

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Shilluk Kingdom

The Shilluk Kingdom lasted for 375 years!  It was created by the Shilluk tribe.  This kingdom had its own caste system and language.  The kingdom was destroyed by Muslims and other tribes.  The Shilluk Kingdom is in existence today in South Sudan.  It is not as powerful as it used to be.  

Nyikang was the founder of the Shilluk kingdom.  He was the son of a king.  His brother became king after his father.  Nyikang fought his brother so he could rule.  He lost the battle, so he left the kingdom.  He traveled northeast and met his future wife.  His wife was a daughter of a magickian named Dimo.  Nyikang got into a fight with Dimo, so he moved away.

In the 1600's the Shilluk would raid nearby tribes for cattle.  They became imperial at that time.  In 1650 the Shilluk Kingdom had a golden age.  The government became stronger and trade got better.  There was a drought in 1685, so Shilluk men took up arms and raided Sudan.

Muslims kidnapped Shilluk people and stole their cattle in 1821.  The White Nile fell into the hands of the Nuer and Dinka.  The Shilluk controlled it b4 them.  The Shilluk Kingdom lost political power in 1865.  

Shilluk Tribe
The Shilluk Tribe might be 5,000 years old!  They number over a million people.  They are related to the Luo, Dinka, and Anuak tribe.  President Obama's father is from the Luo tribe.  Some of them follow a traditional religion others are Christians.  Some mix the 2.  A lot of Shilluk people got killed in 2010 by the Sudan People's Liberation Army.
Kwareth: This is the royal caste.  They are the descendants of Nyikang.  Reth: king, Nyireth: prince or princess, Nyareth: son od Nyireth, and Kwar Nyireth: son of lesser Nyireth.

Ororo: This is a royal caste too, but they are similar to the common people.  They do certain rituals.

Cholla: Common people.  This is the caste most Shilluk people are in.

Bang Reth:  Royal wives and/or slaves.

The Shilluk language is part of the Nilo-Saharan language family.  The language has 10 vowels and 19 constants.  The Shilluk language is related to Luo, Anuak, and Dinka.
The Shilluk Kingdom has an amazing history and language.  I like the Shilluk tribe because they're African. They have their own caste system and the kingdom is still around today.  The Shilluk tribe are the most politically organized Nilotes.    
Shilluk Culture
More Shilluk Culture
A Star has Fallen
Shilluk Dance
Sweet Shilluk Pics
More Sweet Shilluk Pics

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