

Saturday, December 10, 2016


The Anunnaki are aliens that live on Nibiru.  They came to earth to get the gold to fix their atmosphere. They created or genetically modified humans.  They are a mixture of 2 ET races.  They were deities to the Sumerians.  They may be the same as the Neteru or Elohim.
There was an Orion Empire that was ruled by reptilian queens.  They may of had mammalian DNA. They reigned for a long time.   They were uber powerful.  Their pheromones gave them the ability to control people.  There were strong warriors that look like Anubis from the Sirian constellation.  They ate their defeated enemies.  The civilization they were a part of was ruled by kings.  The Queen of Orion didn't want to to war with these Sirians.  She made a deal with the Sirian King.  The Sirians and Orionites created Nibiru.  They mixed together, their offspring is the Anunnaki.

Nibiru orbits the sun.   It is behind Pluto.  It comes near earth periodically.  They set up cities of Mars long b4 they came to earth.  When they came to earth they created or modified humans.  They used them to mine for gold.  They needed gold to to fix the atmosphere.  They taught civilization to Sumerians.

The Anunnaki was lead by Anu.  There were 2 factions.  One faction was led by Enki and the other faction was led by Enlil.  Enki helped humans while Enlil mistreated them.  Enki added their DNA to our genome. The people who weren't genetically modified became big foot.  

Zecheria Snitchin wrote several books about the Anunnaki.
Anunnaki means those who came from heaven to earth.
Anu: God of heaven.
Enlil: God of air.
Enki: God of freshwater, knowledge, and male fertility.
Ereshkigal: Goddess of the underworld.
Inanna: Goddess of sex, war, and female fertility.
Nanna: Moon god.                    
Uru: Sun god.
Archaeological Evidence
Michael Tellinger founded a prehistoric civilization in South Africa.  It is 200,000 years old!!!!!!!!! This civilization may be ingenious and/or created by Anunnaki.  If it was created by the Anunnaki it was for mining gold.
I've read governments have found Anunnaki Kings in stasis.  They are being murdered.  Credo Mutwa confirmed Sumerian mythology came from Africa.  He has great wisdom.
The Titans in Greek mythology maybe the Anunnaki.  Neteru represents natural forces, personified ideas, and deified ancestors.  I think the Elohim are the Canaanite version of the Anunnaki.  Angels are based on Neteru, Anunnaki, Amesha Spentas, Fravashis, and Yazatas.
The Anunnaki have a rich history and advanced technology.  They live on a planet built by their ancestors. They had a big influence humanity and they maybe our parents.  Played a big role in Sumerian mythology and there is some archaeological evidence of their presence.  You should learn more about them.      
Anunnaki vs Neteru
Neteru vs Anunnaki
Anunnaki Story
Anunnaki in the Flesh!!!!!!!!!!

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