

Thursday, August 24, 2017


The study of the government of Christian churches is ecclesiology.  It has a long history.  There are many different types of governments in Christian churches.  They have their own hierarchy.  Some of the political organization may be based on the bible.

Types of Ecclesiastical Governments
Armenian Church:  Armenia may have been the first Christian nation or Ethiopia.  It is believed the apostles Bartholomew and Thaddeus brought Christianity to Armenia. They healed an Armenian king and then he allowed them to promote Christianity throughout the nation.  A later king had the apostles executed.  After years of Christian persecution Christianity the state religion of Armenia.

There was a saint named Gregory the Illuminator.  He made Christianity popular in Armenia.  He tore down pagan statues and built churches.  He ordained priests and bishops.  1600 years ago the bible was translated into Armenian.  The head of the Armenian church is called the Patriarch.  There are 2 patriarchs, archbishops, bishops, priests, etc.            

Church of the East: This church is called the Nestorian Church.  This church is the second oldest. The leader of this church is the Patriarch of the East.  This church as deacons, priests, and bishops.  The language of this church is Syriac.  This church spread Christianity all over Asia

Catholic Church: Members of this church believe the church was founded by the apostle Peter.  The headquarters of this church is the Vatican.  The Vatican is in Rome, Italy. This church has been around a long time.  It has done a lot to help the poor and the sickly.  They also played a role in Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and supported the Nazi. They have a religious service called Mass. During Mass people eat bread and drink wine.  Catholic priests have a magic power called transubstantiation.  The priests turn the bread and wine into flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. That's an amazing belief!!!  The language of this church is Latin. Members of the Catholic Church believe it is the greatest Christian Church in the universe.
Eastern Orthodox: It is similar the Catholic Church in many ways.  But, they don't have a Pope.  They are ruled by a council of bishops.  If a married man becomes a priest he can stay married.  If a single man becomes a priest he can not marry.  There aren't any priestess because of sexism.
Protestantism: There are many different protestant denominations.  The Anglican Church governmental structure is similar to the Catholic Church.  An English king created it because he was excommunicated by the Catholic Church 4 divorcing his wife.  I think Methodists are similar to the Anglicans.  The Baptist Church has a different governmental structure.  They are similar to the Pentecostal Church.
Ecclesiology teaches you the leadership structure of various Christian churches.  I think the Armenian Church is an Eastern Orthodox Church.  The Church of the East maybe too.  Protestantism was created after Martin Luther was kicked out of the Catholic Church.  Much can be learned from studying Christianity.  Don't take it so literally.  

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Annuities are one of the many ways to make $.  An annuity is a monthly payment from an insurance company after you give them a down payment.  They have a long history in the U.S. and other countries.  There are several types of annuities.  There is sum risk involved when buying annuities.
Annuities started in ancient Rome!!!  People that bought annuities got paid for a # of years or a lifetime.  A Roman man named Ulpianis created a way to figure out how long buyers would live.  Terms of contract and interest rates were determined by how long the sellers thought buyers would live.  This helped sellers maximize profits and minimize risk.  Annuities were used 4 wars, public buildings, church, and community investments.

The first annuities in the United States were in 1759.  They were created by a Presbyterian corporation.  It was for widows and children.  Retired ministers and orphans were paid by the annuities.  In 1776 sum annuities were created 4 soldiers and their families.  In 1812 a company in Pennsylvania sold annuities to the public.  In 1905 Andrew Carnegie created annuities for teachers.  In 1935 Social Security was created.  It is a lifetime annuity for workers in the U.S.  There are many different annuities in the U.S.  Consumers own 1 trillion $ worth of annuities!

Types of Annuities
There are 2 main types of annuities.  They are immediate and deferred.  They can be variable, fixed, equity-indexed, or longevity.

Main Types
Immediate: It lasts 4 a lifetime or several decades.
Deferred: The payee gets paid at a later date.
Variable: The payment is based on the performance of investments.
Fixed: The payment is always the same.

Equity-Indexed: It is a combination of fixed and variable.
Longevity: This is 4 retirement.  You must be 80 years old to receive payment from this annuity.
Annuities in Other Countries
Sweden annuities are linked to investments.  They come from the government. Canadian annuities interest rates are 6.7.  The U.S. interest rates 4 annuities is 5.5% and they are linked to investments.  Holland interest rate is 6%.  They combine savings and payout features in the annuities.  Japan doesn't have a lot of annuities because it has good pensions.  Australia interest rates are 12%!!!!!!!

Illiquidity: To get back your principal you have to wait.  Once you are able to get it, you have to penalties.
Early Death: If you die early you won't get that much $.

