

Friday, December 16, 2016

Black P. Stones

The Black P Stones was created in Chicago.  It was founded in the 1950's.  This gang was called Blackstone Rangers at first.  This is the most powerful gang in Chicago.  This gang was influenced by Black Nationalism.  They have various sets.
They have their own hand signs.  They like the colors red and black.  Some of their symbols is a pyramid with an eye at the top, crown, cane, 5 point star, etc.  The 5 point star means love, truth, peace, freedom, and justice.  They have great ideas.  They having rankings that are Islamic.

Jeff Fort and Eugene Bull Harrison created Black P Stones.  Jeff Fort became a gang leader when he was a teenager.  His gang fought white gangs and other black gangs.  His gang got to bangin with Eugene gang. They joined forces after they made a truce.  They became the Black Stone Ranger.

They recruited a lot of people in the 60's because the Devils Disciple was moving in on their turf.  Rev. Fry helped the gang get federal funding and helped them create a government structure.  Eugene and Jeff created a council called Main 21.  Leaders of various gangs joined the council.  The council created Almighty Black Stone Nation.

Jeff made the Black P. Stones seem like a charitable organization.  He got $ from the federal government. The Black P. Stones made small bizznesses pay them. Jeff was invited to the inauguration of Nixon.  He didn't go, he sent his minions to it.  Black Panthers started to move into their turf and they were going to bang with them.

After Jeff got out of jail he tried to join the Moorish Science Temple.  He was unable to, so he created the Moorish Temple of America.  He imposed his new ideas on Black P Stones.  Jeff created a new set of Stones.  The set was called El Rukns.  They befriend Muammar Kaddafi.  They got some weapons from Libyans, which they were going to use on cops and government officials.  The highest ranking members of El Rukns were put in prison because of this.              

There are 7 major branches of the Blck P. Stones.

The Almighty Black Stone Nation is the biggest branch.
Familia Stones:  They are a Hispanic branch.  They were called P.R. Stones.  Today there are members that aren't Puerto Rican that's why they changed their name.

Jet Black Stones:  They are led by Jeff Fort son.  They are younger and more violent.

Rubinites: They were very powerful in the 90's.

Micky Cobra Stones:  They were a branch of Black P. Stones.  Jeff Fort got their leader killed.   They broke away from the Black P. Stones because of this.

I didn't find information on the other branches.

Black P. Stone Bloods: Some members of Black P. Stones moved to LA.  They created their own set. Then they became a  Bloods set.  Bloods are in the People Nation.  Black P. Stones were one of the creators of the People Nation.  Black P. Stone Bloods were the gang that was shooting at Denzel Washington in Training Day.  

The Black P. Stone have their own culture and 7 branches.  They have a long history and were influenced by Black Nationalism.  They got a million $ of funding from the government.  They were so popular its leader was invited to the White House.  They would be sweet if they weren't violent criminals.

Black P. Stone Rappers
Documentary of the Stones
Stone Up
Stone to the Bone

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