

Friday, February 24, 2017


Hinduism is a mixture of Indian religions.  It also has many beliefs, texts, symbols, deities, rituals, philosophies, and medicine.  It has 4 denominations.  Hinduism exist alongside other religions in India.  They influenced each other.  Hinduism had a big impact on Southeast Asia and Europeans.

The origin of Hinduism goes back to prehistoric times.  Indus Valley Civilization religion became a part of Hinduism.  The Aryans invaded India over 3,000 years ago and they brought Brahmanism with them. Brahmanism became a part of Hinduism. There was/are various ethnic groups in India that contributed to Hinduism.  Folk Hinduism is practiced by people in rural areas.  A lot of these people are Dravidian.  The Hinduism that focuses on the Vedas is called Sruti.

Karma: What goes around comes around.  If you do good/evil it comes back to you in this life or the next.

Reincarnation: The Atman incarnates into another body after death.  If you have good karma you will reincarnate in a better position in life; likewise, if you have evil karma you will reincarnate in a worse position in life.

Caste System: People are born to do certain occupations.  The castes are priests, warriors & government, merchants, and farmers.  Each caste represents parts of Purusha.  The priests represent the head.  The warrior and government represent the arms.  Merchants represent the thighs and the farmers the feet. Higher caste people mistreat lower caste people.  Some people aren't even in the caste system.  They are called untouchable.  They catch hell.  If a person has good karma they will be born in a higher caste. That belief is used as an excuse to mistreat people.  The caste system isn't important in the cities, but they are important in rural areas.

Maya: Illusion.  The phenomenal universe.

Samsara: Being reborn in maya over and over again.

Dharma: It is duty, destiny, and righteousness.

Artha: Wealth, prosperity, job, and career.

Kama: Pleasure

Moksha: Liberation from the cycle of samsara.

Atman: Soul

Agamas:  Books on worship, yoga, temple building, town planning, festivals, cosmology, etc.  They may predate the Vedas.

Vedas: A collection of hymns and other religious text.  It seems like it was written by Aryans, but it may have been written Dravidians.

Tantras: Books dealing with conjoining the Atman with Shakti.  Some texts explain how to use sexual energy to do this.

Upanishads: Books of philosophy dealing with ideas from the Vedas.

There may other scriptures in Hinduism.

Om: This is the sound of creation.

Namaskar: Hands in prayer position.  It is used in greetings.  The word means I bow to you.

Lotus: Purity.

Swastika: It was put on doors to keep evil spirits from coming in.  It represents changing seasons.

Trident: Shiva's weapon.

Cow: Represents motherhood.

Lamp: Symbol of enlightenment.

Agni: Fire god.  He connects heaven to earth.

Hanuman: Monkey King.  He may have been a god of the Adivasi ancestors.

Surya: Sun god.  He rides in a chariot pulled by 7 white horses.

Indra: Rain and thunder god.  He may have originally been an Aryan chief that conquered a part of India.

Kali: Path of Durga.  She is a killa.  She is my favorite goddess and I call her lady Saturn.

Brahma: Creator of the phenomenal universe.

Vishnu: Preserver of life.

Shiva: Destroyer of the universe, so it can be reborn.

Saraswati: Goddess of knowledge.  Wife of Brahma.

Lakshmi: Goddess of wealth and beauty.  Wife of Vishnu.

Parvati: Goddess of love and fertility.  Wife of Shiva.

Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva make up a trinity.  Their wives make up another trinity.

There are many other deities.

Yajnas: This is a sacrifice of ghee, milk, and grains.  People chant mantras while doing sacrifice.  It can very simple or complex.

Japa: Chant a name of a deity out loud or in the mind.

Shraddha: Ancestor veneration.  The person imagines a noble spirit or cow comes to them and they offer them food.

Samskaras: Rituals for major stages of life.  Examples: birth, marriage, puberty, etc.  There are 16 of these in Hinduism!!!!!!!!!!!

These are most common and important rituals.  There are many others.

6 Philosophies
Vaisheshika: This philosophy promoted the idea that atoms exist.  It proposals the world is created out of earth, water, air, and fire.  Knowledge can only be gained by perception and inference. Vaisheshika became more like Nyaya over time.

Nyaya: This philosophy's focus is on logic.  Its metaphysics has 16 categories.  People of this school of thought made arguments for and against the existence of God.

Mimamsa: The focus of this system of thought is epistemology and language.  Knowledge can be gained by perception, inference, comparison and analogy, knowing what is not, testimony, circumstantial postulation.

Vedanta: This philosophical system is based on the Vedas, Brahma Sutras, Upanishads, and Bhagavad Gita. This philosophy is related to Mimamsa.  I assume it is its descendant.  There are 2 different types subschools in this system.  The first subschools promote unity.  We are all one.  The second subschool promotes duality. The universe is composed of spirit (energy) and matter.  There 6 ways to gain knowledge.  It is the same as Mimamsa.  

Samskhaya: This philosophy is very dualistic.  There are 3 ways of knowing: perception, inference, and testimony.  Purusha is pure consciousness and Prakti is matter.  Bodymind is Prakti.  Atman is Purusha. Evolution occurs when Prakti mixes with Purusha.  Brahma does not exist, but the Atman do.  Samskhaya is related to Tantra and Yoga.

