

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Aztec Genius

Mothers taught their daughters how to cook, clean, and sew.  Fathers taught their sons vocations. The parents taught their children etiquette and proper behavior.  Children started doing tasks at 3.  As they get older they are given more complex tasks.

There were 2  very important schools in the Aztec society.  There were schools 4 nobility and one for commoners.  There was also a school for women.  Women were taught weaving, childcare, singing, dancing, religion, and how to decorate.

The school of nobility was called Calmecac.  Sometimes commoners were allowed in calmecac so they could become priests.  Songs, rituals, literacy, and the calendar. Students that graduated from this school became politicians, priests, and generals. Jaguar and Eagle warriors taught here as well.

Telpochcalli was the school future warriors went too.  The macehualtin (working class people) went to this school. You had to be 15 years old to go there.  People that went to school severed their community.  They built walls, cleaned up, farmed,  and they dug canals.   It was against the law to be drunk at a Telpochcalli.  If someone became drunk there, they were executed.

There were schools 4  macehualtin.  They were taught about history and religion. Students were taught different trades.  There were several types of this school.                      

Aztec School Days
Aztec Education
More Aztec Education
Aztec Philosophy

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Islamic Educational History

Mohammad said seeking knowledge is mandatory for all Muslims.   The first Islamic schools were in mosques.  Maktabs (elementary schools) were created in the 10th century.  They were schools attached to mosques.  Secondary schooling is known as a madrasa (place of learning).  Women played a big role in Islamic Education.  Law and medical schools were popular in Islamic civilization.  There were several important Islamic universities.  Islamic educational systems were influenced by older civilizations. Islamic education had a big impact on western education.
In the Beginning
Students in mosques were taught the Qur'an, Hadith, sports, combat, horseback riding, and several other subjects.  Sometimes they would memorize verses in the Qur'an.  Most Muslim students studied in Maktabs. This form of schooling caused the Muslim World to have the highest literacy rate during the Middle Ages.
Many subjects were taught at in madrasas.  They were math, alchemy, geography, astronomy, philosophy, magic, astrology, logic, music, medicine, history, Arabic, grammar, calligraphy, and politics.   The government of the Ottoman Empire recruited Persian scholars to teach in their madrasas. Madrasas were created all over the Muslim World.  They still exist today!  Each madrasa had its own curriculum.  Some were more religious.  Others were more secular.
Women Role in Islamic Education
Women attended madrasas.  They were also teachers in madrasas.  The first madrasa was created by a woman.  A wife of a caliph funded infrastructure and education.  A wife of the Ottoman Sultan endowed hospitals, public baths, soup kitchens, and madrasas.  Many educational and religious buildings & monuments were endowed by women.
Law Schools
There were Sunni and Shia law schools.  There is an Ibadi school of law as well.  There are several Sunni schools of law.  They exist throughout the Sunni Muslim World.  Shia law schools are more intellectual and hierarchical compared to Sunni schools.  In the Ibadi law school, the Qur'an and hadith are supreme.
Medical History
An Arab man named Al-Harith traveled to Persia and studied in a medical school called Jundisabur. There were hospitals in Persia called bimaristan.  He brought his knowledge back to Arabia.  He was Muhammad cousin.
A Persian doctor translated a medical book from Syriac to Arabic during the Umayyad dynasty. During the Abbasid dynasty, 2 families were experts on medicine.  They were the Bakhtishu family and the Masaway family.  The Bakhtishu family came from Persia to help heal the caliph.

Books were written by Muslim doctors that were later translated into Latin.  They were used in European medical schools for centuries.  The Comprehensive Book on Medicine was created by Al-Razi disciples. They compiled his writings together after he died.  The book gave the Greek, Syrian, Persian, Arab, and Indian views on different diseases.  His opinions of the diseases were in the book as well.  They were based on his observations.
There were hospitals for different diseases in the Islamic World.  In mental hospitals, patients were kept in cells so they wouldn't hurt people.  There were hospitals 4 people with leprosy. Doctors quarantined the patients so no one else would get leprosy.  There were hospitals for people on the Hajj and for traders. There were hospitals 4 prisoners. There were traveling hospitals 4 villagers because they lived far away from the cities.
Sometimes medical students were taught in the hospitals.  It is known as Medical Educational Assemblies. Students would often debate each other. Anatonomy. physiology and pathology were taught in these schools.

