

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Birth Chart

The birth chart tells you where all the planets were when you was born.  It has an affect on your personality, behavior, and destiny.  It is at least 70% accurate.
The Sun sign explains your personality, essence, and destiny.  Sun in Aries: Athletes that are bold and honest.   Taurus: Hard workers and very sensual.   Gemini: Adaptable and social.  Cancer: Compassionate, protective and emotional.   Leo: Feel like royalty; loyal and humble.  Virgo: Very responsible and love nature.  Libra: They seek Maat.  Like to compare and contrast.  Scorpio: Strong willpower and into the Darkside.  Sagittarius: Disdain routine.  Free spirited, optimistic, and faithful. Capricorn: Very pragmatic and organized.  Don't take any risk.  Aquarius: Witty, and independent thinkers.  Pisces: Contains traits of all signs.  Artistic, intellectual, romantic, hypersensitive, and indecisive.
The Moon sign explains the affect memories have on you.  It is the unconscious.  Moon in Aries: Perseverance and a good sense of humor.  Taurus: Likes fashion and full of inner wisdom.  Gemini: Great listeners and love music.  Cancer: Psychic and a great helper.  Leo: Demands respect and is highly intelligent. Virgo: Very intuitive.  Libra: Seeks Maat in all things.  Loves fashion and art. Scorpio: In touch with other people emotions.  Sagittarius: Love adventure, philosophical, and tutoring.  Capricorn: Great planner; excellent at accomplishing goals.  Aquarius: Loves to help people and knows what people are thinking or feeling.  Pisces: Very psychic and creative.
Rising sign is the way the world sees you.  Rising in Aries: Act without thinking.  Energetic and honest. Taurus: Loyal, responsible, stubborn,  and monogamous.  Gemini: Curious, clever, social, and analytical. Cancer: Hypersensitive, sentimental, and likes structure.  Leo: Very attractive, anger issues, prideful, impulsive, and romantic.  Virgo: They are intelligent, pragmatic, and adaptable. Libra: Romantic, seeks Ma'at, and social.  Scorpio: Very determined, creative, and emotional. Sagittarius: Loves to travel.  Curious about spirituality and philosophy.  Capricorn: Very serious, works hard, and rational.  Aquarius: Intellectual and likes science.  Pisces: Change a lot. Disorganized, psychic, creative, and sensitive.  

