
Saturday, July 23, 2022

Weather Modification

This has been around 4 a long time.  It has a long history.  What are chemtrails?  Several countries are able to modify the weather.  Some natural disasters are man made.  

In the past shamans would do a rain dance, so it would rain.  I seen a African man do a ritual 4 rain and it worked.  Humans have been manipulating weather since prehistoric times.  They used magick then, now humans use technology.  
Some organizations use cloud seeding to cause the rain.  Chemicals are used to create clouds.  Cloud seeding is used to help crops grow, may stop storms from forming, can make regions less arid, decreases air pollution, and it decrease the likelihood of drought.  That's the upside of cloud seeding.  Now here's the downside: the chemicals used to create the clouds may be toxic, it's expensive, may cause a flood, it's dependent on the atmosphere, and the chemicals that make the clouds are later absorbed by plants and animals.  
Wilhelm Reich created the cloudbuster.  He said it could manipulate orgone energy in the atmosphere causing it to rain.  It may have worked.  In 1969 dry ice flakes was put in clouds in Thailand.  It caused the clouds to rain.  Thai farmland need rain to avoid drought.  In 2011 scientists in Abu Dhabi created 50 rainstorms.        
These are trails left in the sky by airplanes.  They are made out of chemical and/or biological agents.  They may cause diseases, because of the toxicity of chemicals and germs.  Morgellon disease may have been caused by chemtrails.  There may have been aluminum and other particles in some chemtrails to reflect back sunlight.  Some people feel the Earth's temperature is to high.           
Countries that Change the Atmosphere
Thomas E. Bearden wrote a lot about scalar weapons.  These weapons use scalar waves, which are the most powerful electromagnetic waves.   One of the abilities of scalar weapons is weather modification.  He said the U.S. and Russia has these weapons.  China and Israel may have them as well.     
HAARP is a weather modifier in Alaska.  It can heat up or cool down parts of the ionosphere, which causes a big change in the weather.  It may also be able to control people minds.  That's because the Earth and human brain have similar hertz vibration.  
Russia have spent millions on cloud seeding to stop rain on 5/1/2016 because it was International Worker Day.  China created clear skies on July 1. 2021 using cloud seeding.  Many different countries use cloud seeding.  There are several weather modification patents.    
Created Natural Disasters
During Hurricane Katrina a solider told the government has weather modification technology.  The hurricane may have been created.  That's here nor there; the levees were blown up which caused the city to flood.  A local told me someone on the roof of a school saw a flash where the levees where.  Many countries around the world wanted to help the people of New Orleans.  The Bush administration blocked them from helping.  Black Water killed civilians and cops.  Cops killed civilians as well.  White folk killed members of my tribe when they came to their neighborhood 4 shelter.  One of murderers said it was like hunting pheasants.  It was hell on Earth!!!!!!!!!!!   
Various countries have technology that can create hurricanes.  The natural disasters we see today and in the future, maybe man made.  It is hard to tell.  Some countries can create droughts in others if they chose too.    

Weather modification have been around awhile, since prehistoric times.  Chemtrails are sinister, they may cause diseases.  Many countries do cloudseeding and other forms of weather modification.  It has the ability to create natural disaster.       

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