

Monday, March 9, 2020


I heard the word gematria means geometry of language.  There are four main ciphers.  It has a long history over a 1,000!!!!  It has been used in several languages.  Numerology is different from gematria, but they have a lot in common.  There are many examples of this in media.
What is it?
Each letter represents a number.  You add up the numbers of the letters in a word.  This will show the connection between different events and it will give you meaning.  It is used by a select few, because most people don't understand it.
4 Main Ciphers
Ordinal: The first letter represents #1 and letter after that represents #2.  It keeps going like that.  Examples: a=1 & z=26

Full Reduction: Add up the #s that are double digits.  K=11  1+1=2

Reverse Ordinal: Opposite of the ordinal.  A=26 & z=1

Reverse Full Reduction:  Same as reduction, but with reverse ordinal.  A=26  2+6=8

It started in Assyria over a millennium ago.  The Greeks created their own version and the Hebrews learned it from them.  The Jews use a lot in the Torah and the Kabbalah.  The Arabs learned it from the Hebrews and now there is an English version. 

Assyrian: Gematria was used on a inscription by Sargon II.  A wall was as large as the value of his name.

Hebrew: Gematria is a Hebrew word 4 geometry.  Germantia plays a big part in the Kabbalah.  Kabbalists apply it to the Torah. 
Greek: It's called Isopsephy.  B4 Arabic numerals became popular in Europe, the alphabet was the same as numbers. 
 English: In this language the value of the letters is 1-26. 

It deals with the meaning of numbers.  While gematria takes the numerical value of words.  So they are very similar, but numerology doesn't deal with the alphabet @ all.  By knowing numerology you can learn about yourself and others.  You can predict the future with it.  It may be better than astrology.  I wrote more about here
Examples of Gematria an Numerology
Kobe Bryant: One of the # of Kobe is 33.  That was his jersey # in high school.  One of the # of Bryant is 26.  He died on the 26th of January.  One of Shaq jersey numbers' was 32.  Lebron James jersey # is 23.  Kobe last jersey # was 24.  The day b4  Kobe death, King James surpassed Kobe in scoring. That was 26 days after his birthday and 41 days b4 Shaq birthday.  Bear Bryant died on 1/26/1983.  What a coincidence!!!  Lil Wayne album Funeral dropped on 1/31.  The same day as Kobe memorial.  I thought Lebron James was going to score 41 points in a basketball game, because that was the age of Kobe when he died.  Russell Westbrook scored 41 points when the Lakers played the Rockets.   This happened 10 days after Kobe death.  When he was younger b4 he had a family, he said he wanted to die young so he can be immortalized.  In Chamberlain Heights Kobe died in a helicopter crash.  Someone wrote on Twitter in 2012 that Kobe would die in a helicopter crash.       
9/11:  911 is number 4 emergency in the United States.  The pentagon ground was broke on 9/11/1941.  The story goes,  Flight 77 hit the pentagon.  The pentagon is 77 feet and 3/5 of an inch tall.  The pentagon really got hit by a cruise missile.  Donald Rumsfeld said @ a press conference by mistake.   
Gematria is the numerical value of words.  It has been around 4 over 2000 years!!!  It has been used in several languages.  It is big in Kabbalah.  Gematria and numerology are similar, yet different.  There are many examples of it, especially in sports.  Gematria shows you the connection between events that seem unconnected.
Zachary K. Hubbard

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