

Friday, August 5, 2016


You can think of Rosicrucians as Christian Freemasons, sort of.  They are a secret society that believe in Jesus Christ, maybe as a metaphor.  They have esoteric teachings.  They promote goodness and they love ancient Kemet.  They influenced the Freemasonry.  There are various Rosicrucian orders; and many famous people were Rosicrucians.
This cult was mentioned in Germany in the 17th century.  The legendary founder is Christian Rosenkreutz.    The order were created in the 19th century.  The Rosicrucians believe there order is based on Kemetic mystery schools.  Some believe it was started in Atlantis!  Some people believe Freemasonry grew out of Rosicrucianism.  The Rectified Scottish and Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites may come directly from the Rosicrucianism.
The Rosicrucians have a lot of symbols.  The rose cross is the most famous.  The cross represents the body and the rose represents the evolving consciousness.  They got a colorful cross that got pentagrams on it.  The heart is an important symbol.  You can see these symbols and many more on google images.
Secret Teaching
These organizations teach Christian mysticism, astrology, evolution, healing, psychic powers, mediation, and visualization.  Rosicrucians believe Jesus was an example of a perfect human.  They teach astrology, so members will know their destiny.  They believe humans will evolve spiritually over time.  Angels will aid in this evolution.  There are relaxation and breathing techniques that can heal the body.  There are exercises that can increase our sensory perception and psychic powers. Mediation is to consciously stop thinking and/or consecrate on an object.  Visualization is being able to see images in your mind.  This is good for attaining new skills and creating your future.  
Admiration for Kemet
Rosicrucianism started in Kemet 1500 BCE.  It was founded by Thutmose III.  Akhenaten promoted it's teaching.  This cult believed in one god.  There is a Kemetic museum in California created by Rosicrucians.  There are many Kemetic artifacts in this museum.  The Rosicrucians have over museums as well.
Some splinter groups
3 Masons who were also Rosicrucians started the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.  This was the greatest European magical organization!  Rudolf Steiner created The Anthroposophical Society.  He was influenced by Rosicrucian teaching.  There are many other splinter groups.
List of famous Rosicrucians
Francis Bacon: English polymath
Benjamin Franklin: US politician
Thomas Jefferson: 3rd US president
Thomas Paine: US polymath
H. Spencer Lewis: Us businessman
Dante Alighieri: Italian poet
Leonardo da Vinci: European polymath
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: European occultist
Paracelsus: European magician.  First known person to deal with elementals.
Heinrich Khunrath: European alchemist
Christopher Wren: Greatest English architect
Gottfried Leibniz: German genius
Fredrick Augustus II: King of Poland
Rene Descartes: European philosopher
Isaac Newton: 2nd person to discover gravity
Napoleon: French dictator
Paschal Beverly Randolph: US occultist, knew quit a bit about sex magic.
Walt Disney: Racist pedophile that created a theme park, movies, and cartoons for children.
Israel Regardie: Occultist and magician.  I think he was in the US maybe England.
These are just a few members there are many more.

This is a great cult!  There is so much you can learn from them.  Don't get caught in anything sinister.  There super sweet!


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