

Thursday, May 2, 2019


They have been around forever.  Entheogens are plants that give us visions and extradimensional experiences.  They have a long history and are a big part of shamanism.  There are used differently/similar around the world.  There are sum star players.  Recreational drugs are based off them.
Entheogens means god within.  They are psychoactive plants.  They causes people to experience another reality.  They were used in certain ceremonies.  Sum entheogenic ceremonies are still done today!!!!  These ceremonies can lead to a better life.     
Entheogens have been used since prehistoric times.  Cave paintings of entities may have come entheogenic experiences.  They have played a big part in ancient religions worldwide.  Religious people used them as a way to commune with deities.  Entheogens are doorways to the spirit world.

There have been Africans using entheogens 4 over 11,000 years!!!  Taino shamans used 2 crush nuts and snort it in their noses.  It help them commune with deities and/or tree spirits.  Shamans in Brazil use Ayahuasca to interact with spirits.  Many North Americans smoked tobacco to send there their prayers to the creator.  Brahmins used a entheogen they called soma in ancient times.  Shamans in Siberia use Fly Agaric to go into trances.  The Kemetians used Acacia Nilotica similar to the way Ayahuasca is used in Brazil.  Entheogens were used by Hebrews.  Sum believe Moses was tripping (an altered state of consciousness by using an entheogen) when he saw the burning bush.  The Aztecs used a psychoactive plant to cure fear.  The Maya used Water Lilies to go into a trance.  Viking berserkers ate Fly Agaric b4 going into battle.         
Shamanic Enhancement
Shamans use entheogens for altered states of consciousness which helps them connect to spirits.  By doing this they get access to information they wouldn't have access to otherwise.  These plants can help them have outer body experiences, travel to different dimensions, see/experience past life experiences, learn what herb to use to cure diseases, etc.  They play a big part in shamanism, but they are only tools.  Someone can be a shaman without them.  Altered states of consciousness may be able to warp reality!!!
Famous Helpers   
Ayahuasca: It is made out of a vine and a shrub.  It is used in Brazil and they give you great visions. 
Iboga: It is used in Gabon, Costa Rica, France, and England.  It causes you to go deep within yourself.  Then you may meet a greater version of yourself.  You may experience your memories.  It is also a addiction killer. 
Peyote: It has been used 4 over 5,000 years in Texas!!!  Huichol use them in Northern Mexico.  It is a very spiritual plant. 

Diviner's Sage: It was used by Mazatec Americans.  They used it 4 visions and healing. 

Kava-Kava: It in the Western Pacific it is chewed and turned into a drink.  It gives you euphoria, relaxing, talkative, etc.
Psilocybin Mushroom:  They were used by prehistoric Africans in Algeria.  The Aztec used it too.  It gives you visions.  It can be a upper or a downer.
Tobacco: It was used throughout the Americas.  It can give you visions. 

Morning Glory: They were used by the Aztecs and Zapotecs.  Mexicans my still use them.  They cause you to see and feel non-ordinary reality.  You get a greater perception of colors. 
Fly Agaric Mushroom: They are used by Siberian shamans.  It may relax you, change your mood, loss of balance, euphoria, and/or visions.
Hell's Bells: This was used by Central Americans and Hindus.  The Hindus smoked it with weed.  It causes you to have a waking trance. 

Wormwood: This plant was associated with Artemis.  It causes you to feel drunk and sober @ the same time.   

Cannabis: It has been used around the world.  It can cause euphoria, relaxation, memory enhancement, paranoia, etc.  It makes you very hungry.   

Mutated Offspring
Modern day illegal drugs are based on entheogens.  When people abuse drugs they get an altered state of consciousness.  That's what getting high is all about.  Entheogens were/are used in ceremonies.  They aren't recreational. 

Entheogens are psychoactive plants that are doorways to non-ordinary realities.  They have been used around the world since prehistoric times.  They play a big part in shamanism.  Sum entheogens are more popular than others.  Street drugs are a bad version of entheogens.       

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