Mercury sign explains how you perceive the world and how you'll relate to people.  Mercury in Aries: Very direct and likes to start new things.  Taurus: Stubborn, funny, and good with $.  Gemini: Jack of all trade, logical, and hypersensitive.  Cancer: Shy, great memory, emotional, good speakers, good writing, and loyal. Leo: Idealistic, creative, and loves to be in the spotlight.  Virgo: Organized, pragmatic, and flexible.  Libra: Peacemakers, indecisive, rational, and great performers.  Scorpio: Truthseekers, smart, instinctive, and semi- psychic.  Sagittarius: Optimistic, open-minded, sometimes rude.  Capricorn: Compartmentalized, pragmatic, strong faith, self-control, and loves history.  Aquarius: Great debaters, versatile, and funny.  Pisces: Poetic, conversationalists, openminded, indecisive, compassionate, and very dreamy.    
Venus sign explains what you are passionate about.  Venus in Aries: Romantic, spontaneous, impulsive, Alpha, confident, and affectionate.  Taurus: Instant gratification, dependable, resistant to change, and pragmatic.  Gemini: Knowledgeable, social, attractive, and flexible.  Cancer: Sensitive, intuitive, creative, and affectionate.  Leo: Very loyal, romantic, imaginative, and outgoing.  Virgo: Great listeners, happy, selective, and honest.  Libra: Friendly, gentle, sensitive, and romantic. Scorpio: Very loving, jealous, suspicious, loves novelty.  Sagittarius: Friendly, open-minded, enjoys novelty.  Capricorn: Responsible, controlling, conservative, and pragmatic.  Aquarius: Rebels, intellectual, and curious.  Pisces: Romantic, flexible, great actors, and love the occult.  
Mars sign explains how you'll fulfill your Venusian desires.  Mars in Aries: Impulsive, forgiving, passionate, competitive, massive libidos, likes flings.  Taurus: Great anger in when pushed to the limit, patient, reliable, honest, loves 4play.  Gemini: Great speakers, busy, adaptable, creative, and want to be seen.  Cancer: Indifferent, hypersensitive, ultra-emotional, very loving and sexual.  Leo: Pragmatic, determined, romantic, seeks happiness.  Virgo: Pragmatic, intolerant, and drama free. Libra: Charming, peacemakers, romantic, cheater.  Scorpio: Likes to be challenged, strong desires and emotions, likes BDSM, and passionate. Sagittarius: Impatient, ADHD, pervasive, not so bright, and likes to cheat.  Capricorn: Orderly, ambitious, materialistic, reliable, massive libido.  Aquarius: Independent, bright, reformer, imaginative, and like diversity. Pisces: Gentle, romantic, likes gentle sex, passive.            
Jupiter sign explains your life path.  Jupiter in Aries: Good luck, tolerant, travelers, and great learners. Taurus: Good luck, hard workers, compassionate, financially secure, and likes to laugh.  Gemini: Curious, witty, versatile, great communicators and multitaskers.  Cancer: Intuitive, compassionate, healers, and friendly.  Leo: Generous, inspirational, honest, courageous, and self-reliant.  Virgo: Honest, pragmatic, routine, realist, and likes science.  Libra: Interpersonal, diplomatic, greedy, humorous, and likes novelty. Scorpio: Into the occult, good at bizzness, and clever.  Sagittarius: Inspirational, outgoing, likes sports and travel.  Capricorn: Optimistic, good with $, ambitious, and conservative.  Aquarius: Cooperative, understanding, and innovative.  Pisces: Empathic, wants to help people, and semi-psychic.  
Saturn sign is the rules you impose on yourself.  Saturn in Aries: Rational, suspicious, likes to exercises. Taurus: Political, bizzness-minded, loyal and jealous.  Gemini: Scientific, may be mentally delayed, very serious, good at bizzness.  Cancer: Fearful, depressed, and insecure.  Leo: Natural born leader, jealous, determined, may have heart problems.  Virgo: Pragmatic, shy, may have intestinal problems.  Libra: Uphold Ma'at, artistic, may have kidney problems.  Scorpio: Determined, secretive, fears rejection, into the occult, may have bowel problems.  Sagittarius: Big on education, religion, and philosophy, etc.  Capricorn: Power hungry, self-disciplined, persistent, may have skeletal problems.  Aquarius: Conservative, scientific, may have problems with the nervous system.  Pisces: Sensitive, patient, may have a weak body.        
Uranus sign is learning from obstacles.  Uranus in Aries: Independent, good with bizzness and $. Taurus: Intuitive, pragmatic, stubborn, jealous, and good at real estate.  Gemini: Versatile, logical, and restless. Cancer: Psychic, emotional, and impatient.  Leo: determined, impatient, and rebellious. Virgo: Intuition, good with $, into natural healing.  Libra: Into the occult, logical, and likes to cheat. Scorpio: Determined, rebellious, and envious.  Sagittarius: Very intuitive, scientific, philosophical, and can become great diviner. Capricorn:  Ambitious, responsible, impulsive, and conservative.  Aquarius: Intuition, social, and technological.  Pisces: Into the occult, mystic, and very imaginative.  
Neptune is mysterious, psychic, illusion, and divine love.  Neptune in Aries: Very religious, warriors, work on projects from the imagination.  Taurus: Materialistic, pragmatic, and not good with $. Gemini: Versatile, psychic powers, into the paranormal.  Cancer: Patriotic, family, and self-sacrifice. Leo: Creative, social, and loves kids.  Virgo: Loves family and nutrition.  Have psychic powers.  Libra: Seeks Ma'at in their relationships and the world.  Scorpio: passionate about the occult and entheogens.  Sagittarius: Intuitive and have psychic powers.  Capricorn: Serious and $ hungry. Aquarius: Altruistic, independent, merge science with spiritually.  Pisces: Have psychic powers, very emotional, and selfless.
Pluto is your personal evolution and self-empowerment.  Pluto in Aries: Passionate and impatience. Taurus: Persistent and greedy.  Gemini: Versatile, creative, into the occult.  Cancer: Very emotional, possessive, and caring.  Leo: Optimistic, romantic, and rebellious.  Virgo: Organized, analytical, and modest.  Libra: Love Ma'at, compulsive, and compromise.  Scorpio: Emotional, strong will, and into the dark side.  Sagittarius: Friendly, foolish, and adventurous.  Capricorn: Ambitious and organized. Aquarius: Nonconformist and into Ma'at.  Pisces: Semi-psychic, into spiritually, like to keep secrets.
The outer planets are generational because they take a long time to go around the sun.  There are more celestial objects, but this will suffice.      

The birth chart is amazing!  I did it and it was mostly right.  If you want to know your birth chart click here. There is something new to learn every day.  If you want to learn about the 13th sign click here.
Birth Chart
13 Signs Chart

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