

Sunday, June 26, 2016


Mohism is based on the teaching of Mozi.  It has many wonderful ideas.  Mohism has its own ethics, epistemology, logic, political theory, religious beliefs.  This philosophy is very pragmatic. The Mohists wrote books called Mohist Canons.
Mozi was born 470 BCE.  His parents didn't give him much affection.  He was taught Confucianism, but he didn't like it so much.  He was a great carpenter and an expert at defensive technology.  He promoted spontaneity and discipline.  He went against Confucianism and Taoism because they promoted obedience and ritual. He created a school for government officials and commoners.  Mozi taught philosophy and carpentry in his school.  He believed in social evolution.  He thought people should be innovative.  Confucians believed people should behave like ancient people.  Mozi disagreed with this.  He wanted people to be less clannish and more universal.  He promoted love for all people.  He believed we should have the same compassion for all people.  He said love starts in the home but in other words.  Before you can love a stranger you have to love a relative.  If you can't love the people near you; it is impossible to love people far away.  He was very pragmatic.  Your actions should lead to the greatest good.  Mozi or his followers knew the first law of motion.  He believed people were inherently good.
Universal love and helping others are most important ethics in Mohism.  Everyone actions should lead to greater social harmony.  We have a greater responsibility to people we know compared to strangers.  Even though we should all love each other; we will have greater concern for our family and friends.                                                              
There are different kinds of knowledge.  Mohists dealt with 4 kinds of knowledge.  They are knowledgeable of names, things, the relationship between the 2, and how to behave.  People are able to comprehend because we all have cai (consciousness).  To truly know something you have to see its opposite.  Discretion is very important.  Before we act we should figure out if the action is beneficial or detrimental.  Mohist knew that some of what we know comes from sensory perception.
Fa was important in Mohism.  Fa is anything that helps us make a judgment.  Laws and role models are examples of Fa.  Illustrating, adducing, the inference was important parts of logic to followers of Master Mo. They used inductive reasoning as well

10 Doctrines
Identifying Upward- Modeling your behavior after good role models in society.
Promoting the Worthy- People should get government jobs by merit alone.
Inclusive Care- People should be as concerned about others as they are their own family.  Universal Love.
Condemning Aggression- War and crime are terrible ideas.
Moderation in Use- Use what you need nothing more.
Moderation in Burial- $ should be spent on the living not the dead.
Heaven Intent- Be righteous or suffer.
Understanding Ghosts- If individuals believe ghosts reward and punish people based on their actions; they are more likely to act accordingly
Condemning Music- Take care of your responsibilities b4 you listen to music.
Condemning Fatalism- We are not slaves to destiny.  We create our own lives with free will.
Political Theory
Mohists thought violence comes from people having different values.  They wanted a king to create a "unified moral code."  This would lead to less internal conflict in society.  People should be educated on morality. They believed if the emperor was corrupt he will lose the Mandate of Heaven.  Once this happens he would be overthrown.  The leaders of society don't create morality, but they are living examples of it.  If the emperor doesn't rule justly the people will rebel.          

Religious Beliefs
Mohists believed in Tian (heaven), ghosts, ancestors, and other spirits.  They didn't believe in heaven and hell.  Salvation is non-existent because there is no original sin.  A god named di from the Shang dynasty was important to Mohists.  When people die they become ghosts.

Mohist Texts
The text explains Mohism have similarities to utilitarianism.ain Mohist beliefs, Mozi, debates, discussions, economics, and many other topics.  These texts were written at different times by different people.  They remind me of the bible.  You should read them.  
Mozi is amazing!!!  He didn't receive love from his parents, yet he promotes universal love.  That is why he wasn't so clannish.  I like almost everything about this philosophy.  It one of my favorites and so is Mozi.   Learning this philosophy can help you become a better person.

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