Company Risk: Make sure you get your annuity from a good company so you can keep getting paid.

Inflation: The value of the payments will drop as inflation rise.
Annuities have a long history.  They have been around 4 over millennium!!!  There are many different types. Annuities exist in many different countries.  There are several risks involved with having annuities.  You should buy annuities if it fits your investment strategy.  

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Michael O' Harris

Michael joined a gang with his brother.  They became big tyme drug kingpins.  Mike created legit bizznesses. He married Lydia Robinson in 1985.  She did a lot 4 Mike while he was in prison.  He financed different rap companies and Broadway play.  He was awarded some $ for helped create death row.

Mike was born on 1962.  O'Harris and his brother David became Drug dealers in their 20's.  They worked with Booty Hunter Bloods and Rolling 60's Crips in their drug dealings.  They got dope from Cali Drug Cartel.  The dope was disputed through various cities.  Mike and David made millions from his drug distribution network.  David bought a yacht in 1988.  He died on the boat because it sunked.  Mike had limousine service that had a fleet of 20 limousines.  He also owned restaurants, a deli, and hair salons.  He tried to go legit, but he ended up in prison.

Mike met Lydia Robinson at a night club.  Then they got married after several months, I think.  She was Michael mouth-piece while he was in prison.  She interacted with Suge on his behalf.  Mark Friedman became a friend of Mike while he was in prison. When Mark got out he became friends with Lydia.  They did bizzness together.  He helped Lydia financially.

Mike wanted Lydia to make a song with Dr. Dre.  Dre and Lydia went to the studio together.  Mike introduced Dr. Dre to his lawyer David Kenner.  Dr. Dre getting out Ruthless Records led to the creation of Death Row.  Rumor has it, Lydia liked Snoop Dogg and she told Mike.  Mike told Suge Knight, so Suge threw a party for Death Row rappers. Snoop and Dre rapped together at the party.  Snoop sounded good, so Suge signed him.

Lydia was going to sue Death Row because she felt she didn't get the amount $ from the label she deserved.  She was giving $107 million so she wouldn't sue. She divorced Mike and they split the funds during the divorce.  The character Cookie Lyon on Empire is based on Lydia.

Hidden Hand in Entertainment
Mike gave Death Row seed $.  Without him, Death Row would have never existed.  B4 that he invested $200,000 in Rap-A-Lot Records, so he says.  J. Prince disagrees with that statement.  Mike helped the Geto Boys go tour and he treated them like kings.   He funded a Broadway play called Checkmates.  Denzel Washington played a character in it and took a picture with Mike.

Michael Harris is a great man.  He helped make rap popular by financing rap companies.  The sad truth he couldn't have done without being a drug kingpin.  Something great came from something so awful.  He had a wonderful wife and she's a genius.  Mike is still in prison, but hopefully, he will get out soon.

References have been in and out of prisonmember-to-benefit-from-gb

Wednesday, August 9, 2017


MS-13 is one of the worst gangs in the U.S.  It started in California in 1980's.  It was created to protect El Salvadorian people.  The initiation ritual of this gang is horrible.  It has its own hierarchy.  They have tattoos and their own sign language.  MS-13 prostituted children and worked 4 Sinaloa.  MS-13 are in cahoots with Islamic terrorists. It is international and has over 50,000 people.  They have their own prison in El Salvador.

The gang that MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha 13)come from was called the Stoners.  They lived in El Salvador in the 1970's.  They liked heavy metal so they would put up the devil horns.  They moved to California in the 1980's.  All of the Stoners are dead now. Soldiers of El Salvador had something to do with the creation of MS-13 too.  They became violent then MS-13 was born.  They protected people of their nationality from Mexican and African-American gangs.  Women are treated like shit in this gang.  Stay away from it ladies you are too precious to be treated awful.

Initiation Ritual
For men to join they have to get beat up and they have to kill someone in a rival gang.  If a woman joins the gang she may get gang raped by 6 men.  If someone breaks the rules of the gang they will be killed.  Some gang members are as young as 11.  They get beaten until they are unconscious.  One gang member in Texas brutally raped a woman and kicked are neck so hard it broke.

Council of Nine: They are the bosses of the gang.  They over everyone else.  They make strategies for the gang and have the final decision.

Clica Leaders: These people are over the different sets.

Finances & Special Ops: They decide how much $ should be used in an operation. They also decide which cops are killed.

Hired Assassins: If they need someone killed or exhorted and can't find someone in the gang to do it.  They will hire someone.

Menial Helpers: They do what they are told.  Their job is to make sure the gang has everything it need.

