

Saturday, January 14, 2017


Carthage was founded in the 9th-century BCE.  Carthage became wealthy after more Syrians moved in.  It became a great trading city.  Carthage fought 3 wars with Rome.  It's called the Punic Wars.  It became a great center of Christianity.  Carthage had its form of government and military.  They had exquisite art and their religion was largely derived from Canaan.

Carthage is located on the coast of modern-day Tunisia.  It was founded by Queen Dido in 813 BCE. She left the city of Tyre when her life was threatened.  B4 she got to Tunisia she picked up a priest of Astarte in Cyprus.  He became the high priest of Carthage.  80 sacred hoes of Astarte went with them.

After Alexander the Great took over Tyre, wealthy Tyrians moved to Carthage.  This caused a boom in Carthage economy.  The new arrivals displaced some of Berber and enslaved some of them. Carthaginians traded with different nations in the Mediterrian.

Carthage and Greece fought over Sicily for 2 centuries. Carthage had an alliance with Etruria, which helped them defeat the Greeks.  Carthage (C) conquered Southern Spain in 500 BCE.  Carthage lost a battle in Syracuse in 480 BCE.  C destroys Agrigento in 406 BCE.  There were several battles in Sicily involving Carthage.      

To Sicilian city-states start bangin.  Mamertines (Men of Mars) ask Carthage for help.  They came to their aid. Mamertines went behind the back of Carthage and asked Rome to attack the Carthaginians.  This started the first Punic War.  The Mamertines were upset Carthaginians were occupying their land; that why they asked for Romes help.

First Punic War: It was from 264-241 BCE.  Most of the battles were navel.  Rome got Carthage out of Sicily.

2nd Punic War: Hannibal attacked a Roman city in Spain.  Rome wanted Hannibal expedited, but Carthage refused.  This caused the 2nd Punic War.  Hannibal found out Roman armies were coming to get him. Hannibal and his army went into the Alps to defeat the Romans.  He had elephants in his army.  Mountain people threw boulders at Hannibal army.  He defeated many Romans and gained many allies.  Carthage wouldn't send Hannibal more troops and supplies.  Scipio Africanus attacked Carthage and conquered it. Hannibal drunk poison when he was 67.  He did it so he wouldn't be captured by the Romans.

Third Punic War: Carthage got finish paying their war debt to Rome 50 years after the 2nd Punic War. Carthage went to war with Numida and lost.  C had to pay a war debt to Numida.  Rome destroyed Carthage after it went to war.  It burned down the city.

The Romans rebuilt Carthage and it became a center of Christianity.  Tertullian and Cyprian came from Carthage.  They were heavyweights in early Christianity.

Carthage was conquered by Muslims in 698 CE.

Carthage traded with many nations in the Mediterranean.  Metals, animals, weapons, jewelry, glasswork, and many other products were traded.  Carthage got gold and silver from Britain.  They traded with various regions of Africa.    

Politicians were elected by the public assembly.  Carthage was ruled by an aristocracy.  Carthage had 2 prime ministers.  It had a Senate that created laws.  There were judges that ruled over court cases. The public assembly decided on which law get passed.

Commanders of the Carthaginian army usually acted on their own fruition.  Different families owned different militias.  The families would let the government use their militias during wars.  Mecereneries were an important component in the Carthaginian army.  The soldiers wore animal skins and jewelry into battle.

Vehicles: Chariots had blades on their wheels.  There were 2 men in the chariot.  They were the driver and an archer.  War Elephants were used.  They had weapons added to them.  It was steered by one man and another man used a crossbow or a javelin.

Weapons: Swords, shields, sling shots, crossbow, etc.

Navy: This branch of the military was even stronger than the army.  It had many warships.

Artistic style in Carthage was influenced by Egyptian, Phoenician, Greek, and Etruscan.  They created a lot of jewelry and sculpture.  They made religious art.  They put faces of famous people on their coins.
The Carthaginians were polytheistic.  Melquart was worshiped there.  Melquart was the patron god of Tyre. Baal was an important god too.  Aset, Eshmun, Reshef, Rasap, Shadrap, Hawot, and many other deities were worshiped here.  Taint was a popular mother goddess and the wife of Baal.
Carthage has a rich history.  It had good governmental structure and military.  It had sweet art and religion.  I give them a B.                                    

What if Carthage beat Rome?
Carthage People
St. Cyprian

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