Yoga(union): This philosophy was created or popularized by Patanjali.  This school of thought is dualistic like Samskhaya, which it is closely related too.  You can only gain knowledge from perception, inference, and testimony.  The rules of yoga are called Yamas and Niyams.  Patanjali created or learned the 5 Yamas & Niyamas.  Yamas: non-violence, honesty, no stealing, no cheating, and no jealousy.  Niyamas: purity, contentment, perseverance, studious, and meditate on Brahman. Suffering is caused by ignorance.

There are 2 kinds of Hindu medicine.  They are Ayurved and Siddha.  Ayurveda was created in Northern India by Aryans.  Siddha was created in Southern India by Dravidians.  They have a lot in common.  Both systems deal with elements doshas.  There are 5 elements space, air, fire, water, earth.  A dosha is a fundamental energy source that affects the body.  It is composed of 2 elements. There are 3 doshas: Kapha(earth & water), Pitta(fire & water), Vatta(space & air).  Your dosha affects your health and personality.  If doshas become imbalance, then you will become ill.  If they are balanced you will be healthy.

Ayurveda: This system of medicine is disease oriented.  Herbalism is a big part of this medicine. This style of medicine is holistic.  It focuses on the whole person: body, mind, spirit, etc.

Siddha: This system is health focused.  It deals with the energies of the body.  This is somewhat of a spiritual practice and it is based on yoga.  It is also holistic.    

4 Types
Vaishnavism: Followers of this denomination believe Vishnu is the supreme being.  Vishnu had avatars. Avatars are humans that are incarnations of Vishnu.  Krishna is the most important avatar.

Shaivism: Followers of this denomination believe Shiva is the supreme being.  27% of Hinduism follow this denomination.  These type of Hindus are big on asceticism.  Shiva was worshiped in the Indus Valley Civilization.  Shiva may be a deified ancestor.

Shaktism: Followers of this denomination see Shakti as the supreme being.  Shakti has many paths (versions of a deity).  3% of the Hindus in India follow this denomination.  Shaktism became popular after Buddhism declined.  Tantra is a part of this denomination.

Smartism: Followers of this denomination feel Brahman is the supreme reality.  This is my favorite denomination; because force comes b4 form and it's impersonal.  There are 5 major deities of this religion. The Atman is Brahman (ultimate reality) in maya.

Hinduism Interaction with Other Religions
Jainism: This religion believes everyone as an Atman, but it doesn't believe in a creator.  Since animals have a souls people of this religion don't eat them.  Jainism promotes relativism.  The vegetarianism, samsara, moksha of Hinduism may have come from Jainism.  There is a 3 fold path in Jainism to moksha.  In the past Hindus killed practitioners of Jainism.

Buddhism: Buddha was something like a Hindu b4 he founded Buddhism.  Buddhism to Hinduism is like Protestantism to Catholicism.  A lot of the main ideas of Hinduism are in Buddhism.  Buddhists monks and nuns were supposed to treat everyone the same no matter their caste.  There is an 8 fold path to nirvana in Buddhism.  Tibetian Buddhism is my favorite form of Buddhism; because it's the most magickical form and it is full of sex and death symbolism.

Sikhism: It is a monotheistic religion.  It was created Guru Nanak in Punjabi.  It is a mixture of Hinduism and Islam.

There are religions in India that have a non-Indian origin.

Zoroastrianism: This a religion from Iran.  It has similarities to Brahmanism because it was created by Aryans.  Brahmanism is the father of Hinduism.  The people that practice this religion are called Parsis (Persians) in India. They came to India to escape persecution.

Judaism: Different Jewish communities came to India at different times.  Some came over 2,000 years ago! Some them are descendants of 10 lost tribes.  Most of Indian Jews live in Israel now. Jews and Hindus always got along in India.  Judaism was created in Canaan.

Islam: There are many Indian Muslims.  Over 300 million of them!  India contributed to the
Islamic Golden Age, Islamic Philosophy, and Sufism.  Muslims conquered Indian centuries ago.  The Mughal dynasty was very vicious to Hindus.  Sometimes the Muslims and Hindus battle each other in India.  Islam was created in Arabia.        

Hinduism influence on Southeast Asia
Angor Wat in Cambodia was created for Vishnu.  The Chola dynasty used to control parts of Southeast Asia.  I assume they promoted Hinduism in those regions.  Indians moved to different parts of Southeast Asia, they brought Hinduism with them.  You can even find Hindu themes on Japanese cartoons such as Dragon Ball Z.

Hinduism Effect on Europeans
It had a big impact on Arthur Schopenhauer.  He was a great European philosopher.  I like him because he was depressed.  Hinduism became popular in the U.S. in the 1960s.  Hindu ideas are a big part of the New Age Movement.  Chakras, karma, and reincarnation are ideas a lot of Westerners believe in.  They learned these ideas from the New Age, which got them from Hinduism.  These ideas exist in other religions as well, independent of Hinduism.

Hinduism is amazing!!!!!!!!!!  It is even better than Catholicism.  It has a long rich history.  It has a lot of beliefs, texts, and symbols.  It has its own philosophies and medicine.  It has rituals and deities.  It has 4 denominations.  Hinduism interacted with several religions.  It had a big impact on Southeast Asia and Europeans.

