

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Classical Chinese Medicine

Classical Chinese Medicine (CCM) has been around for millennia!!!!  It is very Daoist, philosophical, and spiritual.  Its literature is ancient Chinese texts.  It has several branches and various ideas.  It has been corrupted by europeanization. Traditional Chinese Medicine is europeanized Classical Chinese Medicine.
CCM is over 4,000 years old.  Most of it comes from Taoism.  Taoism was suppressed about a millennium ago.  The suppression occurred during the rise of  Confusism.  A lot of Daoist texts were destroyed.  Some texts made it to Vietnam and were translated into ancient Vietnamese.  Later on, it translated to French, then English.  Once China became a republic Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was created.  It is europeanized Chinese medicine.  It downplays emotional and spiritual aspects of Classical Chinese Medicine.  CCM is becoming popular again.
Master Hua's Classic of the Central Viscera: This book is about organs and how they are affected by yin-yang.  It explains pulse diagnosis.

AB Canon of Acupuncture and Moxibustion: This was the first Chinese book on acupuncture and moxibustion.  It explains meridians and acupoints.  

Pulse Cannon: It explains different types of pulses in detail.

Essential Formulas for Emergencies a Thousand Pieces of Gold: This book explains how to make 5,300 forms of medicine.

There are 1,000's of CCM texts!!!!!

Breakdown and Branches
Qi: Lifeforce

Jing: Sexual Energy

Shen: Spiritual energy

Qi can become Jing.  Jing can become Shen.

Yin: Female

Yang: Male
Wuxing: Fire, Metal, Earth, Wood, Water
Each phase has a certain amount of yin or yang.  Earth has equal amounts of both.

Jingluo (Meridians): Energy channels in the body.  They are like veins.
 There are 8 branches of CCM.

Acupuncture: Needles are put in acupoints, which causes healing.  It helps the chi flow better.
Herbs: Plants are used together to help cure illnesses.
Massage: Tui Na: Theraputic massage.  Anmo: Relaxing massage.
Feng Shui: Putting objects in there proper place.  That will lead more positive energy.
Harmony (Maat): Your diet and activities should be intuned with the seasons.

Exercise: Do Tai Chi.  It improves chi flow.
Diet: "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food."  Eat foods that resonate with you.

Mind: It can heal or kill you, the choice is yours.  The mind is of the utmost importance.

Mantak Chia

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