

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Bantu Philosophy

The Bantu are Niger-Congo people that left West Africa millennia ago and spread all over the continent. They interacted with many other groups of Africans and the created a wonderful philosophy.  Various disciplines are interconnected in Bantu thought.  Reason and intuition support each other.  There are 4 categories in Bantu philosophy.  They are Muntu (human being), Kintu (thing), Hantu (place and time), and Kuntu (modality).  The 4 categories are related that's why they all end in NTU.  NTU is the universal spirit that enlivens all things.  It is something like Oludumare, Tao, and Brahman.  It is the universal force that all things are a part of.  Ontology, cosmology, and ethics are parts of Bantu Philosophy.
4 Categories of NTU
Muntu: Men, women, spirits, aliens, any beings that are self-aware.

Kintu: Objects, animals, plants, planets, anything that is unconscious or has little self-awareness.

Hantu: Dates, time, directions, anything spatial or temporal.

Kuntu: Abstract ideas.  Examples: laughter, truth, justice, etc.

NTU: the master force all the categories are a part of.

Branches of Philosophy
Ontology is the study of being.  Humans are connected to nature.  The self comes from knowing other. The universe is symmetrical.

Cosmology is the origin and nature of the universe.  Time is cyclical.  It is both infinite and finite. Finite time is broken up into events.  Examples of this are birth, puberty, marriage, eldership, and death.

Ethics are rules for behaving.  Bantu ethics are very pragmatic.  People should act in a way that helps others. No one should ever harm people.

Bantu philosophy is amazing!!!!!!!!!!  It is complex and well thought out.  There is much to learn from Bantu philosophy.  Get into it.    
Muntu by Janheinz Jahn
Bantu Philosophy
African Cosmology of the Bantu-Kongo
Dr. Fu-Kiau Bunseki author of book abov
I am because we are!
Kemet-Kongo Connection
African Cosmology 

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