Buddhism & Caste System
Religions in India
Hinduism's influence on Southeast Asia
Indus Valley Religion
Hindu History
Intro to Hinduism
Hindu Texts
Hindu Symbols
9 Forms of Durga
Lady Saturn
Hindu Gods
Hindu Hells
Heavens from around the World
Scientific Rituals
4 Denominations
Mooji Vedanta 
Yoga a Philosophy that is not
Nyaya Mr. Lalit
V philosophy
Intro to S philosophy
Way of M
India's influence on Southeast Asia
Western Hinduism
Arthur & Upanishads

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Lucumi is commonly called Santeria (way of saints).  It was created centuries ago by members of the Yoruba tribe in Cuba.  They practiced Ifa and then they became Catholic.  They mixed their old religion with their new religion.  Lucumi have Orishas and rituals.  Lucumi is very nature based and has great healing practices.
Lucumi started in 1515.  Ifa was outlawed by the Spanish oppressors in Cuba.  Yoruba became Catholic in response to this.  They still had faith in the ways of their ancestors; so Catholic saints became representations of Orishas.  Yoruba people celebrated Catholic holidays, so the Spanish oppressors called their religion Santeria.
Ancestral Spirits
Ancestors are called Egun.  After a person gets initiated in Lucumi they must cultivate a relationship with their ancestors.  They have to get to know the ancestors b4 they can know the Orishas.  After all the Orishas are deified ancestors.  There are religious and blood egun.
Spirit Guides
Spirit guides are called araorun.  Araorun means citizens of heaven.  There is an altar for these spirits called boveda.  People have Spirit Masses to connect these spirits. Spirit Masses come from Kongo spirituality and Kardecian Spiritism.  There African, American, Gypsy, pirate, and various other kinds of spirit guides.
Orishas are what deities are called in Lucumi.

Eleggba: Orisha of the crossroads.  He connects heaven to earth.  He is my favorite Orisha because he likes to fuck.

Ogun: Orisha of war, hunting, and technology.  His archnemesis is Shango.

Shango: He is the King of the Orishas.  He rules thunder and fire.  He was a king of Oyo b4 he was deified. He is beefing with Ogun because Ogun is upset he stole wife and dogs.

Orunmila: Orisha of destiny.  He rules over divination.  Eleggba defeated different Orishas in battle.  But he couldn't defeat Ika.  Ika was going to kill him, but Orunmila saved him.

Yemaya: She is the Orisha of the ocean.  She is the mother of some of the Orishas.

Obatala: He is the Orisha of wisdom.  He is the oldest Orisha.  He made people out of clay.  One day he got drunk on palm wine and made handicapped people.

There are 400 + 1 Orishas.

The supreme being is called Olodumare.
During initiation, the initiate is given a necklace of beads.  Each bead represents an Orisha.  These are the Orishas that are closest to the initiate.  The necklace is a communication tool for the initiate to use to get in connect with his Orishas.  The necklace is called ilekes.

Medio Asiento: In this ritual, an initiate is told their past, present, and future.  Then there told the path Eleggba will take in their life.  After that, they build a statue of Eleggba to keep evil spirits from their houses.

Most rituals are done 4 ancestors first and then Eleggba.  After that any other Orisha they choose.

Blood sacrifices are given to Orishas.  If it is an animal most of it is eaten and the rest is given to the Orishas.

Sometimes cooked food is given other times fruit.
Healing of Lucumi
Lucumi healers use herbs, psychology, and ethics to heal people. Lemongrass can lower blood pressure and inflammation.  Thyme tea and castor oil speeds up delivery. Healers also help people improve their emotions, which leads to faster healing of the body.  Sometimes healers talk to spirits to find a cure for an illness. Sometimes divination is used to find the cause of the disease.
Lucumi is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I love Ifa because it's African and I like Catholicism because it's pagan. Lucumi has many spirits and rituals.  It's close to nature and able to cure some diseases.
History of Santeria
Interview with Lady of Santeria
Santeria Ritual
Santeria and Palo Mayombe Experience

Monday, February 20, 2017

Palo Mayombe

Palo Mayombe was created by Bakongo people.  It was influenced by foreign elements and has several types of spirits.  It has cosmograms, rituals, and herbs.  There are other Palos too.  Palo Mayombe shares differences and similarities to Lucumi.
People from Central West Africa were brought to Cuba during the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.  Most of these peoples came from the Kongo Kingdom and surrounding areas.   Bakongo people hold their ancestors in higher regard than deities.  You find this in Palo Mayombe as well.  The creators of Palo Mayombe were influenced by the Spanish.  This was because the Spanish controlled Cuba.
Spirits of Palo Mayombe
Nzambi: Supreme Being

Elemental Spirits: Spirits of trees, rivers, winds, mountains, rocks, animal spirits, etc.

Mfume: Ancestral Spirits and spirits of the deceased.

Nikisi: Deities.

Most Important Nikisi

Lucero: God of the crossroads.  He connects heaven to earth.  He is a trickster.

Mama Wanga: Goddess of the wind, graves, magic, and marketplace.

Zarabanda: God of technology and war.  He is the strongest deity.

Siete Rays: God lighting, sex, blades, palm trees, and fire.

Watariamba: God of law and defensive magick.

Mama Chola: Goddess of love, rivers, and feminity.

Madre Agua: Goddess of the oceans.  Mother of Nikisi.

Tata Nfumbe: God of healing and magic.

Brazo Fuerte: God of natural disasters.

Tiembla Tierra: God of fathers, mountains, wisdom, and mystics.  Father of the Nikisi.

Ngurufinda: God of plants and natural magic.

