

Friday, May 5, 2017

United States Educational System

Education has a long history in the U.S.  The Prussian educational system had a big impact on the U.S. educational system.  The U.S. has public, private, charter and home schools.  Affirmative Action was created to remedy systemic racism in education and employment.  There are several problems in the U.S. educational system.
The first school in what became the U.S. was started in 1635.  It was in Boston, Massachusetts.  It is the first public school in the U.S.  This school was the prototype of high schools.  Other public schools were created in New England.  They were replaced by private schools in 1780's.

In Virginia, Jesuits created Catholic schools in 1600's.  Rich folk got private tutors to teach their kids.  They also sent their kids to England & Scotland to get educated.  George Thorpe created a school 4 Americans. He got killed 1622.  Schools were segregated in the South until 1954.  Democrats caused African-American schools to be underfunded during segregation.

There is a Catholic girl school in New Orleans.  It is called Ursuline Academy.  It was created in 1727.  It was the first schools to teach underprivileged women.

Americans were forced into European schools so they could forget themselves.

During Reconstruction, African-American colleges were created.  Hampton University was the most important African-American college during this time.  It's my home by the sea.  Booker T. Washington graduated from Hampton University.  After that, he created Tuskegee University.

The rest is history.
Prussian Influence
Prussia created a 3 tier educational system.  Upper-class children got the best education.  Middle-class children got a good education.  Lower class got an education that caused them to become obedient workers and soldiers.  PhDs were created in Prussia.  European men from the U.S. went to Prussia and got PhDs. They like its educational system, so they brought it back to the U.S.
Different Types of School
Home: Rural areas were the first place in the U.S. to have home schools.  Parents teach their kids at home for religious reasons; and because public schools are failing to give their children an adequate education. I believe home schools are better than public and private.  This is because parents care more about their child education than anyone else.
Public: Public schools consist of elementary, middle, high schools.  Taxes pay for public education.  School broads govern public schools.  The Department of Education regulates public schools.  The second public school in the U.S. was in Hampton, Virginia in 1638.
Private: Most private schools are Catholic.  These types of school don't receive funding from the government.  Their funding comes from tuition.  The federal government doesn't regulate private schools so much.  Catholic private schools have a theology class.  It teaches students about Christianity.  It was one of my favorite classes in high school.
Charter: Some of these schools are for-profit and others are non-profit.  For-profit charter schools get their money from tuition.  They are big bizzness.  I went to a 4-profit charter high school and had a ball.  Non-profit charter schools get donations from individuals and organizations.  Charter schools aren't controlled by the government as much as public school.
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action was created to remedy disenfranchisement of African Americans in education and employment.  It was created in 1964.  Minorities get are more likely to get hired and get into college because of Affirmative Action.  Affirmative Action is race and gender-based.  It should be based on a person socio-economic status.  If someone has a high socio-economic status they have no need of Affirmative Action, regardless of race or gender.
Problems in U.S. Educational System
There are many problems in U.S. schools.  Teachers should be paid more.  If they were, they would take teaching more seriously.  Bloom's Taxonomy should be applied to public schools.  This will help students learn with their mind, emotions, and their hands.  Some schools are violent and have metal detectors.  The teachers should find a way to de-escalate conflicts, so metal detectors are taken out of school.  Schools shouldn't be a war zone.  They should be a place students learn by having fun. There should be a lot of learning games in the classroom 4 lower grades.  There should be fewer games for higher grades.  Lessons should be taught in a way that relates to the children's lives.  Then they will be more interested.  Many students come from dysfunctional homes, which impairs their ability to learn.  Some parents need help raising their children.  Schools should help these parents.        
The U.S. educational system is over 300 years old.  It was negatively impacted by the Prussian educational system.  The U.S. has home, public, private, and charter schools.  Affirmative Action was created to help African Americans; now it helps almost everybody!  Schools in the U.S. have problems.  The solution to these problems is higher pay for teachers, Bloom's Taxonomy, conflict resolution, more games and fun, lessons tailored to the lives of students, and parenting classes.      
Disruption of U.S. Education
It is Falling Apart
Prussia Again
History of U.S. Educational System
Prussian Influence
Private vs Public
Gender Schools
Affirmative Action the Right Way
U.S. School System
90 Seconds of Education
Bad Science Classes
It is so Broken!
Bloom Taxonomy
Conflict Resolution

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