

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


An entrepreneur is self-employed.  They created their own business and make $ from it.  It takes a lot to be an entrepreneur.  You must first have an idea; then you would have to be ambitious.  There will be obstacles and people that don't believe in you.  You can overcome any obstacle if you believe in yourself and take the proper actions.  No one has your vision, so a lot of people may speak against you.  Don't let that bother you. They only know your past.  They can't see your future because you haven't created it yet.  You create your own future, no matter what happened in the past.  You have to have good products and/or services to be profitable.
Elevator Pitch: You sum up your bizzness in 30 seconds.  You can think of it as a super short executive summary.  This is what you would tell someone you just met.  The elevator pitch is short and sweet.
Bizzness Plan
Your bizzness plan is the blueprint of your business.  It is a document that explains in detail the nutz & botz of your bizzness.  The bizzness plan consits of an excutive summary, misson statement, bizzness description, products/services, location, facilty, swot analysis, industry, competition, marketing, operations, professional support, and financial projection.

Executive Summary: It's the introduction.  It explains your bizzness in a few paragraphs.

Misson Statement: This is the main idea of your bizzness.  Example: My bizzness is about helping women improve their lives through healing and coaching.

Bizzness Description: In this section you write the name of the bizzness, it's location, list products/services, the type of cosutomers your company is geared towards, etc.

Products/Services: Explain in detain the products and or services your bizzness provides.  How much do they cost?

Location: This is the address of your bizzness.  Explain why selected this location.

Facility: This is the place you conduct your bizzness.  Usually in a building.  Explain why you chose this place.

Swot Analysis: Here you will explain your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.  Your strengths (what you're good at) and weaknesses (what you're bad at) is all about you.  Oppertunies (what you got that's better than your competition) and threats (what your competition have that you don't) deal with your competion.  Explain the swot in great detail.

Industry: Explain your industry and figure out if it's growing or shrinking.

Competition: Who are your opponents?  How can you defeat them in the marketplace?

Marketing: What do you do to turn potential customers into actual customers?  What is your target market?  How can you attract more customers?

Operations: How do you get the products to your customers?  How do you do your services?  How do you get paid?

Professional Support: You may need some professional services.  Examples: graphic design, accounting, filing, billing, etc.  You can't do everything, so get some help.

Financial Projections: How much $ will you made in a certain duration?
You will probably need some capital to start a bizzness.  You can get a loan, crowdfunding, angel investors, venture capitalists, grants, etc.  You can also ask people close to you for $.

Words of Wisdom
Remember to learn, inspire, delegate, automate, and celebrate.  Always be willing to learn something new. By doing so you will improve your bizzness and yourself.  This will increase revenue and wellbeing.  You should be an inspiration to people in your community.  Give certain tasks to employees or bizzness partners, so you won't have to do so much.  Make everything turn-key, so it will be simple.  Rejoice for your success.

Being an entraprenuer is a great idea!  It is one of the pillars of wealth.  The other 2 pillars are real estate and securities.  You get to set your own schedule.  It will also help you become a millioaire.  I am an entraprenuer.  Here is my site.


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