

Monday, July 8, 2019

Paranormal Encounters

I had several paranormal experiences growing up.  When I was 10 a UFO flew over my house.  I've seen a red orb in the living room when I was 12.  I saw a small red dragon over my bed when I was 19.  I had dreams that came true: pissing and microwave explosion.  I dreamed about people close to me after they died.  I had odd experiences when I slept in the bed with nephew.
The UFO that flew over my house was a black triangle with 3 white circles under it.  It's called the TR3B.  It has a nuclear reactor 4 a engine.  A soldier told me it was a classified military plane.  The government reverse engineers alien technology.  I assume that is what's going on @ Area 51.  I read the F-117 and B-2 has reverse-engineered alien technology on it.
After I seen the orb it vanished right after I saw it.  I told my father about it; he thought it was ball lightning.  Orbs may be spirits.  In Shamanic Healing Class I held spirit spheres.  B4 I sent a ghost into the blessing field I would get someone they loved.  Then I would ask them to form into a ball and come into my hands.  Maybe sum orbs are ghosts or a group of ghosts.  Sometimes people don't see them, but they are captured on camera. 
Interdimensional Entities
There are beings that exist in other dimensions.  The dragon I saw may have been one of them.  The funny thing is my favorite animal spirit is a red fire dragon.  Reality is like a onion, there are many layers.  There are sum places on earth that are portals to other dimensions, such as Bermuda Triangle.    The Mist is a movie and later a show that deals with interdimensional entities.  Scientists created a portal to another dimension; then animals from that dimension came through and attacked people.  There is a show on Netflix called Stranger Things that has beings from a shadow mirror world.  There is a lot of media that deals with interdimensional entities.  Cern may be able to create portals to other dimensions.  The D-Wave computer connects to other universes.   

When I was 5 I had a dream where I peed on myself.  Than I got up and used the restroom.  I also had a dream I blew up the microwave.  After I woke up I asked my brother to heat up sum pizza.  He was sleeping and wouldn't get up.  So, I tried to heat up the pizza in the microwave.  I pushed a bunch of buttons and it blew up.  That's weird because I ate cold pizza when I was a kid.  After my grandpa died, I had a dream he was @ the Family Reunion banquet.  He wore a blue suit or a blue sports coat.  After my brothers' friend Jeff died, I dreamed about him.  He sat on a bed and he was in good shape.  I take it to mean he is happy in the spirit world.  I also a had dream about my eldest brother James after he died.  He was also happy in the dream.  One time I was sleeping next to my nephew and dreamed we were aliens on a spaceship.  We had pink skin and looked reptoid.  I thought it was a past life.  Another time I slept next to my nephew I almost had an Out of Body experience.  My body vibrated, then I got scared so it didn't happen.  I had a dream I was in a parallel earth.  I saw bigfoot and it was covered in white fur.  I saw a giant lady bug covered in white fur.  I called them both furries.
The paranormal (ghosts, aliens, and cryptozoology) exist.  We were more familiar with it in the past because we were more spiritual.  Since we turned our back on nature, we are less spiritual.  So, we see the paranormal as weird and scary.  In the past it was simply a natural part of life.

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