

Monday, August 15, 2016

Healer and Improver

Healthy Life Coach
I am a traditional naturopath 4 women only.  I heal women with my words, touch, movement, and imagination.  I use different therapies.  They are as followed: hypnotherapy, dance, Yoga, Tai Chi, massage, etc.  I give advice on natural medicine and boost their immune system; I also sell flower essences.  I can help women heal multidimensionally.
I'm a life coach 4 women only.  I will help women improve their lives in every way.  I'm a womanologist. That's why I am able to help women.  I use many modalities to help women improve themselves.  They are as followed: affirmations, breathing exercises, talk therapy, happiness enhancer, meditation, stress and anger reduction.

Any woman that need services can contact me by phone.  My services are for women any general. My standard rate is $100 an hour.  Sometimes prices fluctuate depending on several factors: socioeconomic status, various situations, etc.  There are birthday and holiday discounts.

Click Here!

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