These symbols have various meanings.  They remind me of veves.  The cosmogram that is a cross in a circle may mean male and female.  It also means the 4 seasons and physical & spiritual worlds. Some cosmograms may offer protection to a person that carries them.   
There is a ritual to get in the Palo Mayombe current.  It is called initiation.  Paleros make spirits of the deceased do their bidding.  Prayer is important in Palo Mayombe.  Different Nikisi has different rituals. Bones are used in the rituals.  Rituals are sometimes conducted at a nganga (altar).  Animal sacrifice is popular too.

Paleros are master herbalists.

Bay Laurel: This herb is good 4 the eye and helps you see into the spirit world, cures poison ivy, and helps cure hangovers.

Garlic: Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol.  Blocks negative energy.

Saffron: This herb cures many diseases.  It promotes love.

The word palo means stick.  There are several palos.  There is a Jewish Palo.  There is a Christian Palo. There is also a Freemasonry Palo.

Compare & Contrast
Palo Mayombe was created by Bakongo people.  Lucumi was created by Yoruba people.  Lucumi was influenced by Catholicism.  Palo Mayombe wasn't.  They both were created in Cuba.  The deities of both religions are very similar. Nzambi=Olodumare, Lurcero=Esu, Zarabanda=Ogun, Siete Rays=Shango, Watariamba=Ochosi, Mama Chola=Oshun, Tiembla Tierra=Obatala, Madre Agua=Yemaya, and Ngurufinda=Osain.

I love this religion because I'm black as hell!!!!!!!!!!!!  Meaning I'm very African.  Palo Mayombe was created by the great Bakongo people.  I'm Bakongo I think.  It has its own spirits, cosmograms, rituals, and herbs.  There are different kinds of Palos.  It has shares traits with Lucumi, but the also have many differences.

Palo Mayombe

Saturday, February 18, 2017

New Orleans Voodoo

NO Voodoo was created by members of various African tribes.  They were influenced by members of non-African tribes.  It has various deities and rituals.  Marie Laveau was the greatest Voodoo Queen of all time! It has many similarities and differences to Haitian Voodoo.  NO Voodooists exchanged ideas with rootworkers and Spiritualists.  NO Voodoo became commercialized.

People from the Fon, Bambara, Mandinka, Ewe, Fulani, Bakongo, Igbo, Hausa, and other African tribes were brought to NO.  The Fon made up the majority of the Africans brought to NO.  Members of these tribes were also brought to Haiti.  They mix their religions together.  They added the beliefs and practices Americans and Catholicism.  NO Voodoo has been around since the early 1700's.
Nuances of NO Voodoo
Ayida Wedo-Rainbow serpent goddess.  She is the wife of Damaballah.  Our Lady of Immaculate Conception represents Ayida Wedo.
Damaballah: He is the Loa of wisdom.  He is a giant albino serpent.  He is the creator of humans and Loa. His 2nd wife is Erzulie Freda.  Ayida Wedo is his first love.  Saint Patrick represents Damaballah because of St. Patrick got rid of snakes in Ireland.
Eruzulie Freda: She is the goddess of love and beauty.  She has 3 husbands: Damaballah, Ogun, and Agwe. She has 3 wedding rings.

Papa Legba-Loa of the crossroads.  He connects heaven to earth.  He opens the doors to luck.  St. Lazarus is his saint.  ST. Lazarus went to the spirit world and was brought back to the physical world.  He is one of my favs.    

Ogou-Loa of technology, war, and hunting.

Agwe: Loa of the sea.  Mami Wata was his wife b4 Eruzluie Freda.

There is a hurricane protection ritual.  It protected NO during Hurricane Katrina.  Only a part of the hurricane hit NO.  Most of the hurricane hit Missippi.

There is a handwashing ritual to invoke the power of Marie Laveau.

Day of Dead ritual honors the ancestors.

There are many other rituals too.

Marie Laveau
She was a very intelligent practitioner of NO Voodoo.  A lot of people would see her for help.  She fed people on death row.  She helped someone not get convicted in court.  She nursed people yellow fever and cholera with herbs.  She was a great herbalist.  She had a daughter by the same name. She was a great Voodoo Queen too!

Voodoo & Vodou
They both were created by members of the same tribe.  They both were influenced by Catholicism; such as saints being representations of Loa.  They both have a lot of the same Loa.

Voodoo was influenced by Hoodoo, Vodou wasn't.  Vodou was influenced by Tainos.  Voodoo was influenced by other American tribes.  Vodou helped the Haitians overthrow the French, Voodoo wasn't revolutionary. Vodou is more structured than Voodoo.  Voodoo is more magical and Vodou is more religious.

Hoodoo & Spiritualism influence on Voodoo and visa versa
Rootworkers learned about saints from NO Voodooists.  Mojo Bags are used in Hoodoo and Gris-Gris Bags are used in NO Orleans Voodoo. I think both types of bags come from Bakongo people. Spiritualism incorporates beliefs and practices of NO Voodoo.  NO Voodooists learned about Black Hawk from Spiritualist.

Commercialization of NO Voodoo
It became commercialized so some people could make $.  The people that commercialized NO Voodoo didn't understand it, nor did they try too.  Some people would sell magickical items that weren't really magickical.  They pretended to NO Voodooists.  NO Voodoo have been presented as evil in movies because of Europeans anti-African attitudes.

