
Monday, March 13, 2017

Way of China

Educational systems in China have been around for millennia.  It has changed throughout the dynasties. There were essential texts students had to read.  There were local and private schools. China was the first country to create the civil service exam. There were schools for people who would become government officials. Most Chinese people didn't go to school because parents wanted their children working on the farm. Women weren't allowed an education.       

Essential Texts
A lot of Chinese students studied the 4 Books and the 5 Classics: Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean, Analects, & Mencius; Classic Poetry, Book of Documents, Book of Rites, I Ching, and Spring and Autumn Annals.  Great Learning is a Confucian book.  It teaches you how to be a good person. Doctrine of the Mean is about Confucian metaphysics, politics, and ethics.  Analects is about Confucian education, social philosophy, and political philosophy.  Mencius is full of Mencius ideas. Mencius was a disciple of Confucius. Classic Poetry is the oldest book of Chinese poetry.  It is over 2,000 years old.  Book of Documents is about political philosophy. Book of Rites has Taoist and Mohist beliefs in it.  I Ching is a book of divination. Spring and Autumn Annals is a book of commentaries.

Local and Private Schools
The first school was Shujun Academy.  Other local schools came into being after this one.  This happened during the Western Hun dynasty. In later dynasties, local schools became more popular.  Confucius created the first private school during the Spring and Autumn Period.  Many other private schools were created after this. There were Confucian, Taoist, Mohist, and Legalist schools.  This period was known as 100 Schools of Thought.  Confucius and Mozi gave lectures at private schools.  Confucius was born a century b4 Mozi. Buddhism, metaphysics, and technology became lessons in private schools during after the 5th century.
Civil Service Exam
If people wanted to join the bureaucracy they took the civil service exam.  The exam dealt with the classics and literary style.  The civil service exam was used in Korea, Vietnam, Japan, and the Ryukyu Kingdom.  It was also used by the East Indian Company later on.  There were 4 types of exams.  They were an entry, provincial, metropolitan, and palace exams.  There was a scholarly exam and military exam.  The scholarly exam consisted of math, art, music, writing, and rituals.  The military exam consisted of archery and horsemanship.
Imperial Universities
Emperor Wu during the Western Han dynasty created the first imperial university.  The professors were government officials.  Other imperial colleges were created by other emperors.  Sometimes only government officials children could go to imperial university.
Shuyuan (Academies)
White Deer Grotto Academy was created by Emperor Taizong of Song.  The emperor gave books to the school.  This academy fell apart in the 12th century.  Zhu Xi rebuilt it; he was a neo-Confucian philosopher.

Yingtianfu Academy was created by a merchant named Yang Que.

Yuelu Academy was Neo-Confucian school.  Zhu Xi was a professor at Yuelu Academy.  Yuelu Academy has been around over 1,000 years. This academy now called Hunan University.
Donglin Academy: It was built in 1604.  I think it was a Neo-Confucian academy.
There were many other great academies.      

Women & Education
Chinese men felt women should only take care of the house.  That's why they weren't allowed into schools. Chinese men saw women as inferior.  Chinese men thought women weren't smart as men; so educating them was seen as a waste of time.  Chinese women are treated better now.
There were 9 essential texts Chinese students read.  There were many local and private schools. The first civil service exam was first created in China.  Several imperial colleges were created in China. There were many great academies.  Women weren't allowed to get an education because of sexism. I like the ancient Chinese education systems.  The only thing wrong with it was women weren't allowed an education.   

If you want to read the Chronology of China click here.

Essential Texts
Civil Service Exam
Yuelu Academy
3 Teachings

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