

Che Guevara: He was a revolutionary.
Joseph Stalin: He was a leader of the USSR.  He redefined socialism as state capitalism.
Helen Keller: She was blind and deaf.  She was an activist, author, and lecturer.

Charlie Chaplin: He was an actor in the U.S.  J. Edgar Hoover prevented from coming back to the U.S.

Langston Hughes: He was a poet.
Paul Roberson: Singer, actor, football player, and civil rights activist.
There were many other famous Communists.

Communism on College Campuses
Some colleges have communist professors.  They persuade college students to be communist.  I've seen it first hand.  It is easy 4 an older person to persuade a younger person to accept their ideology.  The older person has much more knowledge than the younger person.  They can make better arguments than the younger person to support their ideology.  Young minds are easy to mold.
Criticism of Communism
Some critics said the USSR didn't live up to Marxist ideals.  There is a lack of human rights in some Communist countries.  There is less innovation because the state controls the economy.  People have less incentive to create business and products because taxes is so high.  Some would argue people should have involvement in the selection of government officials and/or policies.
Karl Marx created Marxism.  Bolsheviks turned Marxism into Communism.  There are several Communist countries.  Communism had a big impact on my people because they thought it would give them relief from racism.  Hollywood was full of Communists.  There are many famous Communist from many different fields. Communism became popular on college campuses.  They are/was many critics of Communism.  Socialism and Communism are related, but not the same.
Fred Hampton leader of Black Panther Party
Communist vs Capitalist
Hollywood Communists
Communist Interview
Communism on College Campuses
Karl Marx
Marxism is Interesting
Communist Countries
Highly Intelligent Paul Robeson in Court

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