
Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Rohingya is a tribe that lives in Myanmar.  They have lived in Myanmar for over 1,000 years. They became Muslims around 750 CE.  Arab merchants taught them Islam. There were several kingdoms in Medieval times that Rohingya may have lived in. Later on the British took over there land.  The government of Myanmar is persecuting Rohingya.
People have lived in Arakan 4 a very long time.  There was a kingdom there 2300 years ago.  The first rulers may have been Indians.  Arabs started trading with people in Arakan 1700 years ago.  Muslims taught Islam there and married the local women.  The Rohingya believe this was their origin.
Rakhines moved into Arakan 1200 years ago.  They created many cities there.  The Burmese invaded these cities in 1406.  The leaders of these cities ran into Bengal for safety.  The Bengali Sultanate helped the leaders get there kingdom back.  A mosque was built in Arakan around 1435.  Arakan kingdom was Buddhist and the Bengali kingdom was Islamic.  The king of Arakan gave the sultan sum land 4 his help.
Burma tookover Arakan in 1785.  A lot people ran away and many people were killed.  After that it became part of the British Empire.  There wasn't many people living there @ the time.  The East India Company made Arakan a part of Bengal.
During WWII the Rohingya fought the Rakhine.  The Rohingya was pro-British and the Rakhine was pro-Japanese.  These battles broke out after the British retreated.  After the Japanese invaded there were more battles.  In the 1940's the Rohingya wanted the region of Burma they lived in to become a part of Pakistan.
Members of the Rohingya tribe became politicians in Burma after it became independent.  When the military tookover Burma in 1960's, Rohingya (R) were thrown of the government.  The Burmese military discriminate against R people.  They can't even vote.               

Current Problems
In 2012 the Rakhine got into a conflict with R.  A Rakhine women was gang-raped by R men.  In response Rakhine men killed 10 R people.  The government encouraged Rakhine men to kill R people.  They gave them knifes and food; they bused them 2 an area where R people lived.  The military put 140,000 R people in concentration camps.  A lot of R people escaped to other countries.  Terrorists attacked Burma (Myanmar); in response the military and extremist Buddhist raped, murdered, and jailed innocent R people.  It has been hell ever since.  The R should move to Dearborn, assuming people there are ok with it.                   
History of the Beef

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