
Friday, May 8, 2020


This language family been around for millenia.   It has several alphabets.  2 of the most popular languages in the world are in this family.  These languages are spoken by 3.5 billion people.  The people that spoke this languages have a grand history. 
There are various theories on the origin of Indo-European language family.  I will write about 3 of them.  They are called the Kurgan hypothesis, Armenian hypothesis, and Anatolian (Turkey) hypothesis.  These theories come from archaeology and linguistics.   
Some people believe this language family started in Pontic-Caspian steppe.  Marija Gimbutas proposed this theory.  She was an anthropologist and archaeologist.  She believed the speakers of Proto-Indo-European lived in Southern Russia and Eastern Ukraine.  She believed this because she found burial mounds in those areas.   These Proto-Indo-Europeans moved into Europe and conquered and/or assimilated with the people already there.
Sum linguists believed the creators of the Indo-European language family lived in Armenia.  They believe that Armenian and Germanic languages are the closest to the oldest Indo-European language.  Believers of this theory think that their ancestors invaded Europe about 4,500 years ago.  The Dorians may have invaded Greece @ the same time as the Aryans invaded India.
Some people believe that this language family originated in Turkey.  It is more popular that the Kurgan hypothesis.  DNA studies may have somewhat proven the Kurgan hypothesis though.  Some people don't believe this hypothesis, because there was Caucasians in ancient Turkey that didn't speak Indo-European languages.  Non Indo-European Caucasian farmers moved in Europe long b4 the Indo-Europeans. 
The genetic evidence Kurgan hypothesis looks very strong.  But linguistics make Anatolian hypothesis look strong as well.                   
Popular Indo-European Languages
English is the most spoken language in the world.  This is because 1/5 of the world was the British Empire.  Spanish is the 4th most spoken language in the world.  This is because the Spanish conquered most of the Americas.  Hindi is the 3rd most popular language in the world.  It is also Indo-European language.       
# of Languages and People
It has 11 subfamilies, 2 of those families are extinct.   They are as follows: Armenian, Albanian, Baltic, Celtic, Germanic, Greek, Italic, Indo-Iranian, Anatolian (extinct), Tocharian (extinct), and Slavic. There are 800 Indo-European languages.  449 of are still around and 351 are extinct.  Here is a list of some of them: French, Russian, Punjabi, Dutch, Latin, Kurdish, Polish, Persian, etc.  There are 1 million Celtic speakers.  15 million speak Greek and over 1 billion Indo-Iranian speakers!!!  Almost a billion speakers of Romance languages.  This will suffice.
The Greek and Hebrew alphabet comes from the Phoenicians.  The letters are based on the Egyptian hieroglyphs.  Etruscans got the Greek alphabet and made Latin from it.  The Iberian script is based on Greek or Phoenician.  The Latin alphabet became the alphabet for many European languages.  Such as Germanic and Romance languages.  It is also the alphabet for many non-Indo-European languages.  It is the most used script in the world!!!!!!!  Glagolitic is the oldest Slavic language.  It was created by a Christian missionary to aid in the spread of Christianity to the Slavs.  Sum Slavic, Turkic, and Iranic peoples use cyrillic script.  This script started in the First Bulgarian Empire.  Runes were created by the Germanic people.  Each symbol represents a sound and object.  The were often used for magick.  The Aryans created Sanskrit, that's the general idea.  A wise man told me the Dravidians created the language. 
Indo-European Peoples

