

Thursday, November 3, 2016


Reiki (universal life-force/spiritual essence) is a Japanese philosophy and form of healing.  It was created by Mikao Usui in 1922.  There are several different forms of Reiki.  It is very safe and works well in conjunction with other forms of healing.  Reiki is popular around the world.  Reiki has been proven effective by science.

Mikao Usui was a Buddhist that learned sword fighting and Qigong.  He wanted to create a method of healing that didn't decrease the energy of the practitioner.  He studied many techniques from different traditions.  They were combined and put into Reiki.  Usui went to a mountain and fasted for 21 days, then he created Reiki.  He made it non-religious so anyone could practice it.

Dr. Chujiro Hayashi was Mikao most important disciple.  He took Reiki in a more medical direction. He set up a clinic in Tokyo.  He had 14 disciples.

Mrs. Hawayo Takata was a disciple of Hayashi.  She brought Reiki to the US.  She had 22 disciples. She changed Reiki to fit Westerners.  Her disciples mix Reiki with New Age ideas.
Symbols and Chants
Each symbol has a corresponding chant.  The 1st symbol is the earth symbol.  It represents power.  Its chant is Cho-Ku-Ray.  The 2nd symbol is heaven.  It represents the mind.  Its chant is Say-Hei-Ki.  The 3rd symbol is heave and earth.  It is used for distance healing.  Its chant is Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen.  The 4th chant is Tam-A-Ra-Sha.  Its symbol balances.  The master symbol deals with the spirit.  Its chat is Dai-Ko-Myo.
Different Types of Reiki
Traditional: You simply let the ki flow through you into the client.

Karuna: Compassionate spiritual beings aid in the healing of clients.

Rainbow: Focuses on healing the inner child and spiritual body.

Kundalini: Practitioners use the energy of the coiled serpent to heal.

Angelic: Angels aid the facilitator in the healing of the client.

Dragon: Dragons aid the facilitator in the healing of the client.

There are many other forms of Reiki, but this will suffice.
Reiki Effectiveness
Scientists have proven that reiki is effective at relieving stress.  It reduces pain and depression.  Reiki causes relaxation, which increases the body natural healing mechanisms.  There aren't any negative side effects to Reiki.
Reiki has a rich history and it been around 4 almost a century.  There many different types of Reiki.  It has been proven by science and it can help a person get well.  It is magnificent!

Reiki is amazing!  It will make you so happy.  It is very simple.  Get into it.

Reiki Session
Mechanics of Reiki
Reiki with the Doc
Reiki on the News
Reiki Distance Healing

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