

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

List of Galaxies + more

I will explain different galaxies in great detail!!!  They are made of gas and dust; they contain solar systems. There are 5 types of of galaxies: irregular, spiral, barred spiral, lenticular, and ellipticals.  Irregular is the youngest galaxies.  Spiral galaxies no matter what type are middle age.  Lenticular ones are old like a 75 year old person.  Ellipticals are ancient.  If they were people they would be over 150!!!!!  Some galaxies merge together.  They cluster together and they have a mommy.   
What is it?
Gas clouds come together in outer space.  The gravity heats them up and they produce stars.  The left over of stars become planets.  Asteroids come from a planet breaking up or it @ least seems that way.  Comets are like dirty snowballs.  They form far away from stars.  
They look something like amebas and have a bunch of young stars.

Large Magellanic Cloud: It orbits the Milky Way and is connected to the Small Magellanic Cloud.    It is the most star forming galaxy within the Local Group. The Milky Way and its neighbors make up the Local Group.  The Local Group is a galaxy group, which is part of the Virgo Cluster.  VC is part of a bigger galaxy cluster called Virgo Supercluster. 

Small Magellanic Cloud: It is close to the Milky Way.  People have seen it 4 centuries or millennia.  It has a lot of young stars.  
Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy: It has lost some of it self to the Milky Way.  It has a bunch of old stars.  It may be older than the Milky Way.     
Spiral and Barred Spiral
These are the most common galaxies in the universe.  The have old stars near the center orbiting a supermassive black hole and young stars father out.  Spiral galaxies are more like a circle and barred spiral galaxies are more oval shaped.  

Milky Way: Our home galaxy.  It is over 100,00 light years long and 50,000 light years wide.  It has over 100 billion stars!  It has received a lot of material from other galaxies.  
Andromeda: A neighbor of the Milky Way.  One day they will kiss.  It is bigger than the Milky Way.  You can think of as her big brother.  Andromeda snitched some young stars from a nearby galaxy 100 million years ago.  It is 2 billion light years from earth.  20 smaller galaxies orbit Andromeda.  
Triangulum: It is 60,000 light years wide and have 40 billion stars.  It may get eaten by Andromeda one day.  
Pinwheel: It is 170,000 light years long and it has 1 trillion stars.  Stars are being formed in the arms away from the center.  It has 20 companion galaxies orbiting it.               
Whirlpool: There a starburst in its arms.  One of the arms is holding on to a galaxy.  It is 31 light years from earth.  
Sombrero:  It was my favorite galaxy when I was a teen.  I use to like believe I came from there.  It's is in the Virgo Supercluster and about 30% as big as the Milky Way.  
Sculptor: It is a starburst galaxy. Starburst is rapid star formation.  It is the third brightest galaxy from earth.  It is 11 million light years away.  It is called the Silver Coin.
NGC 1512: It is 70,000 light years long.  It is also a starburst galaxy.  One day it will consume its smaller neighbor NGC 1510.

These type of galaxies are in a transitional phase from spiral to elliptical.  They have very old stars and more dust than elliptical galaxies.  Some astronomers think they are the result of spiral galaxies merging.      

Cartwheel: It is 500 million light years away.  It is 150,000 light years long.  There are 2 rings: Blue other ring and yellow innter ring.  The outer ring is starbursting and the inner ring is full of dust.  This galaxy comes from a merger.  It may become a spiral galaxy again.  
NGC 2787: It is 24 million light years away.  There is a super massive black hole @ the center of it.  Globular clusters abound in this galaxy.  More that 100,000 of them!!! 
NGC 4608: It has a bar in the middle with a ring around it. 

NGC 5208: It is 311 million light years away.  

NGC 6861: It has a lot of dust in its outer ring.  The center is starbursting.  It may merge with other galaxy in the near future.    

NGC 4111: It's 50 million light years away and 55,000 light years long.  It had eaten a smaller galaxy in the past.  The remains of that galaxy is in the center.  The center of the galaxy transmits long of radio waves.   

NGC 1222: It is consuming 2 small galaxies @ the moment.  Which causes it to become a starburst galaxies.  
These are the the oldest galaxies and they are the oval shape.  They have a lot of globular clusters and they tend to be in the center of galaxy clusters.  They make up 13% of all the galaxies in the universe.  There starbursting days are over, unless they merge with a younger galaxy.  

