

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Hybrids are animals composed of 2 species.  A good example of this is a liger because it is a lion and tiger. There are many alien species that are hybrids.  I will explain some in great detail in the next paragraph. Grays and Reptoids have created many different species through hybridization.  Some of the Grays do it because they want emotions; Reptoids do it for control.  Grays and Reptoids tend to be service to self.  In human terms most of them are evil.

List of Hybridized Species
Anunnaki: They are a mixture of Siriusians and Orionites.  They had a lot to do with the making or modifying of humanity.  They tend to be very tall over 10 feet.  They have advanced technology.  They are even in some people's mythologies.  Click here if you want to learn more about them.

Essassani: They come from Zetas and humans.  They exist in parallel reality, which from a linear perceptive is 700 years our future.  They are very friendly and they like to impart their wisdom through channelers.  This species was created in 1996.  Bashar is a spokesman of the Essassani.   They like to dance and kids like to play energy ball.  Each kid adds their own energy to a ball, which I assume is different colors.

Reptilian Shape-Shifters:  Reptoids long ago mixed with the leadership of humanity.  Certain people in royal families and politicians have a large percentage of Reptoid DNA.  They turn into reptoids when they engage in satanic ritual human sacrifice.  These shape-shifters exist all over the world.

There are other hybrid species, but this will suffice.

Gray & Reptoid Hybridization Process
Sometimes Grays abduct women and impregnate them.  Later on, they will take out the fetus.  They have been doing this for a long time.  Reptoids may do something similar, but they may also be rapists.  Grays and Reptoids genetically manipulate humans, animals, and possibly other aliens in classified military bases and/or labs.  They are working with human scientists.  Look up Area 51 and Dulce Base.

Hybrids have been around forever.  All humans are somewhat hybridized.  We even hybridize different animals.  There are many different hybrid alien species.  It seems like Grays and Reptoids do most of the hybridization of sentient beings.  

Here we being replaced by hybrids?
Snake Eyes

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