
Saturday, September 3, 2016


Taekwondo is a wonderful martial arts!  It is one of the most popular martial arts in the world.  I did it when I was 12.  It was created in Korea.  It has it own philosophy.  Taekwondo has many techniques and its focus is quickness.  There are are several different organizations of Taekwondo.  They teach TK differently.  
There was 3 kingdoms in ancient Korea.  They were called Koguryo, Paekje, and Silla.  Taekwondo come from these 3 kingdoms.  Silla had the bigger influence on TK than the other 2 kingdoms.  Silla had warriors called HwaRang.  HwaRang trained in martial arts everyday.  SooBak was the martial art they trained in. Won Kang was a Buddhist scholar that improved the military of Silla.  He taught them principles. Silla was able to take over all of Korea.  Yet, they were the smallest kingdom.
Once Korea became united it was ruled Koryo Dynasty.  SooBakGi: SooBak, new techniques, and mental discipline.  SooBakGi became poplar in Korea.  It became a sport of the military and the public.  Other styles of martial arts became popular.  The most popular one was Tae Kyon.
Yi Dynasty took over in 1392.  At this time Korea experienced a cultural shift.  It went from being Buddhist to Confucian.  Martial arts became less popular and military based.  A book on Korean martial arts was written during this era.  Sometimes Koreans would fight the Japanese, but they became militarily weak because they didn't study martial arts as much as they use too.

In 1910 the Japanese conquered Korea.  They made the Koreans speak Japanese and they were given Japanese names.  The Koreans were taught various Japanese martial arts; and they taught the Japanese some of their's.  SooBakGi became SooBakDo  Korea was freed from Japan in 1945.
There were 5 marital arts schools in Korea after it became independent.  They taught KongSooDo, Tae Kyon, SooBakDo, TangSoDoo, KwunPup, etc.  The leaders of 5 schools decided to combine all of the various martial arts into one.  They called it Taekwondo.
Taekwondo (TK) means way of the foot and fist.  Peace is the goal of Taekwondo.  The individual is the foundation of a better world.  By studying TK you will develop 'respect, courtesy, righteousness, honesty, loyalty, humility, patience, integrity, perseverance, self-control, and a strong chi.'  TK improves your mind, body, and spirit.  As the practitioner improves she/he will be better able help others.
Ready Stance: This is the stance that makes you more aware.

Forefist: A jab.

Hammerfist: Fist is used like a hammer.

Backfist:  Fist is swung backwards.

Knifehand: Same as Karate chop.

Hook Kick: Raise leg up and move tibia.

Ax Kick:  It is like the Hammerfist, but with a kick.

Tornado Kick: It is a double jump kick while spinning your body.

There are many other techniques.
Different TK Organizations
International TK Federation:  This group was created by Cho Hong Hi.  He combined Tae Kyon and Karate.  More traditional than the other styles.
World TK Federation: They do many competitions.  They are even in the Olympics.

American TK Association:  They promote TK in the US.  It teaches you how to fight with weapons.
There are more organizations and styles too.

My experience with TK 
I became a TK student when I was 12.  It was good exercise.  I went to the dojo every week.  My highest rank was purple belt with green stripes.  I saw no practical application of it, so I quiet.   I thought I wouldn't use it in a fight.  If I would have stayed longer; it would have become a part of me. Then I would have been able to use it in a fight from muscle memory alone.  I didn't know that then. Sometimes you have to practice something for a while b4 you see the fruit of your labor.  

This is a sweet martial art.  It reminds me of Karate.  It seems like Karate is better than TK.  I would have to learn more about TK, so I can know how it stack up to Karate.  I don't think TK got joint-locks, but I'm unsure.  TK can help you become a better person.  Then you can help improve the world!
Different Sytles 
Tae Kyon
Korean Martial Arts
Hwa Rang Do

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