

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Biogeometry is the study of the effects shapes have on our health. Sounds, color, and metals have an effect on us as well.  It was created in Kemet and reinvented by the French.  Dr. Ibrahim Karim learned about this and combined it with other ideas.  Then he applied and promoted it.  Biogeometry has many applications.
Negative Green: It is an energy given off by pyramids and domes.  On the color spectrum, it is the opposite of green.  It is not an electromagnetic wave and it has positive and negative qualities.  NG has 2 different waves.  Statues in Easter Island statues, tombs of Coptic Saints, and crop circles give off the negative green.  NG is created at a crossroad (a place where 2 things meet). NG penetrates all matter and it is able to carry any type of physical or spiritual information over long distances.

Horizontal Wave: This is the positive aspect of NG.  It is good for humans and dogs.  It is bad for cats, termites, and ants.

Vertical Wave: This is the negative aspect of NG.  It is bad for humans and dogs.  It is good for cats, ants, and termites.

Higher Harmonic of Ultraviolet: It is the energy of angels and it has a calming effect.  It helps our organs work better.

Higher Harmonic of Gold: This form of energy of wisdom and it strengthens our immune system.
Biosignatures: They are linear diagrams that heal by causing the energy to flow properly in specific organs. You put them in your pocket, look at them, and/or draw them on your body with your finger.     
Different shapes, tones, colors, and metals give off the same energy.

The people in the town of Switzerland had electrosensitivity because of cell phone towers. Biogeometry got rid of the problem.  People in another town in Switzerland had the same problem.  It was also fixed by BG. BG can be used for farming, telecommunications, architecture, vehicles, and can lessen the effects of radiation exposure.
Kemetians put BG in their architecture and used it on their mummies.  2 French researchers discovered 12 different energies of a circle and sphere.  They are like colors, but they are invisible. They are the ancestors of color.  Ibrahim Karim graduated from several colleges and met learned men that introduced him to BG. He used what he learned and expanded upon it. Then he released the information to the public.  
Biogeometry is amazing!!!!!!!!  I love the fact it originated in Kemet.  I like the fact it has many applications. I like the correspondences between metals, shapes, sounds, and colors. It's sweet it improves the environment, humans, animals, etc.  It is a good idea 4 you to learn more about it and apply it to your life. Biogeometry is the bridge between science and religion.
Intro to BG
Ibrahim Karim Interview
Ibrahim Seminar
Dr. Karim Special Topics

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