

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Credo Mutwa

Credo Mutwa is a great man that has a lot of knowledge.  He had a ruff life.  He became a sangoma (shaman) as a young adult.  He created cultural villages that showcase the South African tribes culture.  He also wrote many books.  He was born the same year as my grandma.

Early Life
He was born out of wedlock.  His mother was despised and mistreated because of that.  He was raised by his catholic father.  His grandfather introduced him to shamanism after he became very ill.  Sometimes a serious illness is a sign to become a shaman.

There is a male universe and female universe.  We live in the female one.  Humans in the past were superior to us  today.  A lot of what people invented in recent years was invented 1,000s of years ago.  Knowledge and be transferred by the eyes.  He predicted aids in South Africa.  One of his statues had an STD that had the same symptom of HIV b4 anyone knew about HIV!  He made other predictions that came somewhat true.  He knows a lot about aliens; he talked about reptoids in an interview with David Icke.  He wrote about different alien species in Zulu Shaman.  Grays abduct people in Africa just like they do in the United States. He discovered Sumerian mythology is created in Africa and the Kemetic civilization started in South Africa. He knows a lot of different myths and legends.  He knows an amazing creation story which is in Indaba My Children.   Zulus knew about spacetime.  The have the same word for both space and time.  They have stories about time travel.  He had the Necklace of the Mysteries.  It explains 12 different stories.  The necklace is about humans and aliens.  Every person has two spirits.  They are like yin and yang.  You need both to exist.

His first book was Indaba My Children.  It is about Bantu mythology and history.  This book is amazing!!!!!!!!  His second book is Zulu Shaman.  It's about Zulu shamanism, alien species, mythology, and traditions.  He wrote a book called Song of the Stars.  It is about myths, dreams, and prophecies.  He wrote many other books.

His cultural villages were burned down in the 70's and 80's.  He created another cultural village in another city.  He was kidnapped by aliens and taken to cave.  A big fat pink alien raped him and some metal was stuck in his thigh.  That metal causes metal detectors to go off.  His son was killed and it is a conspiracy.  I think his wife was killed because he had an interview with David Icke.  The Necklace of the Mysteries was stolen by someone.  They may have been by an alien-human hybrid.

He is a great sangoma!  He is very peaceful and loves to help people.  He is a great author of many books. He knows more than most people.  He had many life changing experiences and he is a great teacher!!!!  He is one of my favorite people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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