

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Buddhist Philosophy

Buddha was the greatest philosopher of all time!  In my opinion.  He knew a lot about the mind.         There are 3 marks of existence.  They are Annica, Dukkha, and Anatta.  There are 4 noble truths. The Eightfold Path leads to nirvana. Once you have nirvana you escape samsara.  Everything comes from pratityasamutpada.
3 Marks of Existence
Annica: It means impermanence.  Our universe is transitory.  Everything comes and goes.  Anything that has a beginning has an end.  Change is constant.  That which change not is eternal.

Dukkha: It means suffering.  Suffering comes from attachment to desire.  When we lose something we have or can't get something we want we experience dukkha.  We want relationships, objects, emotional states, places to remain permanent.  But the nature of reality is annica.  Once we embrace annica we will be on the road to supreme peace.  If we can truly embrace emptiness we will no longer dukkha.

Anatta: It means there is no permanent self.  What we think of as self, are composed of various parts. Self is made out of spirit, mind, and body.  All of these parts are annica.  Some these parts reincarnate.
4 Noble Truths
1. Life is full of suffering.
2. Suffering comes from our attachment to desire.
3. Suffering ceases when we lose our attachment to desire.
4. The Eightfold Path teaches us how to do that.
Eightfold Path
1. Right View: To see reality the way it truly is, instead of how it is perceived.

2. Right Intention: Purified desires.

3. Right Speech: Speaking honestly and positively.

4. Right Action: Be on your utmost behavior.  Help people, animals, and the environment.  Harm none.

5. Right Livelihood: Live a life full of righteousness.  An example of this is having a legal job.

6. Right Effort: Our motivation should be to minimize suffering 4 self and other.

7. Right Mindfulness: We should be present in everything we do.

8. Right Concentration: Sometimes we should rest our mind on 1 thing and exclude everything else.

You should do all of these in any order.  The Eightfold Path helps us be virtuous, insightful, and it strengthens our mind.

Every occurrence happens because of various causes.  This because the universe is impermanent. Because of this impermanence, it always changing.  This is known as pratityasamutpada.

Samsara and Nirvana
Samsara: The cycle of life, death, and rebirth.  It is full of suffering.  In every incarnation, you will suffer.

Nirvana: Escape from samara.  You are free from torment.  There is only supreme peace.  Nirvana is reached when you realize/experience emptiness.
Buddhist philosophy is amazing!!!!!!  It has a lot to teach.  I've learned so much from it.  You should too.

Buddhist philosophy consists of 3 modes of existence, 4 Noble Truths, Eightfold Path, samsara, nirvana, and much more.

There is a very magical form of Buddhism.  It is Tibetan Buddhism.  To learn more about it click here.

There was a great Buddhist monk named Mikao Usui.  He created Reiki.  It is a wonderful system of healing.  Click here to learn more about it.

Intro to Buddhist Philosophy
Samsara & Nirvana
The 4 Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path
3 Marks of Existence

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