

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Chronology of Turkey

0. Pillars were erected in Turkey 12,000 years ago!!!!  It is called Gobekli Tepe.  There were settlements in prehistoric Turkey.  At least 200 underground cities were created in prehistoric Turkey. Derinkuyu is the most popular prehistoric underground city.  It is connected to other underground cities.  There is a prehistoric above ground city in Turkey called Catalhoyuk.  It is over 9,000 years old!!! 10,000 people may have lived in the city.  The houses were designed in a honeycomb pattern. There wasn't any social stratification.  A mother Goddess was worshiped there.  In prehistoric times goddess worship was very popular.
1. In ancient times there were several civilizations in Turkey.  Ancient Turkey is known as Anatolia. There was a group of people called Hattians that was in Anatolia over 4,000 years ago.  They lived in city-states and were polytheistic.  The most important deity was the mother goddess.  They also worshiped a sun goddess and storm god.   Hattians traded with the Assyrians.  They also fought on different occasions.
2. The Hittites conquered the Hattians over 3,000 years ago.  They embraced the culture of the Hattians. They conquered other tribes and incorporated their deities into their pantheon. Hittites fought the Kemetians during the reign of Rameses the Great.  Assyrians conquered the Hattians the rest is history.
3. Troy was on the west coast of Turkey.  People in this city traded in the Aegean Sea.  The Trojans were allied to the Hittites.  They traded with the Mycenaeans.  They may have fought them.  It could have been problems with trading.
4. Byzantine was founded by a Greek guy named Byzas.  It was a trading city.  Byzantine was originally a part of Rome.  It became independent because the barbarians destroyed Rome.  In 451 CE the Council of Chalcedon took place in Byzantine.  It was decided that 5 regions would have a Christian leader.  The leader of Rome became the pope.  Two Byzantine emperors shut down mystery schools.  The closure of the mystery schools led to the dark ages in Europe.  People would go to the mystery schools to learn. Mystery schools were like a university and seminary.  Byzantium lasted for a millennium.  Byzantine was conquered by the Turks.
5. The Turks created an empire after conquering Byzantine.  It was called the Ottoman Empire.  The Southeastern Europe and the Middle East was a part of the Ottoman Empire.  The Turks became Muslims b4 they tookover Byzantine.  There was a lot of culture diversity in the Ottoman Empire. Africans, Arabs, Turks, Kurds, Greeks, Armenians, and many other ethnic groups.  The Turks absorbed a lot of Persian culture.  The Ottomans had many battles with Europeans.  The Ottomans have advanced weaponry.  The empire fell after WWI.
6. The Republic of Turkey was created in 1923.  Mustafa Kemal (Father of the Turks) created modern day Turkey.  There are over 80 million people in Turkey.  Turkey embraced aspects of Europe and the Middle East; because it was once Christian but now it is Islamic.  Its economy is always improving.  The military tried to take over the government last year.  They may have got help from the CIA.                                    
History of Turkey
Gobeki Tepe
Trojan War
Byzantine Empire
Ottoman Empire
Granddaddy of Turkey
Coup Attempt on 2016

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