Tocharian:  They lived in Western China.  Some of them had blue eyez and blond hair.  Their mummies was discovered next to Asian mummies.  They were Buddhists, they may have also been worshipped a Sun goddess, Lunar god, and Earth god.  The ancestors of modern day Chinese people wiped them out.  Some of them my have simply merged with the merged with the Uyghurs and Turkic peoples.
Celtic: They live in Western Europe.  There were Celts in North and Central Italy.  They also lived in Switzerland.  They became the Welsh, Scottish, and Irish.  They lived in England b4 the Anglo-Saxon conquered it.  They had a caste system like Hindus.  The bottom caste were cattle herders and slaves.  The next caste was the warrior, then the priests, judges, doctors, etc.  @ the top was kings and queens.  The priests were called Druids.  They may have started as Egyptian or Phoenician priests.  The Celts were conquered by the Romans, then the Germanic tribes.
Greek: They came from 4 major tribes: Ionian, Dorian, Aeolian, and Achaean.  Ionians came from Western Turkey; Athenians were Ionian.  Dorians lived in the Balkans; they came into Greece later on.  They may have caused the Greek Dark Age.   Spartans were Dorians, they believed they were descendents of Hercules.  Aeolians had to relocate because they their land was taken over by Dorians.  Achaeans colonized southern Italy.  All the tribes spoke their own dialect, expect Achaeans.  They spoke Doric.
Greece is seen as origin of European civilization.  This is not true.  The Greek civilization was very Near EasternEgypt played a massive role in the Greek miracle!!!!!  The Islamic Golden Age is the mother of European civilization!!!  But the Muslims learned a lot from ancient Greeks.  So they helped create the Islamic miracle!!!!!  Muslim philosophy is very similar to Greek philosophy.  Look up the Ancient Model vs Aryan Model. 
Many Greek philosophers went Egypt to learn philosophy and other subjects.  They also went to Phoenicia, Mesopotamia, Persia, and/or India.  They gained knowledge from older civilizations then their's and built upon it.  The Pythagorean Theorem wasn't created by Pythagoras.  It was known in Egypt, Babylonia, and India long b4 he was born.  He was Phoenician, but he was raised in a Greek culture in Samos.  The first Greek philosopher was from Western Turkey.  His name was Theles; he learned geometry in Kemet (Egypt).  He believed water was the mother of all things and predicted a solar eclipse.  He was the first of the 7 Sages.   Plato and Aristotle had a big impact on Islamic and European philosophy.
Indo-Aryan (branch of Indo-Iranian): They were tribes that lived in Central Asia.  They conquered India and Iran.  They became the Persians and created Brahmanism.  Iran means Aryan (noble) land.  Some of the deities in Hinduism are of Aryan origin.  Hinduism come from ancient Indian religions and Brahmanism.  The Persians created their own medical school over 2,000 years ago!!!!  It is said the the brightest Islamic scholars during the Golden Age were Persian.  You can find Aryans in various Central Asian and Middle Eastern nations as well. 
Anatolian: They maybe the first speakers of Indo-European languages.  The Hittites conquered the Hattians after protecting them from other tribes.  So, the 2 people merged.  The Hittites had an empire that lasted 4 over half millennium.  They cared laws and they detested the death penalty.  The Sea People destroyed the Hittite Empire during the Bronze Age Collapse.  There are several over Anatolian peoples, but the Hittites are the most famous.               
Germanic: They may have started in Northern Europe in 750 BCE.  As the population grew, they migrated to different parts of Europe.  They were fierce warriors.  They conquered the Celts and defeated the Romans.  The Vandals moved to Northwestern Africa then they moved back to Iberia and/or France.  Odoacer took over the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century.  Theodoric the Great killed him and became the ruler.  He unified 2 Germanic tribes.  The Viking raided different parts of Europe; they even sailed to Greenland!  They also traveled to Great Britain and merged with the population there.  They had the most libertarian civilization, so I heard.  Men and women were treated as equal, until they became Catholic.  Then men mistreated women.     
Italic: They came to Italy 3,000 years ago.  The Etruscans created Rome.  Then the Latins took over.  They created the Roman Empire.  The government of Rome was copied by Europeans later on.  Etruscans had a big influence on the Latins.  They taught the Latins how to build.  The Latins learned about gladiators from Etruscans.  The Etruscan religion had a big impact on Latins.  They were excellent diviners.  The Etruscans fell off because they were defeated by the Greeks on the sea.  They were also raided a lot by Celts.  There were other Italic tribes.  But the Latin are the most significant.
Indo-European language family maybe 3,000 year old!!!  It is spoken by 40% of the world population.  English and Spanish are the most popular Indo-European languages, because of imperialism.  There are many subfamilies and languages that are Indo-European.  Indo-European people have a grand history.  They have created the modern world.  The people known as white in the States are mostly descendants of Germanic and Celtic tribes.

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