NO Voodoo is a great religion!!!  It was created by Africans from various tribes and they were influenced by Americans and Europeans.  It has its own deities and rituals.  Marie Laveau was the greatest Voodoo Queen and she made Voodoo popular.  Voodoo has many similarities & differences to Vodou.  Voodoo was influenced by Hoodoo and Spiritualism.  It also impacted those religions/magickical system.  Voodoo became commercialized by evil capitalists.

NO Voodoo
History of Voodoo
Voodoo & Friends
Hoodoo & Voodoo

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Honorable Mentions

Some of Kemetians ancestors came from Punt.  They called Punt Ta Neter (Land of God).  It was located in modern day Somalia.  Kaemetians started trading with Puntites during the Old Kingdom period.  Punt exported animals, gold, frankincense& myrrh trees, incense, ivory, and other items to Kemet.  Kemetians exported weapons, jewels, and tools to the Punites.
Kaabu Empire
This empire was created by the Lion King's general Tiramakhan Traore.  It was a sector of Mali Empire until it fell (1230-1537).  Then it became independent.  Certain dances were created in Kaabu.  The empire consisted of 32 states.  The ruling clans were Nyancho and Koring.  It lasted for 330 years independently. From 1537-1867.  Nyancho had slave armies and they battled each other with them. Kaabu was taken out during a jihad.    
Buganda is a Kiswahili word for Land of Ganga.  This kingdom was created b4 1370 and its people may have come from modern day Ethiopia  The Kingdom lasted until 1966.  At that time it was conquered by Uganda.  There were 52 clans in the kingdom.  The people of this kingdom believe in a creator, superhuman spirits, and ghosts.  Their religion has priests.  They have a simple style of marriage and their own cuisine. The king and queen are held in high esteem.  Buganda is now a region of Uganda.  There is a great culture in Buganda.          
Sine Kingdom
This kingdom may have started in the 1500's.  It was created by members of the Serer tribe.  The economy was based on fishing and farming.  The kingdom was ruled by a monarchy.  The ruling dynasty was called Guelowar.  All the kings came from this dynasty.  The kings were half Mandinka and half Serer.
Mutapa Empire
This empire started in 1450 and lasted till 1629.  Then it started up again in 1803 till 1902.  A prince named Nyatsimba Mutoa founded the Mutapa kingdom.  He was from a Shona kingdom.  Matope became the king of Mutapa after the prince.  He created an empire by conquering other territories. The Mutapa people believed royal ancestral spirits were important.  Griots were mediums in Mutapa. The creators of this empire were related to the people who built Great Zimbabwe.
Aro Confederacy
This confederacy was created by Aro and Igbo people.  (It was reported people would go to a shrine and say they needed help from a deity.  Once they did that the priest saw them as slaves.  The priests would sell or trade them.)  This confederacy was composed of various city-states.  Powerful kingdoms were created by this confederacy.  The British defeated the Confederacy in the 1800's.

Sine Kingdom
Bunyoro & Buganda
Kaabu Ruins
Jolof Kingdom
Sultante of Bagirimi
Warsangali Sultanate

Monday, February 13, 2017

Kingdom of Rwanda

Rwanda as a long history.  3 great tribes were involved in creation and maintenance of the kingdom. The kingdom had a sweet government and religion.  Rwandans were brainwashed by Europeans, which led to them killing each other.  Europeans created or exaggerated tribal strife.  They will rise again.  I love Rwandans because they Black like me.
Pygmies were the first people in Rwanda.  They were hunter-gathers.  Then the Hutus came and they were farmers.  Hutus are a Bantu tribe.  The 2 tribes traded with each other.  The Tutsis tookover Rwanda defeating the Hutus. Tutsis were cattle herders and the were Cushite and/or Nilo-Saharan. All 3 tribes became friends with each other.  After that happened your occupation determined what tribe you were in.  If you were a farmer you were Hutu; if you were a cattle herder you became a Tutsi.  A lot of Hutu men married Tutsi women.

Legend has it Gihanga founded Kingdom of Rwanda (KR).  He had many talents and he introduced pottery metalworking, fire, and cattle to the region.  His great-great-grandfather may have been an alien. The first historical king of KR was Ruganzu I Bwimba.  As centuries past KR expanded by conquering more land and people.  Tutsis were military and cattle chiefs.  Hutus were land chiefs and healers.

The Germans loosely controlled Rwanda in 1890.  After WWII Belgium tookover Rwanda & Burundi. The Belgians measured the height and noses of people in Rwanda & Burundi.  They said the Tutsis were Caucasian and they empowered them at the expense of the Hutu.  Tutsis didn't like being called Caucasian, so they rebelled.  In response to this, the Belgians supported the Hutus at the expense of the Tutsis. The Tutsi king lost his crown and Rwanda became a republic in 1961.

Hutus and Tutsis fell out with each other in the 60's.  In the 1972 Tutsis killed a lot of Hutus in Burundi. In 1994 a Hutu gang (Interahamwe) killed a lot of Tutsis.  The guy that led Interahamwe was raised Tutsi, but he found out or thought he was Hutu.  A Tutsi terrorist group called Rwandan Patriotic Front spot down the plane of the plane of the Rwandan president.  This event sparked the Rwandan Genocide.  Paul Kagame was the commander of the Rwandan Patriotic Front, now he's president of Rwanda.  Maybe he's a good person now.