3C 244.1: This is a radio galaxy and it has a supermassive black hole.  

Messier 49: 'It is 56 million light years away and it has 6,000 globular clusters.'  'The globular clusters are 10 billion years old.'  Some of the clusters have black holes in them.  It is the brightest galaxy in the Virgo Cluster.  
Messier 59: Its supermassive black hole is 270 million times the mass of the Sun!!!  It has over 2,000 globular clusters.  It has 3 companion galaxies.   
Messier 60: There is a lot of dark matter in this galaxy.  A dwarf galaxy is orbiting it.       
Messier 87: This galaxy is huge!!!!!  It is one of the most massive galaxy in the universe.  It has over 1 trillion stars and 13,000 globular clusters.  It is 53 million light years away.  
IC 1101: The biggest and brightest galaxy in the universe!!!!  'It is 50 times bigger than the Milky Way and 2,000 more massive.'  There are 100 trillion stars in this galaxy, they are metal rich.   They are much older than the Sun.  It's central black hole is uber massive!!!!  More massive than any other supermassive black hole.   It is my current favorite galaxy.   
Maffei 1: This the closest elliptical galaxy to ours.  9 million light years is how far it is from Earth.  It is hard to see because of stars and dust.  If it was easy to see it would look like a full moon.  There a starburst in the center.  It may have 1100 globular clusters.  This galaxy has a companion galaxy that has 2 companions itself.  
Some galaxies crash into each other.  Sometimes big galaxies eat little ones.  This is going on now; even though most galaxies are moving away from each other.  One day the Milky Way and Andromeda will merge.  Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy is currently being munched on by the MW.  The Cartwheel Galaxy is the result of 3 galaxies merging.  Antennae Galaxies is an an example of 2 galaxies crashing into each other.       
Galaxy clusters are hundreds or thousands of galaxies that stick together because of gravity.  They have a lot of dark matter and they emit X-rays.  There is a intracluster medium, which is heated plasma.  It's between the galaxies of the cluster.

Virgo: It is a collection of over 1,000 galaxies.  It has about half spiral galaxies and half elliptical galaxies.  The Milky Way is part of this cluster.  The Virgo Supercluster contains this cluster.     
Norma: It is 222 million light years away.  It is over a zillion times more massive than the sun.  

Bullet: This is 2 clusters merging.  It has a lot of dark matter.  
Abell 2142: It is 2 clusters merging.  It is 6 million light years long.  "It is one of the most massive objects in the universe."  
Coma: There are over 1,000 galaxies in that cluster.  It is 321 million light years away.  It has a lot of elliptical galaxies, which means it is very ancient.  Most of the mass of this cluster is dark matter.  It is part of the Coma Supercluster.     
El Gordo: It is the farthest galaxy cluster observed.  It is over 7 billion light years away.  "This cluster is the most massive, the hottest, and gives off the most X-rays of any known cluster at this distance or beyond."  It is composed of 2 subclusters.
RCS2 J2327: It is the farthest cluster from earth and it is very massive.  It is full of dark matter.    

Pandora's: It is was created by 4 clusters coming together.  It took over 350 million years to form.  Dark matter and gas made up 95% of this cluster, 5% is galaxies.    
Fornax:  It is 62 million light years away.  It is composed of 2 subclusters, eventually they will merge.  There are intergalactic stars there as well.     
Lyman-Alpha Blobs 
They are the mothers of galaxy clusters and full of hydrogen gas.  They are all red-shifted because they are so far away.  They are like the fossils of the universe.  Astronomers have been discovering them since 2000.  They emit lyman-alphas, which is a photon coming off a electron when it moves to the lowest orbital from the 2nd lowest orbital.  They don't emit other electromagnetic waves as much, because it as few if any stars.  
Galaxies are a large collection of gas and dust that becomes stars and planets.  There 5 main shapes of galaxies.  Younger galaxies look more like amebas and older galaxies look more like ovals.  Sometimes they crash into each other; sometimes the big ones eat the little ones.  There are clusters of galaxies.  They probably come from the same lyman-alpha blobs.  Lyman-Alpha Blobs became galaxy clusters in the early universe.  Galaxies are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!

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