

Thursday, August 24, 2017


The study of the government of Christian churches is ecclesiology.  It has a long history.  There are many different types of governments in Christian churches.  They have their own hierarchy.  Some of the political organization may be based on the bible.

Types of Ecclesiastical Governments
Armenian Church:  Armenia may have been the first Christian nation or Ethiopia.  It is believed the apostles Bartholomew and Thaddeus brought Christianity to Armenia. They healed an Armenian king and then he allowed them to promote Christianity throughout the nation.  A later king had the apostles executed.  After years of Christian persecution Christianity the state religion of Armenia.

There was a saint named Gregory the Illuminator.  He made Christianity popular in Armenia.  He tore down pagan statues and built churches.  He ordained priests and bishops.  1600 years ago the bible was translated into Armenian.  The head of the Armenian church is called the Patriarch.  There are 2 patriarchs, archbishops, bishops, priests, etc.            

Church of the East: This church is called the Nestorian Church.  This church is the second oldest. The leader of this church is the Patriarch of the East.  This church as deacons, priests, and bishops.  The language of this church is Syriac.  This church spread Christianity all over Asia

Catholic Church: Members of this church believe the church was founded by the apostle Peter.  The headquarters of this church is the Vatican.  The Vatican is in Rome, Italy. This church has been around a long time.  It has done a lot to help the poor and the sickly.  They also played a role in Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and supported the Nazi. They have a religious service called Mass. During Mass people eat bread and drink wine.  Catholic priests have a magic power called transubstantiation.  The priests turn the bread and wine into flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. That's an amazing belief!!!  The language of this church is Latin. Members of the Catholic Church believe it is the greatest Christian Church in the universe.
Eastern Orthodox: It is similar the Catholic Church in many ways.  But, they don't have a Pope.  They are ruled by a council of bishops.  If a married man becomes a priest he can stay married.  If a single man becomes a priest he can not marry.  There aren't any priestess because of sexism.
Protestantism: There are many different protestant denominations.  The Anglican Church governmental structure is similar to the Catholic Church.  An English king created it because he was excommunicated by the Catholic Church 4 divorcing his wife.  I think Methodists are similar to the Anglicans.  The Baptist Church has a different governmental structure.  They are similar to the Pentecostal Church.
Ecclesiology teaches you the leadership structure of various Christian churches.  I think the Armenian Church is an Eastern Orthodox Church.  The Church of the East maybe too.  Protestantism was created after Martin Luther was kicked out of the Catholic Church.  Much can be learned from studying Christianity.  Don't take it so literally.  

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