Islamic Universities
There was a huge library in Baghdad called the House of Wisdom.  It may have also been a university. An Abundance of scholars came there and they exchanged ideas. Many scientific texts in various languages were translated into Arabic in HoW.  The House of Wisdom was created during the Islamic Golden Age.  It was destroyed in 1258 by the Mongols.
The Moors created several universities in Spain.  Check out Moorish Legacy.
The House of Knowledge was created in Cairo.  It was a library and university.  It was created in 1004.  It had many volumes of books.  The founder of the Druze religion studied at the House of Knowledge.  When the Fatimids dynasty fell the library was looted and it fell into disarray.                                        

There were 3 mosques & madrasas in Timbuktu.  They were Sankore, Djinguereber, and Sidi Yahya. A lot of people came to Timbuktu to learn.  A lot of texts was written there.  Timbuktu was created by a Tuareg leader.  It later became part of the Mali Empire and then Songhai Empire.  
Influences on Islamic Education
Arabic numerals came from the Hindus.  This lead to the creation of higher mathematics.  Arabs learned papermaking from the Chinese.  Islamic medicine and philosophy are largely based on knowledge discovered by ancient Greeks. Several Muslim medical students studied at a Persian medical school.  Islamic astronomy was heavily influenced by Indian astronomy.    
Islamic influence on Western Education
Muslims brought Hindu numerals to Europe, which gave Europeans the ability to do higher mathematics. B4 Europeans had Hindu numerals they used Roman numerals. They were unable to do higher mathematics until they learned the Hindu numerals. They introduced ancient Greek texts to Europe.  They brought papermaking to Europe and the scientific method.  The Islamic Golden Age sparked the European Renaissance.
Muslims created primary and secondary schooling.  Women played a big role in Islamic education. There were Islamic law and medical schools.  There were great Islamic universities.  Islamic education was influenced by older civilizations and it had a positive effect on Western education. Islamic education was great!  

House of Knowledge
Foreign influences on Islamic Education
Vid of Islamic Education
Islamic Knowledge
Islamic Egypt Education
Get Yo Learn On 

Friday, March 17, 2017

Japanese Education

Japanese educational systems changed throughout different periods.  The importance of education is stressed in Japan.  Even the samurai were literate!  Japanese people love to learn.
From the 6th-15th century, education was based on Confucian and Buddhist ideas.  Medicine and divination were taught in schools.  The common Japanese writing script is based on Mandarin. Upper-class people were more educated than lower-class people.  Most lower-class people were farmers, so they didn't have much time to go to school.  Zen Buddhist monasteries were used as schools for several centuries.  A government school was created in Kyoto.  It was called Daigakuryo. After that other schools were created in different parts of Japan.  Students learned the Chinese Classics in those schools.
In the Heian Period, education at Daigakuryo became less Confucian and more artsy.  Poetry, dance, music, calligraphy, and visual arts became the subjects of Daigkuryo.  Buddhist priests became the teachers of the middle class during this period.  A Buddhist monk named Kukai created Kana.  Kana is the Japanese language.  He created a school 4 people of all classes.

In the Kamakura Period (1185-1333) and Muromachi Period (1333-1537), the samurai held a lot of sway over education.  In schools, the arts were replaced with combat training and horse-back riding. Shoguns created libraries that had books on Confucian ideas and warfare.  

Jesuits came to Japan in the 16th century.  They created schools and churches.  Those schools taught Catholicism, vocations, Latin, classical music and Western technology.  The Jesuits got kicked out of Japan because they are evil.  But they had a big impact on Japanese educational systems.

During the Edo Period (1600-1865) a Neo-Confucian school opened.  It was called Yushima Seido. Education became more popular during this period.  The populace became more literate.  The Samurai became government officials at this time.  Prior to this, they were simply warriors.  The samurai received a public education.  Western medicine and science were studied in the schools.  It was called Rangaku.

During the Meiji Period (1868-1912) public education became more widespread.  The Japanese went to Europe and the U.S. to learn more about education.  They incorporated what they learned into their educational systems.  This helped them modernize.    
After WWII the U.S. changed the Japanese educational system so they could be more democratic. This caused Japanese people to become pacifists.  Prior to the tampering of their educational system, they were great warriors.  I guess it was a good thing because they killed many people in WWII.  Now someone should change U.S. educational system so people in the states could stop being so barbaric.  They're like the Mongols during Genghis Khan reign of terror.

