

Sunday, December 4, 2016


There are many species of Grays.  They have various origins.  Most of them aren't so friendly to humans. Some of them are working with the government; they are working in classified military bases.  They have a long history of interaction with humans.  For over 50 years they have been interacting with us. They have abducted a lot of people and did experiments on them.  There are ways you can protect yourself from Grays.  Lucky 4 you, they will probably never abduct you.  Most people never get abducted.

Species of Grays
Zetas: They are short Grays that come from Zeta Reticuli.  They are 3-4 feet tall and have 3 or 4 fingers. They are telepathic.   They are responsible for most abductions. Some or all of them work for Draconians and/or Tall Grays. Sometimes they impregnate women and later take their fetuses.  They are creating hybrid races by mixing their DNA with ours.  They are dying out.  Most of them are clones and they have a herd mentality.   They got rid of emotions.  That's is why they are so attracted to us. They are pure logic and they want emotion back.  Sometimes Zetas implant people for tracking and controlling the abductee.

Tall Grays: They are from Orion and they are 7 feet tall or taller.  They are more individualized than the Zetas.  They are very intelligent and evil from a human point of view.

Some Grays may be interdimensional, others maybe baby reptoids.  Some Grays maybe humans from the future.  

Some are positive, most are negative.

Eisenhower made a deal with  Zetas.  The deal was in exchange for advanced technology they could abduct people, but they weren't supposed to cause them any harm.  Some people believe Grays came in contact with humans in the 1930's.  They may have been in contact with humans 4 far longer.  They may be the ant people in Hopi mythology.  Abductions by the Grays was talked about a lot in the 90's.  There was a show called Sighting that had many abductees on it.  
People in the Know
Credo Mutwa: He knows about the Grays.  He is under the impression they are humans from the future. They are upset with us, so they torture us.  If someone eats flesh from a Gray their senses will go into overdrive.  They will see colors they never saw b4 and much more.  Then after that, they probably will croak.

Dr. Karla Turner: She was an abductee.  She wrote books about Grays and gave lectures.  She died of cancer.  Someone working for the Grays/government may have given her cancer.

Phil Schneider: Was a geologist that worked in classified military underground bases.  He knew a lot about the Grays.  He was assassinated.  

The secret military may be abducting people.  They put on Gray suits to fool people into believing they were abducted by Grays.  This is called MILABs.  The US government did many experiments on people in the past.    

Some Christians believe Grays are demons.  Some Muslims believe they are Jinn.

They may have created humanity by genetically manipulating a humanoid species.

They plan on wiping humans or using us as food and ruling earth.
The aliens in the Roswell Crash were really Japanese men.

The government reverse-engineer alien technology at Area 51 and other bases.

There are several species of Grays.  They have been interacting with us for a long time.  A lot of people know about and the Grays are involved in a lot of conspiracies.  Stay away from them.      
He Dumped on Them
Kids saw the Grays    

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