It's all them damn Belgian fault!!!!!!!!!!11   

Mwami: King

Queen Mother: Mwami mom.  She controlled the household and had a lot of clout.

Abiiru: Hutu advisors to the king.

Nobility: Tutsi and Hutu upper-class
They venerate their ancestors.  Their religion is like many other Traditional African Religions. If you want to learn about the Kemetic Religion click here. To learn about Ifa click here.  If you want to learn about Odinani click here.  If you want to learn about Haitian Vodou click here.  If you want to learn about Hoodoo click here.

This was a great kingdom.  I like the government and history.  I want BaHutus and WaTutsis to be friends again. Maybe they are since they are family after all.  Keep hope alive.

History of Rwanda
Truth about the Rwandan Genocide
Give us, Us Free
Rwanda from back in the day
First People
Origin of Trouble
They friends again!!!  Hooray!!!!!!

Sunday, February 12, 2017


Nubia (land of gold) was the region below Kemet.  It was Southern Egypt and Northern Sudan.  There were several peoples and civilizations.  They had their own religions and languages.  Nubia had a big impact on Kemet and visa versa.
A-Group: They had a sophisticated culture.  They lived in Nubia from 3800-3100.  They exported incense, ebony & ivory with Kemet.  They imported olive oil and other products.  The buried the dead with their goods.  The A-Group civilization was destroyed by the Kemetians.  I think the A-Group became Kemetians after their civilization was destroyed.

C-Group: They may have originated in the Sahara.  They were herders and farmers.  It seems like they were peaceful, like the Igbo.  They help create Kerma.  There were C-Group people in Eritrea.  

Medjay: Today they are known as Beja.  Some of them were in the police force and military of Kemet.
Yam: It trade wood, incense, ebony, leopard, boomerangs and ivory with Kemet.  A pygmy from Yam was brought to Kemet and danced for the pharaoh.  
Kerma: It started around 2450 BCE to 1450 BCE.  People sustained themselves by farming, herding, hunting, gathering, and fishing.  Karma had great archers in the military.  They protected the kingdom from raids.  It traded gold, precious stones, ivory, animal hides, cattle, and ebony.  This trade caused Kerma to become rich.  The kingdom fell after it was occupied by Kemet.
Napata: This city was created by Thutmose III.  Kemet ruled Napata until 1075 BCE. Once Napata became free, it created Kush.  Napata traded a lot of gold.                
Meroe: It became the capital of Kush in 800 BCE.  Iron tools were made and traded in Meroe.  Meroe traded with India and China.  Jewelry, textiles, and animals were exported.  Meroe was ruled by a king and a queen mother.  The government consisted of seal bears, scribes, and treasurers.  A lot of pyramids were made in Meroe. Legend has it that Moses helped Ketmetians conquer the Meroe.
A-Group: I assume they spoke a Nilo-Saharan language.

C-Group: They spoke a Berber language.

Medjay: They spoke a Cushite language.

Kerma: Cushite language/s was spoken here.

Meroe: The language spoken here is called Meroitic.  There was a cursive and hieroglyphic versions of this language.  The hieroglyphic version was used for religious and royal documents.  The cursive version is used for everything  else.  It seems like this language was is a member of Afro-Asian language family.

They worshiped many deities.  Some of them were Nubian and some were Kemetian.

Amen: Nubian creator god.  Became popular in Kemet.

Apedemak:  Lion god.  It was associated with royalty.

Mehit: A lion goddess.  She is the wife of Onuris.  In Kemet she was the eye of Ra.  Kemetians saw her as a version of Sekhmet.

Onuris: A war and hunting god.  He reminds me of Ogun.

Sebiumeker: Sex god.  He was merged with Atum.

Many Kemetic deities was worshiped here.

If you want to learn about about Kemetic religion click here.

They became Christians over 1500 years ago!  Now they are Muslims.
Nubian influence on Kemet
The seed of Kemet is in Nubia.  The idea of pharaoh was created by Nubians.  The white crown comes from Nubia.  Various deities worshiped in Kemet were of Nubian origin.  A Greek historian named Diodorus Siculus said Kemet was a colony of Ethiopia (Nubia).  It was founded by Ausar.      

Nubians were great soldiers in the Kemetic military.  Dedu was a Nubian general that lead Medjay troops. They fought the Hyksos to free Kemet from their rule.  He also crushed a rebellion in Syria. Dedu became a sheriff and royal envoy to tribes in the Western deserts.  He was buried in Thebes.    

The Nubians conquered Kemet in 8th century BCE.  They created the 25th dynasty.   They created the last golden age of Kemet.  They made Kemet more like it was during the Middle Kingdom. They lost control to the Assyrians.  This was because they attacked Assyria to save Judah.  They broke a 13 year treaty with Assyria by saving Judah.  Necho I was a puppet king in lower Egypt.  He worked for Assyrians.  Necho I got killed by Tantamani when he reconquered Kemet.  Tantamani was the last pharaoh of the 25th dynasty. He lost control of Kemet to the Assyrians.
Kemetic influence on Nubia
Kemet ruled Nubia at different periods in time.  Nubians embraced Kemetic culture in large degree; or it could have been culture imperialism.  Kemet got a lot of gold and slaves from Nubia.  When Nubia was a colony of Kemet it was ruled by a viceroy.

The Nubians are great people!  They had sweet civilizations, languages, and religions.  They made a lot iron tools.  They had big impact on Kemet and visa versa.  I give the Nubia an A+++.