Japan has one of the greatest educational systems in the world.  Let's go Japan!  I love Japanese people because they're so damn bright!!!!!!!!!!!!                                    
Morden Japanese Education
Holistic Education
Lunch in a Japanese School

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Korean Enlightment


Ancient Korean education changed in different periods.  In prehistoric times people were educated on fishing, hunting, fighting, and crafting tools.  Prehistoric education helped create the religion in Korea.
In the Gojoseon period, the Samgungnyusa was written. Samgungnyusa is a book about farming, morality, medicine, and other subjects.  A phrase Koreans came up with during this period was life and work for the benefit of all humanity.
In the Goguryeo Kingdom had its own form of writing.  2 colleges were created in this kingdom. Confucianism, Buddhism, humanities, and martial arts.
The Baekje Kingdom had several colleges.  This kingdom had a lot of interaction with Japan. Koreans from this kingdom gave the Japanese Confucian books.  
The Silla Kingdom had a college called Hwarang.  Buddhism, archery, and martial arts were taught there.  5 principles were taught at this college.  They are as followed: Show allegiance to your sovereign.  Treat your parents with respect and devotion.  Show trust and sincerity to friends.  Never retreat in battle.  Exercise discretion when taking life.  After Silla conquered the other kingdoms a student exchange program with China was created.
During Goryeo dynasty (935-1392), the examination system was improved because of Confucianism. Buddhism became the state religion.   Rural people were educated during this time.  In 1127 CE a public school was created. Confucian ideas were taught in the public schools.  Governmental schools and public libraries created during the Goryeo dynasty.  A university was created in Seoul.  It was called Sungkyunkwan.  Confucian ideas were taught there.                    
During Joseon dynasty (1392-1910),  Confucianism became the state religion.  Education became more private and less public.  Scholars got more education than commoners during this dynasty. This dynasty educational policy was opposite Goryeo dynasty.  Humanities were valued more vocational education.
Korean History

Monday, March 13, 2017

Way of China

Educational systems in China have been around for millennia.  It has changed throughout the dynasties. There were essential texts students had to read.  There were local and private schools. China was the first country to create the civil service exam. There were schools for people who would become government officials. Most Chinese people didn't go to school because parents wanted their children working on the farm. Women weren't allowed an education.       

Essential Texts
A lot of Chinese students studied the 4 Books and the 5 Classics: Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean, Analects, & Mencius; Classic Poetry, Book of Documents, Book of Rites, I Ching, and Spring and Autumn Annals.  Great Learning is a Confucian book.  It teaches you how to be a good person. Doctrine of the Mean is about Confucian metaphysics, politics, and ethics.  Analects is about Confucian education, social philosophy, and political philosophy.  Mencius is full of Mencius ideas. Mencius was a disciple of Confucius. Classic Poetry is the oldest book of Chinese poetry.  It is over 2,000 years old.  Book of Documents is about political philosophy. Book of Rites has Taoist and Mohist beliefs in it.  I Ching is a book of divination. Spring and Autumn Annals is a book of commentaries.

Local and Private Schools
The first school was Shujun Academy.  Other local schools came into being after this one.  This happened during the Western Hun dynasty. In later dynasties, local schools became more popular.  Confucius created the first private school during the Spring and Autumn Period.  Many other private schools were created after this. There were Confucian, Taoist, Mohist, and Legalist schools.  This period was known as 100 Schools of Thought.  Confucius and Mozi gave lectures at private schools.  Confucius was born a century b4 Mozi. Buddhism, metaphysics, and technology became lessons in private schools during after the 5th century.
Civil Service Exam
If people wanted to join the bureaucracy they took the civil service exam.  The exam dealt with the classics and literary style.  The civil service exam was used in Korea, Vietnam, Japan, and the Ryukyu Kingdom.  It was also used by the East Indian Company later on.  There were 4 types of exams.  They were an entry, provincial, metropolitan, and palace exams.  There was a scholarly exam and military exam.  The scholarly exam consisted of math, art, music, writing, and rituals.  The military exam consisted of archery and horsemanship.
Imperial Universities
Emperor Wu during the Western Han dynasty created the first imperial university.  The professors were government officials.  Other imperial colleges were created by other emperors.  Sometimes only government officials children could go to imperial university.
Shuyuan (Academies)
White Deer Grotto Academy was created by Emperor Taizong of Song.  The emperor gave books to the school.  This academy fell apart in the 12th century.  Zhu Xi rebuilt it; he was a neo-Confucian philosopher.

