
Saturday, June 18, 2016

Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla is the greatest scientist of 20th century.  The childhood he experienced was ruff.   He worked for Thomas Edison, then they became rivals.   He was an electrical genius.  He made over 100 inventions! Nikola Tesla is my favorite scientist!!!
Early Life
He was a Serb and grew up in the Austrian Empire.  His father was a priest of the Serbian Orthodox Church. His mother was a tool maker and had great memory.  He seen his brother die, which made him insane.  After that Tesla had visions and later on he would talk to pigeons.  He went to several schools, then he got cholera.  He also died.  His father promised, he send him to the best engineering school.  He became addicted to gambling and had a nervous breakdown.  He traveled about doing jobs and going to schools in Europe.  Until he got a job in France.  He worked for a phone company.   
Tesla in the Big Apple  
In 1884 he moved to New York City.  He worked for Thomas Edison.  He was electrical engineer. Thomas told Tesla if he improve the motors and generators, he would get $50,000 bonus.  When Tesla asked for his $, Thomas told him he "doesn't understand American humor."  Thomas offered him a raise, but Tesla quit. Thomas invented Direct Current and Tesla invented Alternating Current.  All electricity used by the US was in DC at first.  Then it was discovered AC was better for long distances, so now AC is used.  Edison wanted people to only use DC.  He had events where dogs were electrocuted with AC.  This was suppose cause people to fear AC.  Tesla created his own company with the help of to investors.  He wanted to make inventions, which the investors didn't care for.  He lost stock in the company and control of his pants.  He became a ditch digger.  Years later he met two more investors that knew about patents.  They helped him create his second company.  At the end of his live he was broke.
He created the radio, AC, remote control boat, motors, etc.  All of his inventions dealt with electricity.  He came up with the idea the death ray.  If each nation had one they would be to afraid to war with each other. That what he thought.  He discovered X-rays, and he thought he picked up transmissions from a alien.  It turned out it was Jupiter moon Io going through Jupiter magnetic field.  The US government may have stolen his files after he died.     
Legend has it that Tesla helped Albert with his math.  Tesla gave birth to the modern world.  Without AC there wouldn't be in PCs and no internet.  He is a mystery and a enigma.  He reminds me of the Riddler.                                                     

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