Nubian influence on Kemet
Black History
25th Dynasty
Dr. Ben on Nubia
Nubian Pyrimids

Friday, February 10, 2017


Axum was an ancient kingdom in the Horn of Africa.  It lasted for almost a millennium.   There were several different tribes in the Axum.  It was ruled by a monarchy and had a strong military.   Its economy was based on trade and they minted their own coins.  Axum had its own style of architecture.  Axumites had their own language and they became Christian.  Axum became Ethiopia 
It lasted from 100-940 CE.  The Axumite empire consisted of parts of Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, and Saudia Arabia.  Muslims went to Axum for asylum when they were being persecuted by pagan Arabs.  Because of this, Ethiopia is third holiest place in Islam.

Axum was ruled by a king called Negus.  There was also nobility.  They were similar to upper-class people today.

Axum declined because Muslims tookover their trade routes.  A Jewish or pagan queen destroyed Askum. The queen ruled Axum for 40 years.

They were Cushite, Semitic, and Nilo-Saharan tribes in Axum.  The Semitic tribes all together are called Habesha.  Habesha consists of Amhara, Tigray, Tigrinya, Beta Isreal, Qement and other tribes. All these tribes are closely related.  They came from Yemen.

The Amhara has the most influence over the government of Ethiopia. Tigre language is popular in Northern Ethiopia.  Tigrayan language comes from Ge'ez.  Beta Isreal may be from the tribe of Dan. The Qement tribe followed pagan and Jewish religious practices.  The leader of the Qement tribe was going to marry the leader of Beta Israel so they would combine into one tribe.  The marriage never took place, so they didn't combine.

Sarawit: Platoons
Nagast: General
Navy: Ships protected the ports.
Weapons: Spears, shields, swords, and knives.

They used donkeys to transport equipment to the battlefield.  They used camels when they fought in the desert.  Elephants may have been used in combat.  Sometimes the Axumite army only had 3,000 soldiers.  Other times it had 100,000!

Axum was part of the silk road.  It traded with Nubia, Egypt, Yemen, Levant, Persia, India, Rome, and Byzantium.  Axum may have traded with China.  Axum exported gold, salt, incense, exotic animals, tortoise shells, emeralds, farm goods, slaves, and ivory.  It imported spices and silk.  Some of the trade was inland and some were across the 7 Seas.

Axum starting minting its own coins about 17 centuries ago.  The coins were gold, silver, and bronze. The coins had their own unique designs.  Some coin designs may have been influenced by Persians, Indians, and Romans.

Tekken: An ancient Kemetic symbol that represents the makeshift phallus of Asar.  There are many tekkens in Ethiopia.  They may have a different meaning than the Kemetic ones.

Rock-Hewn Churches: Churches made out of a huge stone.  There are 11 of them.

They built with stone and wood.  There were palaces in Axum.

Axum Language and Religion
The language of Axum is Ge'ez.  Ge'ez inspired several of the Semitic languages in Ethiopia.  Ge'ez is the language of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

B4 Axum became Christian it was pagan.   Astar, Beher and Mahrem were the most important trinity in Axum.  They ruled over heaven, earth, and sea.  They were similar to Greek gods.  They also worshiped Sin (moon god), Nuru (dawn god), Dhat-Himyam (fertility goddess), and other deities.  The crescent moon was put on coins b4 Axum was Christian.  

A Negus Ezana learned Christianity from a Syrian slave.  His name was Frumentius; he became a bishop. He went to Alexandria to tell the bishops Axum is a Christian nation.  From the point on, Alexandrian bishops chose which person would be the bishop in Axum until 1959.

Negus Ezana made Christianity the state religion.  This happened 17 centuries ago.  Christian symbols were put on coins once it became the state religion.

This form of Christianity is called Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.  This church was ruled by the Coptic Church from 300's-1959.

For a little while, Ethiopia became Catholic.  It was because of the Jesuits.  Jesuits are the ninjas of the Catholic Church.

I think Ethiopian Orthodox is the most Jewish form of Christianity.  There are books in the Ethiopian bible that aren't in the Catholic and Protestant bibles.  
Axum was a great country!  It had a great government and military.  Sweet tribes lived in Axum. They had a robust economy and nice architecture.  Ge'ez is an ancient Semitic language that had a big impact on the languages of Ethiopia.  I give Axum an A+.

I thought Ethiopian Christianity was the truest form of Christianity because Ethiopia is an African nation. Now I know Christianity is terrible for Black people, excluding Ethiopians and Sudanese people. Christianity is a slave religion to Black people.  If you black don't be a Christian, Jew, or Muslim.
Rise and Fall of Axum
Aksum Architecture
Negus Saves Muslims
Tekken is brought Back

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Shilluk Kingdom

The Shilluk Kingdom lasted for 375 years!  It was created by the Shilluk tribe.  This kingdom had its own caste system and language.  The kingdom was destroyed by Muslims and other tribes.  The Shilluk Kingdom is in existence today in South Sudan.  It is not as powerful as it used to be.  

Nyikang was the founder of the Shilluk kingdom.  He was the son of a king.  His brother became king after his father.  Nyikang fought his brother so he could rule.  He lost the battle, so he left the kingdom.  He traveled northeast and met his future wife.  His wife was a daughter of a magickian named Dimo.  Nyikang got into a fight with Dimo, so he moved away.