Yingtianfu Academy was created by a merchant named Yang Que.

Yuelu Academy was Neo-Confucian school.  Zhu Xi was a professor at Yuelu Academy.  Yuelu Academy has been around over 1,000 years. This academy now called Hunan University.
Donglin Academy: It was built in 1604.  I think it was a Neo-Confucian academy.
There were many other great academies.      

Women & Education
Chinese men felt women should only take care of the house.  That's why they weren't allowed into schools. Chinese men saw women as inferior.  Chinese men thought women weren't smart as men; so educating them was seen as a waste of time.  Chinese women are treated better now.
There were 9 essential texts Chinese students read.  There were many local and private schools. The first civil service exam was first created in China.  Several imperial colleges were created in China. There were many great academies.  Women weren't allowed to get an education because of sexism. I like the ancient Chinese education systems.  The only thing wrong with it was women weren't allowed an education.   

If you want to read the Chronology of China click here.

Essential Texts
Civil Service Exam
Yuelu Academy
3 Teachings

Monday, March 6, 2017

Indian Centers of Learning

India's educational system has been around for millennia.  There were different methods of learning and 6 types of teachers.  India had 2 systems of education in India.  Indian women were highly educated.  Most people got a vocational education.  There were various educational institutions, some of which were famous. India's stellar educational systems fell off after the Muslims invaded.

Way of Diversity
Teachers sometimes told stories to explain certain concepts to students.  Sometimes students ask the guru questions.  The guru would talk at length about the answer to the questions.  Students would observe gurus so they could know how to complete a task.  Listening and meditating were tools for learning.  Some students would break down what was taught them and study each part.  The art of debating was used to gain knowledge.
Teaching Variety
Gurus that taught their pupils the Vedas were called Acarya.  They didn't charge.  Professional teachers were called Upadhyaya.  They charged.  Charakas were wandering scholars.  They traveled throughout India learning.  They told people what they if they were willing to listen.  Yaujanasatikas were teachers that taught international students.  Sikshaka were dance instructors.

Vedic Educational System: The educational system was called Gurukulas.  The Brahmins and Kshatriyas learned this educational system.  Sanskrit is the language of this system.  The pupil would live with the Guru for a number of years.  Education was used for self-actualization.  It helped people intellectually, socially, economically, and spiritually.  Mothers teach their children manners, so they would respect their elders. Women had the same freedom as men in education and they had to be celibate while studying.

Buddhist Educational System: The goal of this system is wisdom and its language is Pali.  This form of education wasn't caste focused.  BES was only for monks, then it was open to the public.  At first, women weren't allowed in the BES, but Buddha changed his mind.  Women monks had to stay away from male monks so they wouldn't have sex.  To become a teacher you had to be a monk for 10 years.  The pupil cooked for the teacher and washed their clothes.
Indian Women
A lot of women in India learned music and dance.  Some women studied till they were married, while others studied their whole life.  Some women even debated!!!!!  Women composed hymns and played musical instruments.  Women were taught parts of Vedas.
Vocational Education
There were 64 professions in ancient India.  They were known as the 64 arts.  An apprentice was taught a vocation a number of years and his/her teacher took care of him/her.  Some professions were training elephants or horses, dancing, farming, architecture, art, medicine, jeweler, etc.

Educational Institutions
Parishads: Colleges that teachers and students met 4 discussions and debates.
Goshti: Gatherings of the Masters.  The academia came to a temple at the behest of a king.  They discussed different subjects.  One scholar got 1000 cows with horns covered in gold.

Agraharas: A place in a village where Brahmins taught.

Mathas: Pupils would receive religious and secular teachings here.

Vihara: Buddist monasteries where pupils were taught Buddist philosophy.

List of Universities
Takshasila/Taxila: This university was founded over 2500 years ago!!!!!!  The 16 branches of learning were taught here.  64 subjects were taught at this university.  Some of the subjects were philosophy, grammar, politics, astronomy, heka, and languages.  There was a great medical school in Takshasila. You had to be at least 16 years old to be a student here.  At one time it had over 10,000 students. People from Canaan, Babylon, China, Greece and other countries came to this university.  This was a Hindu university.

