

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


They live in Kenya and Tanzania.  They are nomadic cattle herder.  They are fearsome warriors.  They are Nilotic people, they mixed a lot with Cushites.  They learned a lot from the Cushites.  They are patriarchal and elder men make decisions for the tribe.
They use to live in Kemet, but they decide to travel south in the 1500's.  Other tribes were created when they mixed with Cushites.  They were cattle stealers.  Women make the huts for people to live in.
They speak a Maa language.  Maa languages are a part of the Nilo-Saharan language family.  There are 9 vowels in the language.  There word order is verb-subject-object.
They don't use musical instruments often.  They like to sing when it rains, during circumcision, and marriage. They do the Adumu dance to see who is the strongest warrior.  They jump up and down.  
They believe in a creator deity named Ngai.  They believe everyone has a guardian angel.  The angel takes people to heaven or hell after they die.  Heaven is a land full of grass wth many cattle.  Hell is the desert. Your behavior determines if you go to heaven or hell.  They believe cows came from a fig tree.  The first warrior was given a chant by the creator to bring people back to life after they die.  He didn't use it until his son died.  Because of his selfishness no can live forever.  They have spiritual leaders called Laiboni.  They lead rituals, divine, and they are medicine men.
They have a rite of passage for every major stage in a man's life.  Young men have to do the Adumu dance as an initiation to warriorhood. I think when a male is circumcised he becomes a man in Massai society. The Massai hold strong to their traditions.  They should be admired.
The Maasai seem older than the other tribes I wrote about.  I think they're more ancient.  I like their bravery and their stubbornness to let go of their traditions.  They have a long history, religion, and many customs. They are a very interesting people.          

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