

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Ninjutsu was created in 12th century CE.  It consists of 18 skills.  It involves many different weapons   It is more than martial arts, it's a way of life.  They fought and worked for the samurai.  They did a lot of spying and assassination. People thought they were magical.  This was because they knew a lot about the human mind.  They knew how to manipulate people senses.        
Ninjutsu was created as a way for commoners to against samurai.  It was created Iga and Koga.  The ninjas weren't bound by the code of Bushido; so they were very creative.  The samurai stab in the front, the ninja stab in the back.  They have many techniques.
18 Skills
  1. Bōjutsu – stick and staff techniques
  2. Bōryaku – tactics
  3. Hensōjutsu – disguise and impersonation
  4. Intonjutsu – escaping and concealment
  5. Kenjutsu – sword techniques
  6. Kusarigamajutsu – kusarigama (chain-sickle) techniques
  7. Naginatajutsu – naginata (polearm) techniques
  8. Seishinteki kyōyō – spiritual refinement
  9. Shinobi-iri – stealth and infiltration
  10. Shurikenjutsu – throwing weapons techniques
  11. Sōjutsu – spear techniques
  12. Sui-ren – water training
  13. Taijutsu – unarmed combat
"Composite and articulated weapons
  • Kusarigama - kama linked to a weight, either by a long rope or chain.
  • Kyoketsu-shoge - hooked rope-dart, featuring a metal ring on the opposite end.
  •  - 3' (Han Bō), 4', 5' (Jō) and 6' (Rokushakubō) wooden pole techniques.
  • Kusari-fundo, also known as manriki or manriki-gusari - a chain and weight weapon.
Fistload weapons
  • Kakute - rings resembling modern wedding bands with concealed, often poison-tipped spines, typically worn by kunoichi and enabling ninja to quietly strangle enemies with the pointed ends against the neck or throat.
  • Shobo - a jabbing or piercing weapon, similar in shape to kubotan and yawara, but often featuring a center grip ring.
  • Shuriken - various small hand held weapons including throwing stars, darts and blades that could be used to stab, slash or they could be thrown.
  • Kubotan - or "hand stick". Used mainly for pressure points, subduing opponents.
  • Tekko - an earlier version of brass knuckles.
  • Tessen - a folding fan with an iron frame. It could be used to club or cut and slash the enemy.
  • Jitte - A weapon similar to the sai.
Modified tool weapons
  • Kunai - multi-purpose tool.
  • Shikoro - used as a tool for opening doors and stabbing or slashing.
Projectile weapons
  • Fukiya - Japanese blowgun, typically firing poison darts.
  • Makibishi/tetsubishi - the Japanese type of caltrop.
  • Shuriken - various small hand held weapons including throwing stars, darts and blades that could be used to stab, slash or thrown at the enemy.
  • Yumi and Ya - traditional Japanese bow and arrow.
  • Bo-hiya - fire arrow.
  • Tekagi-shuko and Neko-te - hand "claw" weapons.
  • Chakrams - disk like projectiles like boomerangs.
Staffs and polearms
  • Hanbō, and Tambō - various sized staff weapons.
  • Yari - traditional Japanese spear that's similar to the naginata.
  • Nagamaki - pole arm with roughly equal length blade and handle.
  • Naginata - traditional Japanese pole-arm used by women and samurai.
  • Katana - a long curved and single-edged sword, more commonly used by samurai or ninja who disguised themselves as a samurai.
  • Wakizashi - a short sword that can be hidden on the ninja's body, also a backup weapon.
  • Ninjatō - an edged weapon used by ninja as swords. Ninjato can be stolen katana from samurai or forged by ninja themselves with varying lengths. There's some doubt as to whether or not ninja actually used such swords.
  • Tantō - dagger.
  • Kaiken - Similar to the tantō.
  • Bokken - traditional wooden sword used in Japanese martial arts typically modeled off of katanas.
  • Shinai - bamboo sword used in kendo.
Stealth tools
Death Touch- They put poison on their fingertips and touch someone.  The poison went to the bloodstream.  
Memory Implant- They would put false memories into their enemies mind.  
Lie Detector- They knew if someone was lying by looking at their and listening to the tone of voice.  
Hand Signs and Code Words
Breathing Exercises
Tamieshiwara- Chi punch
Dragon Claw: Ripping something apart with ur barehanded.
Sleight of Hand
Ninpo is my favorite martial art.  It is so amazing!!!!!!!!!!  It is full of techniques, weapons, and skills.  It is so heavy.  Get into it.    


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