Nalanda:  This was a Mahayana Buddhist monastery in East India that became a world-renown university.  It lasted for about 1900 years.  Students came from China, Tibet, Central Asia, Korea, Indonesia, and other places.  Mahayana & Hinayana Buddhism was studied there.  The Vedas, Sanskrit, Samkhya, and medicine were also studied.  There were huge libraries at Nalanda.  They contained over 100,000 books.  Nalanda is the birthplace of Tibetan Buddism.
Vallabhi: This university promoted Hinayana Buddhism.  It lasted as long as Nalanda, but it was in West India.  Politics, business, farming, theology, law, economics, public administration, and accounting.  When pupils graduated from here they became government workers.  This was a school for rich people.  Like my university Hampton University.  Go Pirates!!!!!!!!!

Vikramashila: Vajrayana was taught here.  Students from, Kashmir, Java, Tibet, and Nepal came there.  It lasted for about 1700 years.

There were other great universities as well.  Many people from aboard went to India to learn.  But Indians stayed home to learn.  Muslims leaders got Indian scholars to work for them and help them with astronomy.

Destruction of Learning
Muslims started invading India in the 1100's.  They destroyed the universities.  A lot of Indians got killed.  It was so sad.  If Indian universities never were destroyed the world would be a better place.
Cheer Up
These ancient universities were recreated by the Indian government.  I assume they give students stellar education like they did in ancient times.  India is the mother of Asia!!!!!!!!!  I was told I was an Indian in a past life.
India had great educational systems in ancient times.  It had diverse ways of learning and different kinds of teachers.  There were Vedic and Buddhist educational systems in India.  Women played a big role in education.  There were great vocational training and educational institutions.  There were several stellar universities.  University may be an Indian idea!!!!!!!  The universities were destroyed by Muslims.  Indians recreated the universities. Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!

Ancient Indian Education
10 Indian Universities
Vikramshila Ruins
Muslim Destruction of India's Universities

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Kemetic Universities

Kemet had learning centers called Per Ankh (The House of Life).  It had its own curriculum.  You can think of it as a combination of college and a seminary.  There were different priesthoods in different Per Ankhs.  A lot of men from other nations went to Per Ankhs to learn.  There are Per Ankhs today.

Per Ankh
Per Ankhs weren't only learning center, but they were also a house of worship.  The priests did rituals in the Per Ankhs.  They were temples that neteru(deities)dwelt in.  The priest would wash the statues of the neteru and pray to them.  They would light incense create a positive atmosphere.  The priests were the professors that illuminated the students.

The 10 virtues, 7 liberal arts, geography, science, medicine, botany, philosophy, biogeometry, divination, heka(magick), and many other subjects were taught there.  Different subjects were taught at different Per Ankhs.  The 42 books of Tehuti contained a lot of knowledge.  At this moment in time, I assume the 42 Books of Tehuti is in the Vatican Library.  There were 3 levels in the educational system.  The last level was called Phree Messen(Child of Light).  It took 42 years to graduate from the Kemetic university.

Different Priests and their Hoods
Odus(singer): They had to master the first  2 books of Tehuti. Those books were full of hymns.

Horoscopus: They were astronomers. They studied 4 books of Tehuti.

Hierogrammat: They studied hieroglyphics and geography.

Stolistes: They did animal sacrifices and embalming.

Prophets: President of the Per Ankhs. They studied 10 books of Tehuti. They learned a lot of esoteric knowledge.

Pastophori: They were doctors. They studied 6 books of Tehuti dealing with medicine.  

Priesthood of Maat: Judges were from this priesthood.

Priestesshood of Aset: Great magicians that may have used sexual energy 4 higher states of consciousness.

Priesthood of Tehuti: These priests had most knowledge because Tehuti is the neter of knowledge.  They studied the 7 Laws of Tehuti.

Priesthood of Ra: Ra represents the life-force of the sun.  Imhotep was the most famous priest of Ra.  He was the first known polymath!!!!!!!!!

Priesthood of Amen: Amen is the hidden sun. He is the unseen creator.  This priesthood ruled Kemet for centuries.

There were many other priesthoods as well.

Students of Per Ankhs
Moses: Paul said he knew all the wisdom of Egypt.  This was because he was a Kemetic prince; so he was taught a lot.

Thales: He was the first Greek philosopher.  He learned math and geometry in Kemet. Brought that knowledge back to the Greeks.  He was able to predict the weather and he even predicted a solar eclipse! He learned some theorems in Kemet.

