

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Kemetic Universities

Kemet had learning centers called Per Ankh (The House of Life).  It had its own curriculum.  You can think of it as a combination of college and a seminary.  There were different priesthoods in different Per Ankhs.  A lot of men from other nations went to Per Ankhs to learn.  There are Per Ankhs today.

Per Ankh
Per Ankhs weren't only learning center, but they were also a house of worship.  The priests did rituals in the Per Ankhs.  They were temples that neteru(deities)dwelt in.  The priest would wash the statues of the neteru and pray to them.  They would light incense create a positive atmosphere.  The priests were the professors that illuminated the students.

The 10 virtues, 7 liberal arts, geography, science, medicine, botany, philosophy, biogeometry, divination, heka(magick), and many other subjects were taught there.  Different subjects were taught at different Per Ankhs.  The 42 books of Tehuti contained a lot of knowledge.  At this moment in time, I assume the 42 Books of Tehuti is in the Vatican Library.  There were 3 levels in the educational system.  The last level was called Phree Messen(Child of Light).  It took 42 years to graduate from the Kemetic university.

Different Priests and their Hoods
Odus(singer): They had to master the first  2 books of Tehuti. Those books were full of hymns.

Horoscopus: They were astronomers. They studied 4 books of Tehuti.

Hierogrammat: They studied hieroglyphics and geography.

Stolistes: They did animal sacrifices and embalming.

Prophets: President of the Per Ankhs. They studied 10 books of Tehuti. They learned a lot of esoteric knowledge.

Pastophori: They were doctors. They studied 6 books of Tehuti dealing with medicine.  

Priesthood of Maat: Judges were from this priesthood.

Priestesshood of Aset: Great magicians that may have used sexual energy 4 higher states of consciousness.

Priesthood of Tehuti: These priests had most knowledge because Tehuti is the neter of knowledge.  They studied the 7 Laws of Tehuti.

Priesthood of Ra: Ra represents the life-force of the sun.  Imhotep was the most famous priest of Ra.  He was the first known polymath!!!!!!!!!

Priesthood of Amen: Amen is the hidden sun. He is the unseen creator.  This priesthood ruled Kemet for centuries.

There were many other priesthoods as well.

Students of Per Ankhs
Moses: Paul said he knew all the wisdom of Egypt.  This was because he was a Kemetic prince; so he was taught a lot.

Thales: He was the first Greek philosopher.  He learned math and geometry in Kemet. Brought that knowledge back to the Greeks.  He was able to predict the weather and he even predicted a solar eclipse! He learned some theorems in Kemet.

Pythagoras: He went to Kemet and learned geometry.  He incorporated what he learned there into his school.

Socrates: He was taught monotheism and skepticism.  He brought those ideas to Greece and was put to death for it.

Plato: He went to Kemet to learn.  He may have been initiated in the Great Pyramid.

Sometimes Greek philosophers were persecuted by the Greek governments because they taught foreign ideas.

Yeshua: The Aquarian Gospel says Yeshua studied in Kemet.  He may have been one of the most stellar students!!!!!

There were many other international students as well.

Per Ankhs Today
Ra Un Nefer Amen: He created the Ausar Aset Society.  It's an organization that teaches Africans in the diaspora about important Kemetic spiritual concepts.  He wrote many books too.

Dr. Muata Ashby: He is a Kemetic yogi.  He created an organization that teaches people Kemetic spiritual concepts.  He wrote many books too.  His wife is Dja Ashby.  She is a great woman and author!

The Kemetic universities were amazing!!!!!!!!!  They're the reason Kemet lasted so long.  There different Per Ankhs and priesthoods.  There were different types of priests.  Many different international students came to the Per Ankhs.  I like Per Ankhs that exist today.  Kemet lives in me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 Virtues
Stolen Legacy
Medical Instruments

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