

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Jinn are spirits from Arabia.  They are a lot like humans, but they have super powers and live in a parallel universe.  There are different tribes of Jinn.  Jinn have different abilities.  They can be either positive and/or negative.  They play a big role in Islamic magic. 
Jinn (plural) are made out of smokeless fire.  They ruled the world b4 the age of man.  They may be based on ancient deities.  The word genie means jinni (singular).  They have had and continue to have many interactions with humans.  They live in a parallel dimension.  They follow the same religions as humans.
Ghoul: They are similar to zombies on movies and they come out @ nite.

Jann: They like humans and live in desert.  They can shapeshift into worldwinds and white camels.  They are @ war with the ghouls.

Nasnas: They look like human animal hybrids.

Marid: They are very powerful giants and they can grant wishes. 

Hinn: They like to look like dogs.

Ifrit: They have wings and live underground.  They are difficult to tame.  They tend to be ruff with humans.

Palis: A vampiric creature that lives in the desert.

Shiqq: Ugly animal looking creatures.

Silat:  They are the smartest Jinn and are excellent shapeshifters!!!!!!!

Shayatans: The hate humans and enjoy temping them.  They are led by Iblis.
They are able to change their appearance and manifest.  Sometimes people get possessed by Jinn.  They kill humans every now and then.  They are used by Islamic magicians quite often, because of their manifestation skills.  They can help people fly.       
Friendly or Meanie
Some Jinn love humans, others hate humans!!!!!!!!  Most are indifferent; they will work with you for a price.  Certain rituals will bring them to you.  If they do something 4 you, they may want a offering.  If you ever bothered by one, get some iron.  It will protect you from them.  Certain verses in the Koran will protect you as well. 

Jinn in Islamic Magik!!!!
Some people believe the demons of the Goetia are really Jinn.  Muslim magickians had a big impact on Western Magick.  Picatrix is a grimoire (magick book) written in Arabic and later translated Latin.  The Jinn can be put in crystals.  Then you take them with you for a certain effect.  When you're done with it, you bury it.   
Jinn are amazing spirits!!!!!!!!!  They are made out of smokeless fire.  They are many different Jinn tribes.  They are very powerful and aid humans sometimes.  Some are friendly, while others are dangerous.  They can be manipulated by magick. 
Nineveh Shadrach
Baal Kadmon

 Arabic Magick A Collection Of Magical Secrets From Various Resource

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