

Friday, October 13, 2017

Astral Projection

You can make your astral body come out of your physical body.  There are different techniques to do this. Certain herbs can do this too.  The Astral body is one of our subtle bodies.  People have done since 4 millennia and a lot of people still are.  When you are in your astral body you can travel to a lot of different places.  The astral realm is like a dream, but it is very real.  This where the afterlife takes places.

Meditation can help someone astral project and so could self-hypnosis.  Lucid dreaming can help you astral project.  You can think of a dream as your very own are astral realm.  Visualization can help you astral project. Certain sounds can help you astral project.  I assume it easiest to do this when you are in a theta brainwave.

Earthquake: Lay down in complete darkness.  Visualize your aura.  Focus energy on your temples and see the energy back and forth.  Shake the energy until you are conscious of your astral body.
Astral Herbs
Mugwort:  This herb helps have more vivid dreams and it helps get to the astral realm.

Ayahuasca: Taking can open portals to different dimensions.

Mexican Dream Herb: Has a similar effect as mugwort.

Tobacco: This herb is an astral portal.  Fire and water are al

Salvia: It is like Mexican Dream Herb.  When taking have someone there to watch you.

There are many other herbs you can use.  Make sure you research b4 using a herb, because they may have side effects.  You can an herbal tea and you can use herbal pills.
Astral Body
This is the body most people call soul.  It is very mutable.  It can shape-shift.  It can become a spider, dragon, or anything you can imagine.  It isn't as limited as the physical body.  It can do all that stuff you see on tv.  It is the blueprint of the etheric body, which is the blueprint for the psychical body.  You travel to different planets in your astral body.  You can explore the universe.
Astral Realm
This realm is shaped by our collective imagination.  Ancestral spirits live there.  Many versions of heaven and hell exist there; there are many other places as well.  You can find angels and demons here.  Gods, goddesses, and alien spirits live there too.  Anything humanity believed in strongly exist there.  Check out South Park Imagination Land.  Those episodes show you what the astral plane is like to a degree.

If you want to know what the afterlife is like you should astral project.  If you want meet spirits you should astral project.  If you want to have fun you should ap.  It is so amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  If you practice long enough you can do it.  People have been doing this 4 a long time, but it may have been secret until recently. It is known around the world.    


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