Informants: They give the gang info.  They aren't part of the gang.  They are like associates of the Mafia.    

Some of them put an MS-13 tattoo on their body.  Others put devil horns tattoos on their body.  Tattoos are becoming less popular in this gang.  They don't wear them so much now; so they won't be identified by law enforcement.

Child Prostitution
A 14-year-old El Salvadorian ran from home to her boyfriend house.  He was a member of MS-13.  He prostituted her in 3 states.  A lot of Central American kids that run away end up in prostitution.  Rules were created for the interaction between the rapist and underage women.

They are the muscle 4 Sinaloa and Los Zetas.  They are hitmen for them and they help they smuggle drugs. MS-13 has also been working with Islamic terrorists.  An Al Quada leader met with a leader of MS-13 in Honduras.  They help some of the terrorists sneak into the U.S.  I assume the terrorists are paying them 4 this.

Transnational Criminal Organization
MS-13 is in several countries.  It is in Canada, United States, Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, etc.  It has over 70,000 members worldwide!  Trump is at war with MS-13.  He wants to deport criminals in this gang to El Salvador.  This will cause greater crime in El Salvador.

MS-13 Prison
They have their own prison because they are so violent.  If they were with other prisoners they would kill them.  The prison they're in is supposed hold 800 people, but 2,600 prisoners in it.  There aren't any guards at this prison because MS-13 is ruthless.  The prison is watched by the El Salvadorian Army.

MS-13 is the most violent gang in the U.S.  They have vicious initiation rituals.  They have a sweet hierarchy.  Their tattoos are meaningful, but not so popular today.  They prostitute women under age.  They work with Mexican Drug Cartels and Islamic terrorists.  They are a transnational criminal organization because they commit crimes and operate in various countries.  They are so dangerous they have their own prison!!!!!!!!!!!!      

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Monarchy is the oldest form of government.  Kemet, Mesopotamia, China, India, and other nations were ruled by a monarchy.  There are different types of monarchies. There are countries stilled ruled by monarchies.  Some people would argue that monarchies are the best form of government.  Others would make arguments to counter that.

A monarchy is a royal family.  The leader of the monarchy is usually the king.  People related to the king have positions in the government.  In a monarchy, you may have a queen, princes, princesses, etc.  There may be noble families as well.  The nobles aren't as powerful and wealthy as the monarchy, but they are above the general population.

Monarchy lasted in Kemet for over 3,000 years!  The Kemetic monarchy originated in Nubia.  Kemet was ruled by a particular monarchy for centuries.  They are called dynasties.  The pharaoh was a representative of Pa Neter.  The pharaoh was the oldest son of the previous pharaoh Great Wife. If the pharaoh was very young his mother may rule in his place.  She is called regent.  Members of the royal family were in the priesthoods.  Most pharaohs were men, but sum were women.  The vizier was the mouthpiece of the king.  A lot of times they were a relative of the pharaoh.  The most famous vizier was Imhotep.  He was a multi-genius and he is still with us!!!!!
The king of Sumeria was a high-priest.  The king was seen as divine.  Akkad was the first Semitic kingdom in Mesopotamia.  Sargon was a great emperor of Akkad he conquered Sumeria.  Assyria was created after Akkad and Sumeria combined.  It was ruled by different dynasties.  Babylonia was also created as result of Assyria and Sumeria mixing.  It was founded by Amorites.  Elam was also ruled by a king, but it was in southwestern Iran.
For most of China history, it was ruled by a monarch.  China has been ruled by many different dynasties throughout its history.  The Qing dynasty ruled much of modern-day China. It lasted almost 300 years!  It was the last dynasty, now the communists rule China.  Starting in the Chou dynasty the king needed the mandate of heaven to rule. The 100 Schools of Thought arose during the Chou dynasty as well.
The king was seen as divine.  The king was supposed to protect the kingdom and punish the wicked.  The king had the power to tax people.  There were limits to how much he could tax.  I think the Gupta dynasty is the most famous dynasty.  There was great religious diversity and tolerance during this dynasty.
Types of Monarchy
Absolute Monarchy:  The monarch controls everything in the country.  Absolute monarchies were popular in the past.  There are 7 absolute monarchies today.
Constitutional Monarchy:  The monarch is bound by a constitution.  The monarchy isn't involved with the government but may have power over the government. There are 21 constitutional monarchies.
Monarchies have been around a long time.  It is the most popular form of government in the world.  There are monarchies in existence today.  There are 2 types of monarchies.  Sum people feel monarchies are the best form of government.  Others feel it isn't so good.