In the 1600's the Shilluk would raid nearby tribes for cattle.  They became imperial at that time.  In 1650 the Shilluk Kingdom had a golden age.  The government became stronger and trade got better.  There was a drought in 1685, so Shilluk men took up arms and raided Sudan.

Muslims kidnapped Shilluk people and stole their cattle in 1821.  The White Nile fell into the hands of the Nuer and Dinka.  The Shilluk controlled it b4 them.  The Shilluk Kingdom lost political power in 1865.  

Shilluk Tribe
The Shilluk Tribe might be 5,000 years old!  They number over a million people.  They are related to the Luo, Dinka, and Anuak tribe.  President Obama's father is from the Luo tribe.  Some of them follow a traditional religion others are Christians.  Some mix the 2.  A lot of Shilluk people got killed in 2010 by the Sudan People's Liberation Army.
Kwareth: This is the royal caste.  They are the descendants of Nyikang.  Reth: king, Nyireth: prince or princess, Nyareth: son od Nyireth, and Kwar Nyireth: son of lesser Nyireth.

Ororo: This is a royal caste too, but they are similar to the common people.  They do certain rituals.

Cholla: Common people.  This is the caste most Shilluk people are in.

Bang Reth:  Royal wives and/or slaves.

The Shilluk language is part of the Nilo-Saharan language family.  The language has 10 vowels and 19 constants.  The Shilluk language is related to Luo, Anuak, and Dinka.
The Shilluk Kingdom has an amazing history and language.  I like the Shilluk tribe because they're African. They have their own caste system and the kingdom is still around today.  The Shilluk tribe are the most politically organized Nilotes.    
Shilluk Culture
More Shilluk Culture
A Star has Fallen
Shilluk Dance
Sweet Shilluk Pics
More Sweet Shilluk Pics

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Merina Kingdom

The Merina Kingdom started in 1540 and lasted to 1897.  It was in Madagascar.  This kingdom was ran by a monarchy.  The military used iron weapons.  There was 12 sacred hills.  It it had its own caste system, religion, and laws.
The Vazimba were the first people to inhibit Madagascar.  They were pygmies and they came from Indonesia.  Red is the color of royalty to the Vazimba.  Queens would made their hair red; they used a mushrooms for this.   They were eliminated or assimilated with the surrounding people.   The Bantu came after they arrived.  They taught the Vazimba how to herd cattle.  Vazimba didn't eat the beef.

Andriamanelo was the first king of Merina.  His mother was a Vazimba queen and his father was from another ethnic group.  He conquered the Vazimba territory.  He married his cousin (princess) and her mom, so he could control the land after her father died.  People believed the mom was a water goddess.  He had 7 children, the first 6 were miscarriages the last one survived.  He is seen as a great civiler.

Ralambo became the king after Andriamanelo died.  He was Andriamanelo last child.  He was the only one that survived.  He may have been a shaman.  He created the sub-castes of nobility and introduced beef to Merina.  He also introduced circumcision and polygamy.  Ralambo had 4 wives; one of them was a princess.  He had 12 son and 3 daughters.  The military got firearms during his reign.  There were units of silversmiths and blacksmiths in the army.  They created firearms.

Andrianjaka became king after Ralambo.  He was one of Ralambo sons.  He married a princess and had a son and daughter with her.  He burned down a Vazimba city when he was in the military.  He assigned the 12 sacred hills.  He saved his nation from warriors.  He set a booby trap and they fell for it.  

Radama I ruled all of Madagascar.  

There were many other great kings.

They used iron tipped spears, stones, and firearms.  This army was so strong it was able to take over the whole island.  There was at least 20,000 soldiers in the military.
12 Sacred Hills
Hill of Alasora-The oldest villages of Merina are there.  It was originally a Vazimba village.                      
Hill of Ambohidrabiby:Capital of Merina when Ralambo was king.  Ralambo and his grandfather was buried there.

Hill of Ambohidratrimo-Named after a 12th century king.  It became a part of Merina because a king married a princess.

Hill of Ambohimanga:It was the highest hill in the capital.

Hill of Analamanga-This town was built by King Andrianjaka.

Hill of Antsahadinta:Houses were created here.  Royal tombs are there that was 700 years old.

Hill of Ikaloy-Birthplace of a king.  

Hill of IIafy:First place guns were manufactured.

Hill of Imerimanjaka-2 tombs of Vazimba queens is there.  The first king of Merina was probably born here.

Hill of Imerimandroso:Important town of the Vazimba.

Hill of Namehana-The Merina military battled the French military here.

Caste System
The castes were nobility(4 sub-castes), peasants, and slaves.  The nobility was called andriana. Ralambo created the 4 sub-castes of nobility.  The peasants were called Hova at first.  Later they were called Merina. They were like the middle-class people today.  Slaves were called andevo.  

They believed kings had spiritual powers.  They had talismans and amulets.  Every family had their own amulet or talisman.  They had a orgy holiday.   They loved and venerated their ancestors.  The nobility became Christian after Protestantism was promoted by a queen.      

If someone was on trial they were given poison to see if they are guilty.  If they survived they were innocent. This was done to a rooster at first.  If it survived the person was innocent.

This was a great civilization.  It great kings and queens.  It had a rich history, military, religion and laws.  I give this civilization a B.  

Lost People Magic
Merina Monarchy
Ranavalona I
Ranavalona III
Merina Kingdom