

Friday, May 26, 2017


Libertarianism is a political ideology.  It has 7 principles.  There are 3 main types of libertarians; some libertarians are conservative and others are liberal.  There were many famous libertarians.  There are several libertarian organizations.  There are many criticisms of libertarianism.  
Lao Tzu was the first libertarian.  In the 17th century, some English people developed libertarian ideas.  In the 18th century,  liberal ideas became popular in North America and Europe.  Liberals created the Whigs party, which opposed the royal family.  John Locke had a big influence on libertarianism.
7 Principles
Self-Ownership: Everyone owns their own body.

Non-Aggression: "Don't start nothing, won't be nothing."  Don't attack people, but if they attack you, destroy them.

Decentralization: Citizens should have more power and government should have less.

Free Exchange: People should be able to exchange goods, services, and ideas with each other without government interference.

Individualism: Every person is responsible 4 themselves.  Everyone has equal rights, no matter what group they are in.

Property Rights: Everyone has rights to their own property.

Voluntarism: People have the freedom to join any organization they want; if they don't want to join any they shouldn't be coerced into joining.
3 Main Types
Lite Libertarian: They believe in libertarian principles, but don't want a major change in government structure.

Minarchist: They want the federal to only be over national defense and legal matters.

Anarcho-Capitalist: They feel society would be better off without any government.
Left and Right Libertarianism
Left Libertarianism: They are against public property rights.  They feel natural resources should be shared with everyone in the community.  They believe in private property rights.  Some of them want a weak central government.  Some of them don't want one at all.  

Conservative Libertarianism- They believe people obligated to follow their contractual agreements.  They like free markets and property rights; they are religious and they want lassez-faire capitalism.
Famous Libertarians
Ayn Rand: She was a speaker and author.  She created her own philosophy called objectivism.  She was never a libertarian.  But her ideas gave birth to a form of libertarianism.
Gary Johnson: He is in the Libertarian Party.  He ran in the presidential campaign against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.  He is socially liberal and a fiscally conservative.  He opposes the war.    
Milton Friedman: He was a famous economist.  He promoted free-market capitalism.
Client Eastwood: He is a famous actor.

Penn Jillette: He is a great magician that performs in Las Vagas.
Kurt Russell: He has been acting for 54 years!
There are many other famous libertarians.

Libertarian Organizations
Advocates 4 Self-Government: They promote libertarian ideas to influence people to become libertarian.  

Cato Institute:  They believe in individual liberty, free markets, and small government.

Independent Institute: They publish libertarian books.

Lew Rockwell: They promote ideas of free markets, anarchy, and they are against war.

ISB: They lobby the government to create certain policies.

There are many other libertarian organizations.

Criticisms of Libertarianism
Free market capitalism is not the best economy.  Economies that had government involvement have been more successful than economies without it.  Tax cuts don't improve the economy. Most companies keep the surplus $ for themselves.  Norway has the highest standard of living and it's a socialist country.  The U.S. government helps the rich economically, but not the poor and the middle class.  
Libertarianism has a rich history.  It has 7 important concepts.  Libertarianism has 3 main types.  Some libertarians are conservative, others are liberal.  There are many famous libertarians and organizations.  There are major criticisms of libertarianism.  I am a Libertarian!!!!!!!!!!!!  

7 Principles
Types of Libertarians
Conservatives vs Liberals
Noam Chomsky on Libertarianism
Penn Jillette on Libertarianism
Critique of Libertarianism
Danger of Libertarism
Libertarian vs Socialist

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