

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Chronology of Mexico

-1. 65 mya: The asteroid that killed the dinosaurs hit the Yucatan Peninsula.
0. The first civilization in Mexico was the Olmec (1200BCE-400BCE).  They were the first farmers in Mexico.  They were African and Asian.  The Olmec had a big impact on the Mayans, Toltecs, and Aztecs.  They had a written language that hasn't been deciphered yet.  They may have been related to Kemetians, Nubians, Mande and/or Chinese.  They cultivated rubber and built pyramids.  They played a ball game that was a combination of soccer and basketball.  Other American tribes played this game too.  The Epi-Olmec civilization is the daughter civilization of the Olmec.  They created a new writing system and a long-count calendar.
1. The Olmec civilization declined and other civilizations rose.  They were the Mayans, Toltec, Zapotec, Tarascan, and Aztec.  The Mayan civilization was very advanced.  They were good at math, astrology, pottery, writing, etc.  They had a big influence on Mexico and Central America.  They lived in stone cities they later abandoned; they also built pyramids.  There was a Kemetic priest named Maya.  He was Mayan. They traded corn 4 gold with West African sailors.  There are 70 Mayan languages and they are still spoken today.  An evil catholic priest burned up a lot of Mayan books.  The Mayans have been in Mexico for over 4,000 years!
2. Zapotec (Cloud People) civilization started around 500 BCE.  They were great engineers.  They believed their deities controlled the rain and fertility.  They even worshiped a bat god!  They traded a lot with the Olmec.  The Zapotec calendar had 260 days.  Teotihuacan became the trading center of Mexico in 100BCE.  The Zapotec may have made up the majority of the people in the city.
3. In 900 CE the Toltecs burned down Teotihuacan.  After that, they conquered various states and formed an empire.  They created a serpent cult.  Members of this cult worshiped a god named Quetzalcoatl (Feathered Serpent).  Quetzalcoatl maybe based on Kukulcan.  The serpent god predates them, but they made him popular.  They were great builders.  They created a beautiful capital city called Tollan, it has 2 pyramids.  The Toltec military had 3 military units.  They are the coyote, jaguar, and eagle.  They practiced a lot of human sacrifices.  They remind me of the Hyksos.
4. The Aztecs loved and copied the Toltecs.  Aztec rulers (Mexica) claimed descent from the Toltecs.  They looted the Toltec capital.  The Aztec capital was Teotihuacan.  The Aztecs ruled most of Mexico for over a century!!!  They defeated every tribe/nation except Tarascan.  I met a woman from this tribe.  She is a great person!  The Aztecs were culture imperialists.  They imposed their culture on the people they conquered.  They worshiped an eagle god, Tlaloc, Quetzalcoatl, and many other deities.  They were great craftsmen and stonemasons.  They sacrificed people from other tribes often.
5. The Tarascan were never conquered by the Aztec; partially because they had metal weapons.  Sometimes they traded with the Aztecs.  Tarascan civilization started in 150 BCE.  Tarascan people lived in 90 cities. They were great traders like the Phoenicians.  They believed the universe had 3 parts.  The sky, earth, and the underworld.  Their calendar had 18 months and each month was 20 days.  They created circular stepped pyramids called yacata.                                                
6. The Spanish were able to defeat the Aztecs with the help from other tribes.  Hernan Cortez was the leader of the conquistadors.They burned Aztec books because he thought the devil wrote them.  The conquistadors were so dumb.  Some Aztecs may have thought the conquistadors were gods.  Eventually, they converted to Catholicism.  The Spanish brought over 200,000 enslaved Africans to Mexico.  They contributed a lot to Mexican culture.  They are neglected.  My ancestors are Africans and Americans.  Both groups of my ancestors lived in the southeast US.  I'm a child of the sun and the soil!!!!!!!!!!   Africans and Americans dance in my blood stream!!!!!!!!!!!
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Fall of Mayans & Aztec
Maya Kemetic
Moors in America

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