Pythagoras: He went to Kemet and learned geometry.  He incorporated what he learned there into his school.

Socrates: He was taught monotheism and skepticism.  He brought those ideas to Greece and was put to death for it.

Plato: He went to Kemet to learn.  He may have been initiated in the Great Pyramid.

Sometimes Greek philosophers were persecuted by the Greek governments because they taught foreign ideas.

Yeshua: The Aquarian Gospel says Yeshua studied in Kemet.  He may have been one of the most stellar students!!!!!

There were many other international students as well.

Per Ankhs Today
Ra Un Nefer Amen: He created the Ausar Aset Society.  It's an organization that teaches Africans in the diaspora about important Kemetic spiritual concepts.  He wrote many books too.

Dr. Muata Ashby: He is a Kemetic yogi.  He created an organization that teaches people Kemetic spiritual concepts.  He wrote many books too.  His wife is Dja Ashby.  She is a great woman and author!

The Kemetic universities were amazing!!!!!!!!!  They're the reason Kemet lasted so long.  There different Per Ankhs and priesthoods.  There were different types of priests.  Many different international students came to the Per Ankhs.  I like Per Ankhs that exist today.  Kemet lives in me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 Virtues
Stolen Legacy
Medical Instruments

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Chronology of Turkey

0. Pillars were erected in Turkey 12,000 years ago!!!!  It is called Gobekli Tepe.  There were settlements in prehistoric Turkey.  At least 200 underground cities were created in prehistoric Turkey. Derinkuyu is the most popular prehistoric underground city.  It is connected to other underground cities.  There is a prehistoric above ground city in Turkey called Catalhoyuk.  It is over 9,000 years old!!! 10,000 people may have lived in the city.  The houses were designed in a honeycomb pattern. There wasn't any social stratification.  A mother Goddess was worshiped there.  In prehistoric times goddess worship was very popular.
1. In ancient times there were several civilizations in Turkey.  Ancient Turkey is known as Anatolia. There was a group of people called Hattians that was in Anatolia over 4,000 years ago.  They lived in city-states and were polytheistic.  The most important deity was the mother goddess.  They also worshiped a sun goddess and storm god.   Hattians traded with the Assyrians.  They also fought on different occasions.
2. The Hittites conquered the Hattians over 3,000 years ago.  They embraced the culture of the Hattians. They conquered other tribes and incorporated their deities into their pantheon. Hittites fought the Kemetians during the reign of Rameses the Great.  Assyrians conquered the Hattians the rest is history.
3. Troy was on the west coast of Turkey.  People in this city traded in the Aegean Sea.  The Trojans were allied to the Hittites.  They traded with the Mycenaeans.  They may have fought them.  It could have been problems with trading.
4. Byzantine was founded by a Greek guy named Byzas.  It was a trading city.  Byzantine was originally a part of Rome.  It became independent because the barbarians destroyed Rome.  In 451 CE the Council of Chalcedon took place in Byzantine.  It was decided that 5 regions would have a Christian leader.  The leader of Rome became the pope.  Two Byzantine emperors shut down mystery schools.  The closure of the mystery schools led to the dark ages in Europe.  People would go to the mystery schools to learn. Mystery schools were like a university and seminary.  Byzantium lasted for a millennium.  Byzantine was conquered by the Turks.
5. The Turks created an empire after conquering Byzantine.  It was called the Ottoman Empire.  The Southeastern Europe and the Middle East was a part of the Ottoman Empire.  The Turks became Muslims b4 they tookover Byzantine.  There was a lot of culture diversity in the Ottoman Empire. Africans, Arabs, Turks, Kurds, Greeks, Armenians, and many other ethnic groups.  The Turks absorbed a lot of Persian culture.  The Ottomans had many battles with Europeans.  The Ottomans have advanced weaponry.  The empire fell after WWI.
6. The Republic of Turkey was created in 1923.  Mustafa Kemal (Father of the Turks) created modern day Turkey.  There are over 80 million people in Turkey.  Turkey embraced aspects of Europe and the Middle East; because it was once Christian but now it is Islamic.  Its economy is always improving.  The military tried to take over the government last year.  They may have got help from the CIA.                                    
History of Turkey
Gobeki Tepe
Trojan War
Byzantine Empire
Ottoman Empire
Granddaddy of Turkey
Coup Attempt on 2016